Academic Calendar
Fall Semester 2022
Registration |
Monday |
August 29 |
Registration |
Tuesday |
August 30 |
Opening Day |
Wednesday |
August 31 |
Run/Cancel |
Thursday |
September 1 |
Labor Day (holiday) |
Monday |
September 5 |
Instruction Begins |
Tuesday |
September 6 |
Last Day to Add/Drop |
Monday |
September 12 |
Mid-Term Grades Due |
Friday |
October 28 |
Veterans’ Day (holiday) |
Friday |
November 11 |
Last Day to Withdraw |
Wednesday |
November 16 |
Thanksgiving Recess |
Wednesday - Saturday |
November 23-26 |
Classes Resume |
Monday |
November 28 |
(Follow Friday Schedule) |
Tuesday |
December 20 |
Semester Ends |
Friday |
December 23 |
*Grades Due |
Friday |
December 30 |
*Tuesday, December 20th follows a Friday schedule due to Veterans Day Holiday
**Due to the time constraints of the schedule, it is imperative that faculty meet contractual obligations and submit final grades as scheduled.
NOTE: Schedule will be reexamined if the schedule of Erie County holidays is revised.
Winter Intersession 2022-2023
Nine Instructional Days + One (1) Snow Day
Instruction Begins |
Tuesday |
December 27 |
New Year’s Day (holiday) |
Monday |
January 2 |
Instruction Ends |
Monday |
January 9 |
Nine Days of Instruction: December 27, 28, 29, 30 January 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Snow Day: Tuesday, January 10
Spring Semester 2023
Registration |
Monday |
January 9 |
Registration |
Tuesday |
January 10 |
Opening Day |
Wednesday |
January 11 |
Run/Cancel |
Thursday |
January 12 |
Martin Luther King (holiday) |
Monday |
January 16 |
Instruction Begins |
Tuesday |
January 17 |
Last Day to Add/Drop |
Monday |
January 23 |
Presidents’ Day Recess |
Monday-Saturday |
February 20-25 |
Classes Resume |
Monday |
February 27 |
Midterm Grades Due |
Friday |
March 17 |
College Day (no classes) |
Friday |
March 24 |
April Break |
Monday-Saturday |
April 3-8 |
Classes Resume |
Monday |
April 10 |
Last Day to Withdraw |
Friday |
April 14 |
Semester Ends |
Monday |
May 15 |
Spring Commencement |
Wednesday |
May 17 |
*Grades Due |
Tuesday |
May 23 |
**Due to the time constraints of the schedule, it is imperative that faculty meet contractual obligations and submit final grades as scheduled.
NOTE: Schedule will be reexamined if the schedule of Erie County holidays is revised.
Summer Sessions 2023
Summer Session 1: May 22 - June 29
Instruction Begins |
Monday |
May 22 |
Memorial Day (No Classes) |
Monday |
May 29 |
Instruction Ends |
Thursday |
June 29 |
Summer Session II 2023: July 3 - August 10
Instruction Begins |
Monday |
July 3 |
July 4th (no classes) |
Tuesday |
July 4 |
Instruction Ends |
Thursday |
August 10 |
2022 Advisement Dates for Department Chairs only: 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20, Advisement
Wednesday, August 10, Advisement
Under existing State law (Education Law 224-a), campuses are required to excuse, without penalty, students absent from class because of religious beliefs and to provide equivalent opportunity to students to make up study or work requirements missed because of such absences.
Note: The college reserves the right, at any time, to make changes deemed advisable in the calendar, regulations, tuition and fees, and to add, modify, or cancel any course or program as necessary. Information in this edition of the Erie Community College catalog is accurate as of March 1, 2012. The work presented herein is pursuant to the policies of the Board of Trustees of Erie Community College. Erie Community College is under sponsorship of Erie County and supervision of the State University of New York. The College Catalog is published by Erie Community College and prepared by the Public Relations Department.
General Education Requirements
SUNY General Education Student Learning Outcomes
The SUNY Board of Trustees has established mandatory General Education Requirements consisting of designated knowledge and skill areas for all SUNY Institutions. Erie Community College is committed to ensuring that its graduates, with Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Sciences (AS) degrees, will have satisfied a minimum of seven categories of the General Knowledge Areas requirement and completed a total of 30 credits in SUNY General Education. Of the seven categories, Basic Communication and Mathematics are required. The remaining five categories are at the discretion of the student, but may be determined by the student’s academic program requirements. The Critical Thinking and Information Management competencies are also required and are typically infused into program coursework.
SUNY has committed itself to student transfer mobility by mandating a seamless education pipeline to degree attainment throughout the SUNY system. Graduates of two-year colleges within SUNY with an AA or AS degree when accepted in parallel programs at baccalaureate campuses of the university, shall be accorded with full junior status and be given the opportunity to complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree within four additional semesters of full-time work. Furthermore, graduates of two-year colleges within SUNY, when accepted with junior status within parallel programs at baccalaureate campuses of the university, shall be granted full credit for General Education courses and not be required to repeat successfully completed courses with similar content.
Community college students who have not completed the General Education Requirements in two years are eligible to transfer to a four-year SUNY college or university. However, they are required to fulfill General Education Requirements while at the four-year school. Students are advised to complete this fulfillment at the community college level to make room for academic major requirements at the four-year level. In addition to fulfillment of seven out of the ten categories, full compliance with the SUNY General Education Requirement entails taking 30 credits in General Education.
Following is the listing of knowledge and skills areas and related SUNY Erie course offerings which have been approved by the State University of New York. The competencies include Critical Thinking and Information Management. This list of courses is edited on a semester basis and also appears in each semester’s publication of the course schedule.
Note: Associate of Arts (A.A.) and Associate of Science (A.S.) programs require completion of the SUNY General Education Requirement as a condition for graduation.
