Sep 27, 2024  
Spring 2014 Catalog 
Spring 2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 Key to Course Descriptions

 Course Description


(C) City Campus F/S Fall and Spring
(N) North Campus SS Summer Session
(S) South Campus F+ Offered every other Fall
F Fall S+ Offered every other Spring
S Spring N Non-Credit


Course Outlines

Course outlines for all courses described in this catalog are available for viewing. To explore the general framework of a course design and view the expectations of student performance within a select course click on the link below. These descriptions provide the base upon which instructors build their own course syllabi for the individual sections offered by the academic departments. Individual sections may therefore vary somewhat from the descriptions given in the outlines.

Course Outlines



  • CH 183 - Lab for CH 182

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    Molecular weight by freezing point depression, electrochemistry, volumetric analysis, equilibrium constant determination, rates of reaction and qualitative analysis.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • apply the methods scientists use to determine precision and accuracy;
    • make observations;
    • take measurements and data collection;
    • complete and experiment with minimum supervision;
    • apply mathematical analysis;
    • record and correlate data using a logical report format;
    • demonstrate the proper safe handling of chemicals and lab apparatus; and
    • recognize the importance of making precise and accurate measurements.

    Prerequisites: CH 181
    Concurrent Registration: CH 182
    F/S (C, N, S)

  • CH 220 - Organic Chemistry I

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course is a detailed introduction to organic chemistry designed as a second year offering to science majors and to students in pre-medical, pre-dental, physical therapy, chiropractic, veterinary science, mortuary science, and other related disciplines. Topics include: electronic structure and bonding; properties of organic molecules; nomenclature and conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes; stereochemistry-enantiomers and diasteriomers; holoalkanes-nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions and mechanisms; and alkene and alkynes-structure, synthesis,  reactions and mechanisms.   

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • correlate the theory and experimental evidence pertaining to atomic and molecular bonding;
    • predict physical properties of organic structures from structural data;
    • name hydrocarbons and other classes of organic compounds in accordance with the IUPAC system;
    • describe the mechanism of free radical halogenation and predict the quantity and structure of reaction products;
    • identify torsional strain, draw Newman projections, and predict relative energies of rotational conformers;
    • illustrate the three-dimensional aspects of organic molecules, and ratiocinate racemic reactions;
    • describe the synthetic production of alkyl halides and their role in the creation of more esoteric molecules;
    • be conversant with the competing mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution;
    • predict the formation of stable carbocations and the utility of these intermediates in organic reactions;
    • describe the production and reactions of alkenes, including electrophilicity and stereospecificity;
    • predict degradation products from ozonolysis of alkenes;
    • compare and contrast stereospecificity and stereoselectivity of syn and anti-mechanisms; and
    • describe reactions and characteristics of dienes, allyl cations and free radicals.

    Prerequisites: CH 182
    Concurrent Registration: CH 221
    F/S (C, N, S)

  • CH 221 - Lab for CH 220

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    This laboratory course includes: physical procedures; melting point determination; crystallization; distillation; steam distillation; experiments emphasizing basic techniques and procedures; handling organic chemicals; set up and use of organic equipment; safety; separations; purifications; measures of purity; and procedure for disposal of waste chemicals.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • demonstrate an awareness of safety practices in the laboratory, and appreciate the historical significance of current technological advances;
    • measure physical properties of organic structures such as melting and boiling points, index of refraction and density;
    • name hydrocarbons and other classes of organic compounds in accordance with the IUPAC system;
    • correctly assemble and use ground glass components;
    • observe free radical halogenation and measure the quantity and structure of reaction products;
    • isolate optically active components from natural products using soxhlett and liquid/liquid extractions;
    • extract alkaloids from natural products and purify by sublimation;
    • be conversant with the operation and maintenance of vacuum pumps and flash evaporators;
    • demonstrate the use of cryogenic solids and liquids in the lab;
    • describe the production and reactions of Grignard reagents;
    • determine the composition of commercial analgesics through the use of thin layer chromatography;
    • synthesize and purify components of analgesics by recrystallization; and
    • compare the effects and relative benefits of both simple and fractional distillation. Learn the use of Raschig rings. Learn computer graphing techniques.

    Prerequisites: CH 183
    Concurrent Registration: CH 220
    F/S (C, N, S)

  • CH 222 - Organic Chemistry II

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course is a continuation of CH 220 which includes the structure, synthesis, and reaction of the following classes of organic compounds: alcohols;  ethers and epoxides;  conjugated systems and aromatic compounds;  aldehydes and ketones;  organic acids and their derivatives; and  amines and amides.   NMR and IR spectroscopic structural determination of organic molecules will also be discussed.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • interpret infra-red, UV-vis, NMR and mass spectra, and derive actual structures from these spectra;
    • predict reaction products from the interaction of various reagents with acids, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, amines, heterocycles, amino acids and proteins, glycols and diazonium salts;
    • name the classes of organic compounds in accordance with the IUPAC system;
    • describe the mechanism of Aldol and Claissen condensations;
    • predict relative energies of molecular orbitals and demonstrate an understanding of LCAO-MO theory, including HOMO and LUMO concepts and constraints, especially in the production of commercial dyestuffs;
    • use radioactive tracers to elucidate mechanisms such as esterification;
    • describe the synthetic production of natural products, and their subsequent use in the creation of more esoteric molecules;
    • be conversant with the competing mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution as applied to more sophisticated systems;
    • predict the relative acidity (basicity) of carboxylic acids, alcohols, phenols and amines;
    • describe the production and properties of polymers, including isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic conformations;
    • predict products from Hoffmann Degradation;
    • compare and contrast relative strengths of various oxidative and reductive reagents; and
    • propose good synthetic routes to all of the above functional groups and families.

    Prerequisites: CH 220
    Corequisites: CH 223
    F/S (C, N, S)

  • CH 223 - Lab for CH 222

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    An advanced procedures and preparations course in organic techniques utilizing single and multi-step methods of synthesis, subsequent purification techniques, and an introduction to infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • handle air-sensitive materials;
    • predict structural properties of organic compounds from spectral data;
    • identify classes of organic compounds using wet chemical techniques;
    • oxidize alcohols to ketones and acids;
    • synthesize esters;
    • perform saponifications;
    • set up and perform fermentations: isolate products;
    • prepare fluorescent dyes;
    • synthesize diazonium salts, and react them with various substrates;
    • dehydrate alcohols and elucidate products;
    • prepare triphenylmethanol via Grignard reagents;
    • run Freidel-Crafts reactions; and
    • synthesize components of insect repellents.

    Prerequisites: CH 221
    Concurrent Registration: CH 222
    F/S (C, N, S)

  • CH 240 - Analytical Chemistry

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of quantitative, electrochemical, spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods of chemical  analysis.  Topics will include: laboratory statistics; aqueous solution chemistry; acid/base, redox, and precipitation titrimetric analysis methods; electrochemistry theory and analysis methods stressing potentiometry; spectrophotometric analysis methods; and general chromatographic principles.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    •  provide a detailed introduction to the theory and practice of classical wet quantitative and electrochemical methods of analysis.

    Prerequisites: CH 182, CH 183
    Corequisites: CH 241
    F (N)

  • CH 241 - Lab for CH 240

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    This laboratory course provides an introduction to the experimental techniques involved in quantitative chemical analysis.  Topics will include: volumetric determinations; potentiometric titrations; selective electrochemical analysis; spectrophotometric analysis; and chromatographic separation.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course the students should have practical hands on knowledge of the following chemical principles and be able to apply them to solve quantitative chemical problems:

    • statistical methods for chemical analysis;
    • computer use in the chemical laboratory;
    • aqueous solution chemistry;
    • titrimetric methods involving acid/base, complexation, and redox techniques; and
    • electrochemical methods such as potentiometry & electrogravimetry.

    Prerequisites: CH 182, CH 183
    Concurrent Registration: CH 240
    F (N)

Civil Engineering Technology

  • CI 100 - Application of Digital Computer

    Credit Hours: 3

    A combination lecture and lab course involving the use and applications of computers and software in problem-solving and report writing for both civil engineering technology and construction management engineering technology.  The course utilizes basic and advanced features of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point plus Internet research to solve engineering problems and produce engineering reports. Program functions are used to solve various technical problems. Select data is displayed in graphic formats.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • research topic on the internet;
    • receive and send e-mails;
    • use a word processor to write reports effectively;
    • set-up spreadsheet to solve engineering problem using Microsoft Excel; and
    • develop a power point presentation.