I. Knowledge and Skills Areas
Outcomes: - Interpret and draw inferences from mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, tables and schematics - Represent mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically and verbally - Employ quantitative methods such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or statistics to solve problems - Estimate and check mathematical results - Recognize the limits of mathematical and statistical methods
Natural Science
Outcomes: - Understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence and employment of mathematical analysis - Application of scientific data, concepts and models in one of the natural sciences Social Sciences
Outcomes: - Understanding of the methods social scientists use to explore social phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence and employment of mathematical and interpretive analysis - Knowledge of major concepts, models and issues of at least one discipline in the social sciences American History
Outcomes: - Knowledge of a basic narrative of American history: political, economic, social and cultural, including knowledge of unity and diversity in American society - Knowledge of common institutions in American society and how they have affected different groups - Understanding of America’s evolving relationship with rest of world Western Civilization
Outcomes: - Knowledge of the development of the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc. of Western civilization - Relate the development of Western civilization to that of other regions of the world Other World Civilizations
Outcomes: - Knowledge of either a broad outline of world history, or the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc. of one non-Western civilization Humanities
Outcomes: - Knowledge of the conventions and methods of at least one of the humanities in addition to those encompassed by other knowledge areas required by the General Education program The Arts
Outcomes: - Understanding of at least one principal form of artistic expression and the creative process inherent therein Foreign Language
Outcomes: - Basic proficiency in the understanding and use of a foreign language - Knowledge of the distinctive features of culture(s) associated with the language they are studying Basic Communication
Outcomes: - Produce coherent texts within common college-level written forms - Demonstrate the ability to revise and improve such texts - Research a topic, develop an argument and organize supporting details - Develop proficiency in oral discourse - Evaluate an oral presentation according to established criteria II. Competencies
Critical Thinking - Identify, analyze and evaluate arguments as they occur in their own or others’ work - Develop well-reasoned arguments. Information Management - Perform the basic operations of personal computer use - Understand and use basic research techniques - Locate, evaluate and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
SUNY Erie Institutional Learning Outcomes
SUNY Erie Community College’s mission includes providing a general education to all students, in addition to a specific education aimed at an individual field of study or career. The SUNY Erie Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) are the college’s commitment to the goals of general education and are applicable to all students matriculated in a two-year degree.
The General Education Curriculum at SUNY ECC has been developed to help students acquire the desired competencies and the breadth of knowledge in Liberal Arts to help students succeed in both future academic endeavors and employment. Graduates of SUNY Erie will complete these general education competencies by fully satisfying the applicable SUNY Erie ILOs and SUNY General Education Requirements within their degree program. These general education competencies align with the standards set by New York State Department of Education, State University of New York system and Middle States Commission of Higher Education.
The eight ILOs include:
- Communication: “Demonstrate the ability to compose, in both oral and written form, a coherent, effective and grammatically correct text that is appropriate for the circumstance and audience.”
- Critical Analysis and Reasoning: “Identify, evaluate, and develop well-reasoned arguments as they occur in each discipline.”
- Information Literacy: “Demonstrate the ability to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use the information effectively.”
- Scientific Reasoning: “Effectively collect data in order to evaluate relationships between observed phenomena and the logical consequences.”
- Quantitative Reasoning: “Demonstrate the ability to employ quantitative methods such as, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or statistics to solve problems as well as interpret and draw inferences from these mathematical models.”
- Technological Competence: “Demonstrate the use of discipline specific technology to solve problems, achieve a goal or perform a specific function.”
- Ethics & Values: “Demonstrate a critical examination of values and moral principles.”
- Global Perspectives: “Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of various perspectives of people in local and global contexts.”
Developmental Education Vision Statement
It is SUNY Erie’s vision to be recognized as a college which fosters the development of under-prepared students and assists them in becoming successful life-long learners.
Upon completion of SUNY Erie’s Developmental Education Program, students will be able to:
- demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, computation, speaking and in basic study skills in order to be successful in credit-bearing course work. Proficiency in these basic skills is consistent with further development of the general education competencies in credit-bearing courses;
- identify personal, educational and career goals;
- see themselves as active and successful learners, both within and beyond this institution and utilize their personal learning preferences;
- solve problems, adapt to change and negotiate the college system; and
- use the college support services effectively.
By achieving these developmental education objectives, students will develop effective approaches to learning and enhance their self-images.
The faculty will make every effort to:
- provide a positive learning environment that encourages human development and enhances students’ self-esteem;
- provide alternative instructional techniques to accommodate different ways of learning and respect diversity;
- set personal and professional goals and engage in professional development consistent with the developmental education objectives;
- know their own learning and teaching styles;
- reinforce the basic skills competencies in their coursework;
- maintain high performance expectations of students;
- participate in out-of-classroom learning, mentoring and advising activities;
- actively promote college support services through referral and direct involvement; and
- assess the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
Developmental education is a critical component of the college’s mission. The college will provide adequate resources to maximize the potential of under-prepared students in their pursuit of academic progress. The college will also provide resources for faculty development in teaching diverse student populations.
We see SUNY Erie as a college where under-prepared students achieve personal growth and academic success within–and supported by–a learning community dedicated to life-long learning.
Developmental Coursework
Developmental coursework in Mathematics and English should be completed by the time a matriculated student has earned 30 credit hours. Developmental coursework provides the foundation to be successful in courses necessary for degree completion.
Academic Advisement
SUNY Erie Community College believes that academic advisement is a major element of student success. An effective advisement program provides students a forum in which students, in concert with a faculty member, can begin to connect their own academic aptitude with their own educational goals.
At SUNY Erie Community College, academic advising is the catalyst for students to achieve their academic potential, objectives and, ultimately, to be life-long learners and successful citizens. Maintaining the highest professional standards, advisers will ensure all students are given the opportunity to connect the advisement process of learning, reflection and academic goal setting to their overall college experience.
The adviser has the responsibility to possess accurate information and to assist students in their efforts to make informed academic decisions. To be successful, the individual student in pursuit of his or her educational goals must take advantage of the opportunities to meet with an adviser and must take responsibility for meeting the specific academic requirements of the college.
All first-time, full-time, matriculating students must receive academic advisement prior to registering.
Academic Freedom
It is the policy of the College to maintain and encourage Academic Freedom, within the law, of inquiry, teaching and research. A full statement detailing SUNY Erie’s Academic Freedom Policy can be found in the SUNY Erie Board of Trustees Policy Manual:
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend class regularly in every course for which they have registered. Attendance regulations for specific courses are established by the course instructor, announced and distributed in writing at the beginning of the semester, and may have a bearing on the student’s grade. Additional requirements are found in individual course syllabi. Students are obligated to contact their instructors if they are unable to attend class during the first week. Students not attending class during the first week may be dropped from the class by the instructor.
Absences from Class
Students who anticipate an absence should contact the appropriate instructor(s) in advance. In the case of an unexpected absence, students should speak to the instructor(s) as soon as they return to campus or during their absence. Of course, in either case, the student is responsible for all material covered. As required by law, instructors are responsible for keeping accurate attendance records.
Absences Due to Religious Observances
No student will be penalized for missing classes and/or examinations due to the observance of a religious holiday, as prescribed by Section 224 of the State Education Law.
Grading System
The grading system which is utilized by faculty and computed in a student’s quality grade point average (GPA) is described as follows:
Grade Definition
Quality Pts. Per
Cr. Hrs.
A |
Outstanding Achievement |
4.00 |
A- |
3.67 |
B+ |
3.33 |
B |
Above Average Achievement |
3.00 |
B- |
2.67 |
C+ |
2.33 |
C |
Average Achievement |
2.00 |
C- |
1.67 |
D+ |
1.33 |
D |
Below Average Achievement |
1.00 |
D- |
.67 |
F |
Unsatisfactory Achievement/or Unsatisfactory Attendance, Cheating or Plagiarism * |
0 |
P |
Pass |
- |
I |
Incomplete** |
- |
Z |
Audit |
- |
W |
Official Withdrawal |
- |
Transfer Credit
CC |
External Transfer: 2 year |
- |
CU |
External Transfer: 4 year |
- |
HS |
High School |
- |
AP |
Advanced Placement |
- |
LP |
Life Experience Assessment Program |
- |
CL |
College Level Examination Program |
- |
AS |
Armed Services |
- |
IN |
Internship Credit |
- |
* A final grade of F will be issued for cheating or plagiarism. No other grade will be given.
**Must be completed in one year or it will change to F.
P (Pass/Fail) - A student may take up to four courses (not in the major field of study) on a pass/fail basis through written agreement with the instructor within the first month of the semester. If passed, the course will be credited toward fulfillment of the degree requirements, if appropriate, but will not contribute to the quality point average. NOTE: Many four-year institutions will not transfer credit for courses taken on a pass/fail basis.
I (Incomplete) - Instructors may give an incomplete grade to a student who has completed at least three quarters of the required work for a course but, because of a personal emergency, finds it impossible to finish the coursework within the usual time frame. To receive an “I” grade, the student must sign a contract, prepared by the instructor, outlining the coursework to be undertaken and the time frame for completion. A copy of the contract must accompany the instructor’s grade report. Upon satisfactory completion of the course requirements, the faculty member will submit a change of grade form. In no case may the grade be changed to a “W.” If the student has not completed the contract within the one-year time limit, the grade automatically becomes an “F”.
CR (Credit) -When a student has been awarded credit by virtue of advanced placement courses, transfer courses, departmental examinations, life experiences or non-collegiate education, the credits will carry a CR notation on the official transcript and will not be computed in a student’s GPA.
Z (Audit) - A student may register to audit a course with the permission of the instructor, provided there is room in the class. The audit privilege permits the student to attend class and to do the assignments. However, the student may not take examinations or have work evaluated.
NOTE: Regular tuition is charged for audit privileges; performance courses are generally not available for audit; during the first month of classes, students must inform the instructor that they are auditing the class; and the course that is audited will not be calculated in the total number of hours considered for TAP purposes.
W (Withdrawal) - Students may officially withdraw from a course without academic penalty if they do so before the Last Day to Withdraw, as noted in the Academic Calendar of this catalog. A full-time student who withdraws from all registered courses will be considered withdrawn from the college. A student who withdraws from several courses and fails to satisfactorily complete a minimum of six credit hours in a given semester will be placed on academic probation. (For further information, see the Dismissal and Probation Policies section).
Unit of Academic Credit
In general, one credit (one-semester hour) represents the equivalent of one hour of lecture or recitation or two hours of laboratory work each week for a fifteen-week semester.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Academic standing is based on the cumulative grade point average (GPA), a mathematical calculation determined by dividing the total quality points earned by the number of semester (credit) hours attempted.
To arrive at the quality points earned in a particular semester, the letter grades earned for each course are translated into numerical equivalents (See Grading System explanation) which are then multiplied by the number of credit hours assigned a particular course. For example, if a student takes four, three-hour courses (12 credit hours for a particular semester) and receives one A, two B’s and a C, this translates into 36 quality points to be divided by the 12 credit hours. The resulting GPA would be 3.0, an above average achievement. The cumulative GPA is derived by dividing the total number of course semester hours taken while at the college into the total number of quality points earned for those courses.
Dean’s List (Academic Achievement)
The Dean’s List recognizes all matriculated students who have completed a full-time course of study (12 degree credit hours) for the semester and part-time students upon accumulation of credits in units of 15; for example 15, 30, 45 and 60, and who have achieved a GPA of at least 3.5. Students who received a grade of “F” or “I” in any course are not eligible for the Dean’s List.
Academic Standing and Financial Aid
Only students in good academic standing are eligible for financial aid. Students who receive financial aid should carefully review the financial aid section of this catalog for specific academic progress requirements of state and/or federal aid. NOTE: “F” and “W” grades are both indicators of questionable academic progress. All students, particularly those using financial aid, should consult the Student Support Student Center or the Financial Aid Office before deciding whether to withdraw from a course they are in danger of failing.
Good Academic Standing
The term “in good academic standing” means that a student, having met minimum academic standards, is eligible to remain matriculated and to pursue academic coursework toward a degree.
Honors Program: Academic Excellence in Action
SUNY Erie offers an Honors Program to students of high academic ability with a commitment to enriching their education.
The mission of SUNY Erie’s Honors Program is to challenge academically talented students, providing them with an enriched Liberal Arts education in order to nurture learning, build character and promote leadership, ensuring that their undergraduate opportunity is an educationally rewarding experience.
To graduate with recognition from the Honors Program, students must complete at least three Honors courses and a capstone experience. Students will select three Honors-designated courses, with the option to take one Honors course in the student’s major area of study. The capstone experience may be an Honors Capstone Seminar course which focuses on the development of critical thinking skills, or an Honors capstone component added to an already existing class.
Some benefits of the program include: small Honors classes, working with peers who share an enthusiasm for learning, an opportunity to apply for a variety of scholarships and awards, publication and presentation opportunities, and undergraduate research opportunities.
Students may apply to the SUNY Erie Honors Program at the time of their application to the college. Students may also apply to the program in subsequent semesters. Although the high school record is strongly considered in admitting students to the program, it is not the only consideration. Those students with the ability and a keen interest in education are also encouraged to apply. Final screening is done through the college placement test and a personal interview with the Honors Coordinator. Once accepted into the program, all Honors students must maintain at least a 3.25 GPA.
The Honors Program is open to both full and part-time students in any degree program. Additional information can be obtained from the Honors Coordinator at (716) 851-1616.
NOTE: Interdisciplinary and other unique courses may be offered as Special Topics courses through various departments. Other Honors courses will be offered as reserved sections of existing courses. These course offerings will vary each semester.
Graduation with Distinction
Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher at the time of graduation will be awarded a degree “With High Distinction.” Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 to 3.49 will be awarded a degree “With Distinction.”