    F/S (N)

  • CI 110 - Surveying I

    Credit Hours: 3

    Introduction to the elements of the discipline of land surveying, Included are topics on: The background and history of the surveying profession and how it interacts with other disciplines: measurement concepts, error consideration, accuracy, precision, and significant figures; methods for distance measuring; elevation measurements and leveling; measuring angles with theodolites and EDMs; traverse computation and preparation of simple maps.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • communicate verbally during outdoor laboratory exercises and record field measurements and other data in the manner common to the surveying profession;
    • units of measure and terms employed in plane surveying:
      • length:  Meters, feet, “historical” units;
      • area:  Square meters, square fee, hectares, acres; and
      • angle:  Degree-minutes-seconds.
    • use various methods and equipment available for:
      • length:  Pacing, stadia, taping, EDM;
      • elevation/Height:  Automatic level, theodolite; and
      • angle:  Theodolite, EDM.
    • identify and correct typical sources of systematic errors in taping;
    • measurement of travers angles and distances;
    • field angular closure vs. acceptable closure as defined by governing agencies;
    • balancing of angles;
    • computation of bearings/azimuths and latitudes and departures;
    • comparison of field traverse closure with acceptable closure as defined by governing agencies;
    • adjustment of traverse;
    • computation of coordinates;
    • computation of areas;
    • transfer of elevations from one point to another by differential leveling;
    • comparison of field elevation closure with acceptable closure as defined by governing agencies;
    • adjustment of level loops;
    • identify the surveyor’s role in a land information system (GIS); and
    • create computer solutions for common surveying problems utilizing computer software.

    Prerequisites: Concurrent registration in, or completion of, MT 122 or MT 126 and CI 100
    F/S (N)

  • CI 130 - Engineering Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3

    An extension of that phase of physics covering static force systems and vectors. Topics include force systems; analysis of simple structures; centroids and center of gravity; moment of inertia of areas and radius of gyration.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • determine vectors;
    • analyze force systems;
    • analyze simple structure;
    • determine centroid and center of gravity;
    • determine moment of inertia of area; and
    • determine radius of gyration.

    Concurrent Registration: MT 122 or MT 126
    F (N)

  • CI 165 - Surveying II

    Credit Hours: 3

    Includes land and boundary surveys; property descriptions; U.S. Land Systems and topographic mapping. Performs construction surveys with related computations; circular and parabolic curves and introduction to state plane coordinates. The lab includes field survey projects, drafting and calculations to prepare property surveys, topographical maps, utilization of electronic distance measurement equipment, design calculations and solve by digital computer programs.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • calculate land and boundary surveys;
    • understand the state and plan coordinate systems;
    • read and develop a topographic map;
    • utilize electronic survey equipment;
    • use computers to map surveys;
    • develop vertical and horizontal road curves; and
    • perform volume calculation of material.

    Prerequisites: CI 110
    S (N)

  • CI 175 - Computer-Aided Drafting I

    Credit Hours: 3

    A basic computer-aided drafting course using the latest release of AutoCAD. Laboratory projects include using the AutoCAD program in developing drawings consisting of orthographic projections, building plans, site plans and topographical drawings. Additional topics covered are title blocks, scanned images, flow diagrams and schematics. Students are instructed in methods used to develop electronic photo images as background layers for renovation drawings.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • create a drawing using advanced setup procedures;
    • use proper layering and linetype techniques for architectural and engineering drawings;
    • use drawing commands, icons, and pull down menus for creating objects on architectural and engineering drawings;
    • use dimensioning commands, icons and pull down menus for creating dimensions on architectural and engineering drawings;
    • use hatch commands, icons and pull down menus for creating material convections on architectural and engineering drawings;
    • create basic architectural and engineering drawings. (may include flow schematics, process diagrams, foundation and/or floor plans, use of scanned images and/or electronic photo images, drawing sections and/or details);
    • create plot files in PDF format and using CTB files for lineweight setup;
    • print files to local network printer; and
    • e-mail PDF & DWG files to instructor.

    F/S (N)

  • CI 185 - Strength of Materials

    Credit Hours: 3

    A study of the laws governing the distribution of internal stresses and their accompanying deformations. Topics include fundamental stress and strain relationships; shear and bending moment diagrams; beam design; deflection of simple beams; stresses due to eccentrically applied loads; column design and combined stresses.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • analyze simple and moment connections;
    • determine shear and moment values on a beam;
    • calculate bending and shear stress within a section and at points along a beam;
    • calculate allowable loading for given beam;
    • select economical beam size for a given load;
    • compare tension stress and loads;
    • comprehend basic column theory in terms of section configuration, unsupported length, end conditions, and material properties. Determine allowable loads of a given column and select a column size to support a given load;
    • calculate combined axial and transverse stresses and eccentric loadings; and
    • calculate deflections, and solve simple indeterminate structures.