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Every student is required to remain in good academic standing to continue coursework as a matriculated student at SUNY Erie. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative quality point average (QPA) to maintain acceptable academic standing. Students who fail to maintain a minimum QPA are subject to Academic Probation and/or Dismissal.
The standards for probationary status are illustrated in the chart below. A student who falls below the relevant threshold is placed on probation. Probation is an academic standing which informs a student that they are not meeting minimal standards but are still eligible to remain matriculated and pursue academic coursework toward a degree.
Students on probation may have registration restrictions and must meet with academic advisers to jointly develop a student academic success plan which identifies next steps and ramifications of non-compliance. This plan will be created using SUNY Erie’s early intervention processes and tools.
Credit Hours Completed |
9-24 |
less than 1.5 |
25-47 |
less than 1.75 |
48-96 |
less than 2.0 |
Any student on probation for two consecutive semesters, whose QPA is still below the required threshold will be dismissed. Dismissed is an academic standing which means a student is no longer matriculated. Students who are dismissed may continue pursuing course work as a non-matriculated student. Students may be able to appeal their dismissal.
Students dismissed following the Spring 2019 semester or after must wait a full calendar year from the time of their dismissal before appealing to return as a matriculated student. They must also complete 6 hours of coursework at SUNY Erie or elsewhere, earning a semester GPA of 2.5 in that coursework.
Students who were dismissed and are eventually reinstated must meet any new curricula requirements in effect at the date of their reinstatement. Once students have been reinstated, they will receive a letter of this change of status.
Grade Changes
Once a grade has been reported to the Registrar’s Office, it can be changed only if an error has been made in computation or in recording. In such cases, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade form, signed by the department chair/academic dean and forwarded to the Registrar’s Office within two years after the original grade had been submitted.
Grade Reports
Final grades are available to students five days after the end of the semester on Workday. Final grades are not mailed to students.
Satisfactory Progress
To maintain satisfactory progress, full-time students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester and part-time students must complete all courses for which they have registered. Further, students must have a 2.0 grade point average (GPA), must fulfill department requirements and must not accumulate excessive course withdrawals or incompletes. Questions about satisfactory progress toward a degree may be directed to the student’s academic adviser or financial aid officer.
If a problem occurs, the burden of proof rests with the student, not the college. The student must be able to produce a document to verify his/her version of the situation.
Here are some of the items that a student should save electronically in a folder for future reference:
- letter of acceptance to the college;
- placement test results or waivers;
- student copy of drop/add forms or withdrawal forms;
- bills and schedules of classes;
- course syllabi; and
- grade reports and unofficial transcripts.
Cancellation of Courses
SUNY Erie reserves the right to perform the following: cancel any course section in which the number of students is deemed insufficient or for which an instructor is not available; set limits on the number of students who will be allowed to enroll in any course or section; or cancel courses based on insufficient college budget funding. In the case of a course’s cancellation, all tuition and fees paid for such course will be refunded, or those students who have been affected by course cancellations will be allowed to register in another course or section without additional cost.
Course Prerequisites
A prerequisite course is one that prepares a student for advanced courses in a chosen field. When a prerequisite is required, that information will be noted in the course listing in this catalog or on the schedule of courses. In some cases, a prerequisite may be waived by an instructor, so when there is a question regarding a requirement, the student should speak to the instructor who will be teaching the course.
Program Change
Students who want to change curriculum should consult their faculty adviser and the department chair of the curriculum they wish to enter. The student must then file a program change form in the campus Admissions Office. Approval of the transfer will depend on several factors, including space availability and academic qualifications. Students’ applications for program change will be given the same consideration as all other applicants. Following a change in curriculum, those courses, grades and credit hours specific to the former curriculum, and applicable to the new curriculum as unrestricted electives, can be included in calculating the new cumulative grade point average. Please note that all courses for which a student registers will appear on the transcript. A student may have this rule applied to only one change of curriculum which occurs within the first 36 credit hours attempted at the college.
Associate Degree Requirements Summary
A degree candidate must meet the following requirements:
- formally admitted to the college as a matriculated student;
- earned satisfactory completion of academic courses as indicated in the degree program of matriculation;
- students who intend to receive a degree or certificate must successfully complete at least 50% of the required credits for their academic program at SUNY Erie Community College;
- students must meet the necessary General Education competencies. The College will certify that graduates complete these general education competencies by fully satisfying the SUNY Erie Institutional Learning Outcomes and applicable SUNY General Education Requirements within their degree program;
- earned GPA of 2.0 or above;
- met all financial obligations to the college and return all library materials borrowed; and
- filed a graduation application form in the Registrar’s Office.
Second Degrees
Consistent with the policy of the State Education Department, a student can earn a double degree upon completion of the following qualifications:
- all of the requirements for both degrees have been earned. All General Education courses from the previous degree may be applied to the additional degree;
- successful completion of requirements for the two degrees requires a minimum of 15 credits of study in addition to the number needed for one degree. No more than two degrees will be awarded at any one time. Two degrees will be awarded concurrently only if the discipline areas are separate and distinct as delineated by different HEGIS codes; and
- a student interested in earning a second degree should contact the Admissions Office for an application for admission as a second degree candidate. The advantage for obtaining a second degree should be explored with a counselor in the Admissions Office or with a faculty adviser.
Transfer Credit
Students transferring to SUNY Erie Community College may receive credit for courses taken at accredited institutions. Students may also receive credits from prior learning experiences as outlined in the college catalog. An official transcript must be received by the SUNY Erie Admissions office before credit can be evaluated.
SUNY Erie has established a set of general standards to determine what credits from other institutions will be accepted on a students’ transcript. Academic units may use discretion as to which transfer credits they will apply to their degree programs. If the standard is different for a specific program it will be published in the college catalog.
- transfer credit is not computed in a student’s cumulative grade point average at SUNY Erie
- transfer credit is only awarded to matriculated students and those seeking reverse transfer
- transfer credit cannot be used to acquire or maintain full time status
- transfer credits may be used to satisfy the academic requirements for the Excelsior program for New York State residents
- transfer or prior learning credits do not count toward the 30-credit hour residence requirement
- no course with a grade below a C- will be transferred to SUNY Erie. Courses with Pass/Fail grades will not be transferred; academic units may require courses with a grade higher than a C- to be applied to their programs
- there is no expiration on courses that will transfer into the college which allows students to transfer in courses from any point in their educational history; academic units may use discretion on the expiration of courses that can be applied to a specific program
- courses will be considered for transfer based on content and with no regard for variables such as mode of course delivery, term offered, or location
- courses that have not been established as part of the SUNY Erie Transfer Matrix or as part of SUNY Transfer Mobility are to be evaluated by the Department Chair(s) of the related discipline for the course being considered. A single Department Chair for the academic discipline can use their discretion to determine the equivalency for a student; for the course to be added to the SUNY Erie Transfer Matrix all of the unit’s Department Chairs must reach a consensus
- any new, unarticulated course will go through an established Transfer Credit Matrix review process as outlined in the college catalog
- SUNY Erie expects transfer students to initiate the award of transfer credit by submitting an official transcript; upon receipt of the official transcript, SUNY Erie will review the transcript and, if additional information is required, the student will be notified
Transferring Courses While Enrolled at SUNY Erie
SUNY Erie matriculated students who enroll in courses at other institutions may have these credits transferred providing they obtain advance written approval from the department chair and/or head of their academic department at SUNY Erie. An official transcript must be sent to that academic department for processing once the course is completed.
Falling Below Full-time Status
Most financial aid programs require that students carry a full-time load (12 or more credit hours per semester). Students receiving financial aid should verify their full-time status.
Individualized Instruction
Under special circumstances, when students can clearly demonstrate a compelling rationale, they may be allowed to receive individualized instruction for a course. The student first contacts his/her academic adviser who will review and determine the appropriateness of the request. If the request is warranted, the adviser will assist the student with the necessary procedures.
Repeat of a Course
Students may repeat a course for which credit has been received with a grade of F through B+. Exceptions to this policy will be contained in individual departmental policies and procedures.
Only the higher of the two grades will be counted in the computation of a cumulative quality point average. While a student may repeat a course at another college, only the course taken at SUNY Erie can be used in computing the GPA. Many financial aid funding programs have limitations on course repeating. Please consult with the Financial Aid office before repeating a course.
Withdrawal From the College
A student withdrawing from the college must complete the official withdrawal forms available in the campus Student Support Services Center by the last date to withdraw as published in the academic calendar. This procedure, once completed, terminates current registration in all courses.
Students who fail to complete the withdrawal procedure will no longer be in good standing. To re-enter the college once the withdrawal procedure has been followed the student must apply for readmission through the college Admissions Office.
Academic Residency Requirements
Students who intend to receive a degree or certificate must successfully complete at least 50% of the required credits for their academic program at SUNY Erie.
Online/Distance Learning
Customize college to your busy schedule with Erie Community College’s Distance Learning Program. The following programs are registered at-a-distance:
- Business: Business Administration, A.A.S.
- Business: Business Administration, A.S.
- Business: Office Management, A.A.S.
- Criminal Justice, A.S.
- Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement, A.A.S.
- Emergency Management, A.S.
- Entrepreneurship, Certificate
- Homeland Security, Certificate
- Information Technology, A.A.S.
- Liberal Arts and Science-General Studies, A.S.
- Humanities, A.A.
- Social Science, A.A.
- Physical Education Studies, A.S.
What is Distance Learning?
Distance learning is a formal approach to learning in which the majority of the instruction occurs with the instructor and students separated by geographic distance and/or time. Distance learning courses offer students the flexibility of completing some or all of their coursework and assignments without having to regularly attend classes on an SUNY Erie campus.
Distance learning students have the ability to take courses at a place and time that is convenient for them. The distance learning program at SUNY Erie serves more than 5,000 students each semester. Distance learning covers a wide range of General Education requirements.
Online Bill of Rights
The Online Learner has the right to….
- an Online Course that clearly states the course deadlines, in a way that is easy to understand by the Online Learner;
- an Online Course that has instructions on how to get started in the class;
- an Online Course that is organized in a way that is easy to navigate;
- an Online Course that will meet the same course objectives as the face-to-face modality;
- an Online Course that has a clear statement of the grading policy and criteria of how course work and attendance will be evaluated;
- expect, at all times, to be treated in a respectful manner by the Instructor and fellow Online Learners;
- expect the Instructor to respond to queries within a time period that does not exceed five business days or it will be deemed excessive (three business days for summer sessions);
- expect the Instructor to keep the grades up to date within the Online Course;
- expect the Instructor to direct the Online Learner to the appropriate college services, when the Instructor is made aware of an issue; and
- expect the Instructor to specify grading policies and time lines in the course syllabus.
The Instructor has the right to expect…
- the Online Learner to complete all assignments by the due date;
- the Online Learner to contact the Instructor, if they need clarification on getting started, deadlines or assignments;
- the Online Learner to seek out college services, resolve technical issues, and access services where available;
- to be treated in a respectful manner, at all times, by the Online Learners; and
- the Online Learner to have a contingency plan to address technical difficulties.
Internet-Based Courses
In an Internet-based course, students access some or all of the course material and participate in course activities over the Internet. Students can work from any Internet connected computer to complete assignments and interact with other students and the instructor. To participate in an online course, students should have regular access to a computer with an Internet connection. Students should also have some familiarity with Internet use, e-mail use and file management (saving files, downloading files, attaching files to e-mail).
There are three forms of Internet-based courses:
- online courses (the majority of the course is completed over the Internet, with little or no on-campus time);
- hybrid courses (a combination of online and seated time); and
- Web-assisted courses (a seated course where the instructor uses online materials and activities to supplement the classroom work).
Could you be a Distance Learner?
Distance learners tend to be busy people who take advantage of flexible course schedules and delivery methods to fit college classes into their hectic lives. Many are employed full-time, many are parents and some are housebound due to special needs.
To find out if Distance Learning is right for you, ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I self-motivated?
- Can I work without frequent supervision?
- Do I have the patience to understand if the course does not go smoothly?
- Do I have enough time to take a distance learning course (as some classes require online time)?
- Am I computer literate or do I have the proper equipment (i.e. computer and modem)
- Am I a good time-manager?
If you answered “Yes” to all of these, then you are ready for a Distance Learning course. If you answered “No” to some, then please speak to an Erie Community College academic adviser.
How do I get started?
Register for a distance learning course the same way you would any other course. Purchase supplies and educational materials (text, study guide, etc.) from any SUNY Erie bookstore or online at Each campus operates a college bookstore where books and supplies are available at competitive prices. Visit the Distance Learning Department Web site:
Applied Learning refers to a hands-on, real-world approach where students learn by doing. SUNY Erie Community College has a long tradition of incorporating Applied Learning within its Academic programs. The College has a robust Health Science Division, as well as a strong Engineering and Technologies program. The fundamental pedagogical element of these programs is “learning by doing.” Applied Learning is not only present in these two divisions but throughout SUNY Erie. Many programs include opportunities to participate in internships, co-ops, and service learning. Study abroad is also an option for SUNY Erie students, because the SUNY system is the largest study abroad consortium in the United States.