    Prerequisites: CI 130
    S (N)

  • CI 210 - Materials Testing

    Credit Hours: 3

    A combination lecture and lab course dealing with the mechanical and physical properties of construction material in accordance with standard specifications.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology;
    • apply creativity in the design of systems, components or processes appropriate to program objectives; and
    • have a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.

    Prerequisites: CI 100, CI 185
    F (N)

  • CI 220 - Structural Steel Design

    Credit Hours: 3

    Deals with the design and checking of suitable steel sections per latest A.I.S.C. specifications to be used as beams, girders, lintels, columns and struts and the design of simple frames. Different types of fasteners are discussed, in addition to static loads, wind and impact loads. Use of digital computers required.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • determine loads;
    • analyze steel beams;
    • design steel beams;
    • analyze shear and deflection;
    • analyze columns;
    • design axial loaded columns;
    • design and analyze columns with moments;
    • analyze and design column and beam base plates; and
    • understand engineering ethics.

    Prerequisites: CI 185, MT 122 or MT 126
    F/S (N)

  • CI 230 - Soils and Foundations

    Credit Hours: 3

    A combination lecture and lab course involving the introduction to soil origins, nature, gradation, classification, stress, selection and design of foundation to transfer loads to sub soil formations. Calculations using digital computers are required.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate an ability to apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology;
    • demonstrate an ability to apply creativity in the design of systems, components or processes appropriate to program objectives; and
    • demonstrate a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.

    Prerequisites: CI 100
    F/S (N)

  • CI 240 - Engineering Drafting

    Credit Hours: 3

    A lecture recitation class that introduces engineering drawing and geometry, skills and knowledge of drafting tools, orthographic projection, lettering, dimensioning, sectional views and development of working drawings. The laboratory session is devoted to the layout of various engineering drawings, and operation of mechanical drafting.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • use architect and engineering scales;
    • use mechanical drafting equipment to develop drawings; and
    • understand and draw engineering drawing.

    F/S (N)

  • CI 255 - Highway Design

    Credit Hours: 3

    An introduction to the planning and design of modern highway systems. Topics to be covered include: highway administration, soil mechanics relating to sub-grades and base courses, highway drainage, design of pavements and materials, and geometrical design of highways.  The lab portion of the class includes design and calculations relating to basic highway design projects with integration of digital computer programs for problem-solving in specific projects.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • apply geometric design of highways;
    • demonstrate knowledge of the highway administration;
    • draft the plan view and profile view;
    • calculate the cuts and fills;
    • integrate new technology by use of trade magazine; and
    • work as a team member.

    Prerequisites: CI 100, CI 165
    F/S (N)

  • CI 260 - Estimating for Engineers

    Credit Hours: 3

    An introduction to commercial estimating practices used by engineers. Topics to be covered are: Labor productivity and analysis, accounting analysis, work and project estimating and cost analysis. Student will use the latest computer programs to perform estimates and quantity take offs.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • perform estimates on commercial projects;
    • perform accurate quantity take offs of materials;
    • perform cost analysis of projects;
    • use basic accounting terms;
    • use micro-computers to solve problems, utilizing commercial software; and
    • determine material and labor cost.

    Prerequisites: CI 100
    F/S (N)

  • CI 265 - Contracts/Specifications/Management

    Credit Hours: 3

    A course intended to introduce the student to basic concepts and principles of law involving construction contracts, specifications and management. Emphasis is placed on the interaction between the engineer and contractor, as it relates to the involvement and liability of the civil technician.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • apply the basic principle of contracts;
    • apply the concept of bonds and how they are used;
    • analyze the parties involved in a contract and their requirements;
    • perform cost analysis of engineering project;
    • perform and understand construction scheduling; and
    • perform a class presentation using power point, on various topics.

    F/S (N)

  • CI 285 - Reinforced Concrete Design

    Credit Hours: 3

    A basic course in concrete design, dealing with the general properties of reinforced concrete; the design of reinforced concrete beams, girders and floor slabs; the design of columns subjected to axial and eccentric loads and the design of columns and wall footings. Ultimate strength theory is used per the latest A.C.I. building code requirements for reinforced concrete.  Digital computers are used for problem solving.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate an ability to apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology;
    • demonstrate an ability to apply creativity in the design of systems, components or processes appropriate to program objectives; and
    • demonstrate a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.

    Prerequisites: CI 100, CI 185, MT 122 or MT 126
    F/S (N)

  • CI 295 - Hydraulics & Hydrology

    Credit Hours: 4

    A basic course in water supply and sewage treatment. Topics include: population forecasting, collection of storm water and sewage, distribution including storage and networks, and treatment sewage.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:

    • demonstrate an ability to apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology;
    • demonstrate an ability to apply creativity in the design of systems, components or processes appropriate to program objectives; and
    • demonstrate a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.

    Prerequisites: CI 100, CI 130
    F/S (N)

Clinical Laboratory Technology

  • ML 111 - MLT Seminar

    Credit Hours: 1

    This course presents an overview of the profession of the clinical laboratory technician. The student will be introduced to the basic medical laboratory terminology which will be encountered in each of the disciplines within the field of CLT.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • describe the MLT curriculum, course sequences and major goals involved in the medical technology profession;
    • discuss the academic regulations of the program and the college;
    • explain the purpose of the medical laboratory technician/technologist, the certification procedures, the accrediting agencies and employment opportunities in the field; and
    • demonstrate recognition of and correctly spell and use basic medical terms in each of the major disciplines of medical technology.

    F (N)

  • ML 112 - Clinical Analysis I

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introduction to clinical chemistry. Discussion of laboratory chemicals, methods of water purification, laboratory concentration units and calculations, collection and handling of blood specimens, variation in laboratory results, quality control and reference intervals.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • identify which of the various grades of chemicals is suitable for use in clinical analysis and state common storage and safety precautions for laboratory chemicals;
    • identify the kinds of water to be used in clinical analysis and describe methods of water purification;
    • calculate both concentrations and content of solutions in the concentration units employed in clinical analysis;
    • perform dilution calculations when given appropriate information;
    • calculate the volumes of various stock solutions required to make working standards for a colorimetric analysis and to make solutions of acids and bases;
    • state whether an anticoagulant is needed in collection of a blood specimen, and if so, which anticoagulant is preferable for the particular determination;
    • state the precautions required in collection and handling of specimens for particular determinations;
    • name and describe the factors that can cause variations in laboratory results;
    • calculate the standard deviation, mean, median, mode, and coefficient of variation;
    • define the terms accuracy, precision, and reliability as they relate to clinical measurements;
    • state the essential characteristics of controls and explain their use in the clinical laboratory;
    • describe the setting-up and interpretation of quality control charts; and
    • discuss the development of reference (normal) ranges.

    Prerequisites: High school chemistry and Algebra or CH 010/011 and BI 107.
    Corequisites: CH 146 or CH 180 and MT 125 or MT 143 or permission of instructor.
    F (N)

  • ML 122 - Clinical Analysis II

    Credit Hours: 3

    Discussion of basic electrical concepts and safety, basic functional units of analytical instruments, pH calculations and buffer solutions, blood gas analysis, chloride analysis, spectroscopy and spectrophotometers, fluorometry, iron, calcium and phosphorus analysis and trace element analysis.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • define the terms voltage, current, and resistance;
    • discuss the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance;
    • identify the physiological effects of various amperages passing through the human body;
    • recognize proper and improper immediate responses to situations involving electrical shock;
    • name and explain the functions of the basic units of analytical instruments;
    • calculate the pH of acid and base solutions;
    • explain the functioning of buffer systems;
    • calculate the bicarbonate concentration of a blood specimen using the Henderson- Hasselbalch buffer equation and measured values of pH and PCO2;
    • explain physical and chemical principles involved in the operation of the following lab instruments:
      • Blood Gas Analyzer;
      • Spectrophotometer;
      • Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer;
      • Fluorometer; and
      • Osmometer.
    • discuss specimen precautions, clinical significance, and methods of analysis for the blood gas, chloride, serum osmolality, urine osmolality, calcium, and phosphorus determinations;
    • explain the mechanisms used by the body to maintain acid-base balance;
    • name the major acid-base disorders and explain how blood pH, PCO2, bicarbonate base excess and total CO2 values would be affected in those disorders;
    • discuss basic characteristics of light and the choice of a wavelength for a colorimetric determination;
    • define the terms of Beer’s Law and discuss the relationship between them; and
    • determine concentrations in a colorimetric determination by standard curve and by calculation.