Internships and Co-ops
Many of the academic programs at SUNY Erie offer our students an internship course as part of the curriculum. Internships are valuable learning opportunities outside the standard classroom setting. It provides the student with practical experience in the student’s area of academic interest along with the opportunity to work side by side with a professional in the industry. Internships provide hands on instruction by introducing students to an employer’s corporate culture and professional practices. Another enriching experience is the co-op, which alternates classroom experiences with hands-on instruction at the work site.
An internship or co-op will serve as a bridge between the traditional academic setting and the professional world to which the student aspires. Either can be the beginning of lifelong learning for students and make the adjustment to the working world after graduation an easier process.
If you are interested in participating in an internship or co-op, please contact your department chair. Participation is available to currently registered students at SUNY Erie who meet the minimum qualification standards set by the respective academic departments.
Service Learning
What is Service Learning?
Service Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities. It connects students to the community by integrating academic curriculum with active participation in service. It provides real life, hands on learning, while extending the classroom into the community. These opportunities provide students the ability to identify and experience real world situations and acquire the habit of critical thinking.
Service Learning provides structured opportunities for students through projects and activities which bridge the gap between the classroom and the community. These opportunities are designed to instill the spirit of community and promote an overall sense of global citizenship, shared responsibility and as sense of pride for students.
Growing numbers of community colleges are incorporating Service Learning into their curriculum. Service Learning represents a potentially powerful form of pedagogy because it provides a means of linking the academic with the practical.
The connection of academic content to community-based projects is a vehicle to engage students in the vitality and future of the Western New York region. Through these activities, students can begin to explore and address challenges and solutions within their education programs.
Benefits to Students and Faculty Include:
- deepening of students’ learning of course materials;
- improving students’ ability to apply what they have learned to the real world;
- impacting academic outcomes such as problem analysis, critical thinking and cognitive development;
- strengthening student/faculty relationships;
- reducing stereotypes and facilitating cultural and racial understanding and diversity;
- creating a spirit of civic responsibility by connecting students to their community; and
- promoting a positive and responsible public image.
Benefits to the Community Include:
- the development of lasting partnerships resulting in ongoing opportunities;
- a link to connect students with their communities and the beginning of a long-term involvement in community service; and
- providing community agencies with energetic, enthusiastic college students to meet educational, human services, safety and environmental needs.
The process of Service Learning does not end with the completion of projects. It provides a vehicle for a transformational process where students, educators and communities continue to grow in unison.
Study Abroad
SUNY Erie students can choose from hundreds of SUNY Study abroad programs, ranging from short term programs (1-2 weeks) to full semesters abroad. Financial aid, grants, and scholarships can be used to cover the costs of tuition and travel, and study abroad programs can fit into most academic requirements.
Advanced Placement
High school students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses may receive college credit for a minimum score of three on the Advanced Placement exam. Individual academic units will establish the acceptability and the criteria for granting Advanced Placement credit for their particular academic disciplines. Scores of four or five may be required to grant credit in those areas. A chart is listed below to aid you in understanding what credit you may be eligible for; however, the matriculated academic program is the last word on credit that will be accepted.
Exam Title |
Min Score Required |
Equivalent Course |
(Matriculated program approves awarding credit) |
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam |
Score |
Credits |
SUNY Erie Equivalent |
Art: Art History |
3 |
3 |
AT 281 |
Art: Studio Art: 3D Design Portfolio |
3 |
3 |
AT 231 |
Art: Studio Art: 2D Design Portfolio |
3 |
3 |
AT 230 |
Art: Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio |
3 |
3 |
AT 200 |
Biology |
4 |
4 |
BI 110/115 |
Biology |
5 |
8 |
BI 110/115 & BI 112/117 |
Calculus AB |
3 |
4 |
MT 180 |
Calculus AB |
4, 5 |
4 |
MT 181 |
Calculus BC |
3 |
4 |
MT 181 |
Calculus BC |
4, 5 |
8 |
MT 181 & MT 182 |
Chemistry |
3 |
8 |
CH 180/181 & CH 182/183 |
Chemistry |
4, 5 |
8 |
CH 180/181 & CH 182/183 |
Computer Science A |
3 |
3.5 |
CS 111 |
Computer Science A |
4, 5 |
4 |
CS 121 |
Economics: Macro |
3 |
3 |
EC 102 |
Economics: Micro |
3 |
3 |
EC 103 |
English Language & Composition |
4, 5 |
6 |
EN 110 & EN 111 |
English Language & Composition |
3 |
3 |
EN 110 |
English Literature & Composition |
4, 5 |
6 |
EN 110 & EN 111 |
English Literature & Composition |
3 |
3 |
EN 111 |
Environmental Science |
3 |
3 |
PH 120 |
French Language |
3 |
4.5 |
FR 110 |
French Language |
4 |
4.5 |
FR 111 |
French Language |
5 |
3.5 |
FR 112 |
Government & Politics: Comparative |
3 |
3 |
GO 103 |
Government & Politics: US |
3 |
3 |
GO 101 |
History: European |
3 |
3 |
HI 110 |
History: US |
3 |
3 |
HI 102 |
Human Geography |
3 |
3 |
GP 103 |
Music Literature |
3 |
3 |
MU 210 |
Music Theory |
3 |
3 |
MU 200 |
Physics 1 |
4 |
4 |
PH 270/271 |
Physics 1 |
5 |
8 |
PH 270/271 & PH 272/273 |
Physics 2 |
4, 5 |
4.5 |
PH 272/273 |
Physics B [exam was redesigned as of Fall 2014. Please see Physics 1 and 2 exams.] |
4 |
4 |
PH 270/271 |
Physics B [exam was redesigned as of Fall 2014. Please see Physics 1 and 2 exams.] |
5 |
8 |
PH 270/271 & PH 272/273 |
Physics C: Elec & Magnetism |
4, 5 |
4.5 |
PH 272/273 |
Physics C: Mech |
4, 5 |
4.5 |
PH 270/271 |
Psychology |
3 |
3 |
PS 100 |
Spanish Language |
3 |
4.5 |
SP 110 |
Spanish Language |
4 |
4.5 |
SP 111 |
Spanish Language |
5 |
3.5 |
SP 112 |
Spanish Literature |
4 |
3 |
SP 205 |
Spanish Literature |
5 |
3 |
SP 205 |
Statistics |
3 |
4 |
MT 140 or MT 143 |
Statistics |
4, 5 |
4 |
MT 140 or MT 143 |
High School to SUNY Erie Articulation Agreements
Articulation agreements between specified high schools and SUNY Erie Academic departments allow a student to earn college credit by successfully completing stated course(s) in high school.
Advantage to Students
How to Apply for Articulation Credit
Ask your guidance office to send your transcript and complete your SUNY Erie application to admissions.
When you come to SUNY Erie to register for classes, know which courses you are eligible to receive credit for and be sure not to register for those classes.
Complete the Articulation credit form and submit to the Admissions department.
For more information, contact your Advisor or the Admissions office: (716) 851-1455.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
SUNY Erie will award college credit to those students who score at the recommended levels of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). The Commission on Educational Credit of the American Council on Education sets the standards and a list may be obtained in the Assistant Academic Dean’s Office at any one of the three campuses. The State University of New York College at Buffalo is the closest test site.
Life Experience Assessment Program (LEAP)
The Life Experience Assessment Program (LEAP) allows students to utilize life learning to earn credit toward their degree. The student must prepare a portfolio documenting his/her knowledge which will be evaluated by two faculty members selected by the assistant academic dean in the appropriate area. After becoming familiar with the requirements for his/her degree program, the student should contact the appropriate assistant academic dean to obtain the instructions for preparation of the portfolio.
Credit for Military Service
Students who have served in any branch of the United States Armed Forces should speak with a Veterans Affairs representative at their campus for information on the process for obtaining academic credit for learning experience while in the military.
Reserve Officers’ Training Program (ROTC)
SUNY Erie has a cross-registration, tuition-free arrangement with Canisius College for students enrolling in Military Science courses and begin earning an Army Officers’ Commission through the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program. SUNY Erie students may enroll in the two-year Basic Course for which no military obligation is incurred.
The Basic Course refers to the first and second year of the MSL curriculum. It is designed as a classroom and lab course that stresses the fundamentals of leadership. Instructors develop their students’ physical, mental and critical thinking skills through team building and collective hands-on problem solving case studies. A number of popular and challenging extra-curricular activities are available to students who take these courses. Students may take up to twelve Basic Course credits without obligation. The basic course sequence is required for all students that want to qualify for entry into the Advanced Course. A student may also qualify for acceptance into the Advanced Course by completing the Leader Training Course (MLS 210) at Ft. Knox, KY. Students with prior military service may also receive placement credit directly into the Advanced Course with approval from the Department Chair.
The following sequence of Military Science 100 and 200 level courses can each be counted as a 3.0 credit, free elective:
- MLS 101 (1 credit) and MLS 111L (2 credit) (Fall Semester);
- MLS 102 (1 credit) and MLS 112L (2 credit) (Spring Semester);
- MLS 201 (1 credit) and MLS 211L (2 credit) (Fall Semester); and
- MLS 202 (1 credit) and MLS 212L (2 credit) (Spring Semester).
**Note: Students must present Medical Documentation signed by their doctor in order to participate in the lab portion. The required form is available at the Army ROTC department at Canisius College.
For more details, contact the Army ROTC at Canisius College at (716) 913-8098.
SUNY Erie Departmental Proficiency Examinations
Certain academic departments offer exams to certify a student’s proficiency in a given area. Students who feel their skills and/or knowledge preclude the necessity for taking a course should speak to the department coordinator regarding the possibility of taking such an exam.
Education Programs in Non-Collegiate Organizations
Students may receive credit for learning and/or training earned through a non-collegiate organization such as in an industrial or corporate program. Guidelines for the award of such credit can be found in “A Guide to Educational Programs in Non-Collegiate Organizations,” prepared by the New York State Education Department or in “A Guide to the Evaluation of Service Educational Experiences,” distributed by the American Council on Education.
Regents College Examinations Introduction
Regents College Examinations (RCEs) are proficiency examinations which measure college-level knowledge in the arts and sciences, business, nursing and education. They are administered several times a year throughout New York State.
In states other than New York, they are administered by the American College Testing Program and are known as ACT/ PEP (Proficiency Examination Program) tests. Regents College Examinations are also available worldwide to the military through the Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support (DANTES) program.
Credit will be awarded for grades of 45 or better in areas comparable to those listed in the catalog when judged acceptable by the student’s academic program.
United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI)
An academic department can award credit to students who have taken United States Armed Forces Institute courses which are deemed equivalent to one or more of the students’ required courses in their curricula.
Transitional Programs
Pathways To Success
SUNY Erie’s Pathways to Success students engage in educational programs with a college based initiative. We offer High School Equivalency instruction throughout Erie County with partnerships including Buffalo Public Schools Adult Education, Ken-Ton Community Education, Catholic Charities and Journey’s End Refugee Services.
Upon completion of High School Equivalency, a student may either enter SUNY Erie or register in SUNY Erie’s Pre-Collegiate Studies Program for additional remedial non-credit coursework prior to entering college.
High School Equivalency and Pre-Collegiate Studies Programs are free and offered at all three SUNY Erie campuses and numerous off campus locations. The Pre-Collegiate Studies Program curriculum is designed to provide students with an opportunity to raise their mathematics, writing, reading, and computer skills to a level which will enable them to start their college studies.
Case management and mentor services are available to any student within the program. More than 200 students annually transition from Pathways to Success to SUNY Erie each year.
This program is scheduled to support the busy life of adult learners and provides comprehensive case management to insure the successful transition from High School, High School Equivalency, and adult learners to successful college student.
SUNY Erie City Campus
121 Ellicott Street • Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 851-1109
SUNY Erie South Campus
4041 Southwestern Blvd. • Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 851-1692
SUNY Erie North Campus
6205 Main Street • Williamsville, NY 14221
(716) 851-1423
Buffalo Public Schools Adult Learning Center
389 Virginia Street • Buffalo, NY 14201
(716) 888-7088
Catholic Charities
1001 East Delavan • Buffalo, NY 14215
(716) 893-3500
Journey’s End Refugee Services
2495 Main Street Suite 530• Buffalo, NY 14214
(716) 882-4963
Ken-Ton Community Education
3200 Elmwood Avenue • Kenmore, NY 14217
(716) 874-8403 ext. 32361
HSE Courses
These workshops provide intense, short-term academic instruction to assist students, who score at least 8.0 on the TABE test (form A or D) in preparing for the HSE exam. This option is designed for test preparation and to streamline the transition to SUNY Erie. This option is free and located at all three SUNY Erie campuses as well as all partnership locations throughout Erie County. Call (716) 851-1109 for more information.
Pre-Collegiate Studies Program
The Pre-Collegiate Studies courses are non-credit and tuition free. They are designed to provide HSE qualifiers and high school graduates with opportunities to raise their mathematics, writing, reading, computer and research skills. The courses are interactive and include the use of technology. Completion of these non-credit courses will provide students with skills to enable them to compete at a college level with students in college who have graduated with a traditional New York State Regents high school diploma. Course work includes studies in career exploration, planning, basic technology skills, basic writing skills, basic elementary algebra, research and study skills.
Courses offered include:
- Pre-Collegiate Reading/Writing I: This course is the first non-credit level for individuals who are in need of basic skills in reading and writing. Students will learn vocabulary, essay, letter and abstract writing techniques. This course provides students with general study concepts and patterns to promote future educational experiences.
- Pre-Collegiate Basic Mathematics: This course is a non-credit course designed for individuals who are in need of basic math skills needed to enter college. This course provides students with general concepts and patterns to promote future educational experiences.
For more information about these opportunities, please call (716) 851-1109.
RISE - Readying Incoming Students for Success
Readying Incoming Students for Excellence is a free, self-paced, online workshop that will help you achieve the skills and confidence required to be successful in a college level math course. These workshops are ideally suited for the student who was placed at a developmental level in mathematics or placed at a college level but feels a refresher workshop would positively affect academic success.
Workshops offered:
- Numeric Skills review-self-paced workshop (15 hours)
- Algebra Skills review-self-paced workshop (15 hours)
For more information, contact the Placement Testing department at (716) 270-5124.
Middle Early College High School at SUNY Erie
Middle Early College High School is a secondary school located on SUNY Erie’s campus. The program provides education to underserved students who have the potential to benefit from a rigorous academic curriculum offered within a supportive and nurturing collegiate environment.
Shared characteristics of Middle Early College High Schools include:
- formal collaboration between the high school and the college that is demonstrated by inclusion in the organizational structure of the college; integration into the college, with faculty and students sharing educational resources; location on a college campus; and coordination of college and high school schedules and calendars;
- authorization from the Buffalo Public Schools to grant a high school diploma;
- heterogeneous grouping of students into on-campus college courses;
- implementation of collaborative, project-centered, interdisciplinary curricula;
- expectation that teachers are teacher/counselors within a structured system of support for students;
- student outcomes measured by multiple assessments including performance-based assessments; and
- empowerment of students through formal leadership roles in school governance, in guidance programs such as peer counseling, and in academic support services such as peer tutoring.
At the completion of the fifth year, students may be eligible to receive an associate’s degree in one of the following:
- Business Administration
- Building Management and Maintenance
- Criminal Justice
- Early Childhood
- General Studies
- Physical Education Studies
Admission Criteria
- student will be required to submit an application, complete with references
- student must have a grade point average for 7th and 8th grade between 65-80 percent
- student and parent must engage in an interview process
- student cannot have a history of behavioral problems, including, but not limited to, previous formal suspensions
- student must be recommended as having the ability to succeed in a college environment
- student must commit to a five-year program, including summer sessions
- student will be removed from the program if not on track at the completion of each school year
Middle Early College High School at SUNY Erie
121 Ellicott Street, Room 203
Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 851-1176
Fax: (716) 270-2824
CAST Program
In 1992, the Career and Success Training (CAST) program began offering programs to the welfare target population. Today, this program is offered at City Campus Room 130 in downtown Buffalo. Temporary Assistance for Needy Family (TANF) recipients are referred to the program by the local Erie County Department of Social Services (ECDSS).
CAST offers a work experience program utilizing state-of-the-art equipment offered to Erie County TANF recipients. Participants have the opportunity to be placed at a relevant work experience site in order to gain experience and develop important job skills. Some participants attend G.E.D classes as well as classes at SUNY Erie Community College for an associate’s degree.
Additionally, life skills training is offered for enhanced self-management. Topics include human communication and job readiness preparation. Programming has expanded to include:
- case management;
- work experience placement;
- job search assistance;
- basic computer skills;
- resume and interviewing skills;
- assistance in G.E.D preparation; and
- courses at SUNY Erie Community College.
For more information, please call the CAST program at (716) 851-1230.
Independence Bound / Youth Engagement Services (YES)
The Independence Bound/Youth Engagement Services (YES) Program of SUNY Erie provides services that support the vocational readiness needs and development of Erie County’s foster care youth which includes assistance with goal-setting and career-planning; college preparation and academic support for those who express a genuine interest in pursuing a post-secondary education; and job training since 1993. This voluntary program serves foster care youth and young adults ages 16-23 years who are in foster care, aged out, under kinship guardianship, or adopted. Independence Bound/YES serves all other identified cohorts under the Chafee Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 (former IV-E Independent Living legislation).
The programs Independence Bound and YES offers:
- Paid Internship Program
- Individualized Employment Preparation
- Career Preparation Services
- College Preparation Services
- FAFSA Completion
- Academic Supports and other services aimed at employment and or college completion.
For more information, please call the Independence Bound / Youth Engagement Services (YES) programs at (716) 270-2667.
Advanced Studies
What is the Advanced Studies Program?
SUNY Erie’s Advanced Studies Program is designed for selected high school students interested in beginning their college studies while still in high school.
What is an Advanced Studies Course?
An Advanced Studies course is taken during the high school day and is identical to the SUNY Erie course described in the college catalog. Textbooks, course materials and assessments of student work are the same as those used by SUNY Erie faculty in the course sections taught at one of the three SUNY Erie campuses.
Who Teaches Advanced Studies Courses?
Courses in the Advanced Studies Program are taught in the high school by high school teachers who are approved to teach by the Academic Unit.
What Does An Advanced Studies Course Cost?
For the academic year, the student will pay a discounted tuition rate of one-third the cost of tuition and the college’s technology fee. This tuition rate is provided under the guidelines of the State University of New York tuition discount. The student will be billed after they register for the course and payment in full will be due. Advanced Studies students are not eligible for financial aid.
What Advantages Are There in the Advanced Studies Program?
In addition to being able to take a college course at a discounted tuition rate, a student completing and earning a grade in the course may transfer the course credit to SUNY colleges and most two- and four-year colleges and universities. A SUNY Erie transcript request form must be completed in order to transfer credit to other colleges.
Samples of Advanced Studies Courses
- Pre-Calculus
- American Literature
- Spanish
- Accounting
- Public Speaking
- Introduction to Law
- College Success Skills
- Environmental Science
For more information, contact:
Advanced Studies Department
(716) 851-1270