    Prerequisites: ML 112
    Corequisites: ML 123
    S (N)

  • ML 123 - Lab for ML 122

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    The student will perform routine colorimetric determinations and use automated clinical chemistry instrumentation. Special chemistry procedures may be performed. Students must report results in writing and by computer, according to established procedures. Work with these procedures will be continued in ML 213.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • measure pH, PCO2 and PO2 in samples with the Radiometer ABL Blood Gas Analyzer;
    • perform osmolality analysis with a Freezing Point Osmometer;
    • measure glucose in samples with the Beckman Glucose Analyzer;
    • perform the BUN determination using the Beckman BUN Analyzer;
    • perform the serum alkaline phosphatase determination;
    • measure calcium in serum samples;
    • measure serum bilirubin concentrations, both total and direct;
    • perform the serum inorganic phosphate (phosphorus) analysis;
    • explain the basic principles of automated analysis; and
    • perform routine chemistry analysis with the Beckman SYNCHRON LX 20 Analyzer.

    Prerequisites: ML 112
    Corequisites: ML 122
    S (N)

  • ML 124 - Serology Lab

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    A course which presents the basic immunologic concepts as they relate to laboratory diagnosis/treatment/prevention of disease. Fundamental mechanisms of the immune system and immunologically-related diseases will be incorporated. The underlying principles of currently used serologic procedures of clinical significance will be discussed. A research paper and oral presentation is required.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • describe the four basic types of immunity: innate, adaptive, humoral and cellular;
    • describe the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and HLA and their role in the immune system;
    • describe the various cells involved in the immune response;
    • discuss antibody (immunoglobulin) structure and function;
    • discuss the mechanisms of the specific immune response;
    • discuss the mechanisms of the nonspecific immune response;
    • recognize the four types of hypersensitivity reactions;
    • discuss the types of autoimmunity and the theories involved;
    • discuss and categorize immunodeficiency;
    • discuss transplantation and its effects on the immune response;
    • discuss the nature of antigens;
    • discuss antigen-antibody binding;
    • describe the various types of reactions involving precipitation and discuss how they are used;
    • describe reactions involving agglutination, inhibition of agglutination and how they are used;
    • describe assays using complement;
    • describe the immunologic method of immunofluorescence and how it is used;
    • describe other serologic testing methods, i.e. PCR, RFLP, chemiluminescence, NAT, etc.;
    • discuss syphilis and other spirochete disease and describe the testing methods used in diagnosis;
    • discuss Streptococcal serology and describe testing methods used in diagnosis;
    • discuss the serology of viral infections: Epstein-Barr, Rubella, Herpes, Hepatitis A, C, D, and E and describe testing methods used for diagnosis;
    • discuss HIV serology and describe testing methods used in diagnosis; and
    • describe the serologic testing methods used for the diagnosis of autoimmune disease.

    Prerequisites: BI 110, BI 115, CH 146 or CH 180, ML 112
    S (N)

  • ML 125 - Physiology and Pathology

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course emphasizes the physiology of the major systems of the body using anatomy and structure for landmarks. Pathological conditions are discussed and laboratory findings are integrated where applicable.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • understand the organization of the body, cells, tissues, and membranes by:
      • defining anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology;
      • naming the levels of organization of the body from simplest to the most complex;
      • listing and defining the principal systems that make-up the human body;
      • defining homeostasis and describing its importance in health and disease;
      • listing the general parts of a human cell and explaining their structure and function;
      • defining each of the cellular transport mechanisms and giving an example of the role of each in the body;
      • explaining the chemical composition and functions of cytoplasm;
      • defining a tissue and list the four basic types;
      • comparing the characteristics and function of the four major types of tissue;
      • defining gland and distinguish between the two types of glands; and
      • locating and describing the principal membranes of the body.
    • understand the physiology of the muscular system by:
      • explaining the characteristics and function of muscle tissue;
      • comparing the three types of muscle tissue in terms of location, structure, and function;
      • explaining the importance of the blood and nerve supply to the muscles;
      • describing several different types of muscle contraction;
      • explaining the physiology of muscle contraction and oxygen debt; and
      • explaining several different ways in which muscle tissue exhibits homeostasis.
    • understand the nervous system:
      • identifying the three basic functions of the nervous system in maintaining homeostasis;
      • describing the structure of the neuron and other neuroglial cells;
      • describing the events involved in the production and conduction of a nerve impulse;
      • defining synapse and its importance in the production of a nerve impulse;
      • listing and defining the role of the various neurotransmitters;
      • describing how nerve tissue is grouped;
      • describing the structure and function of the spinal cord;
      • listing the principal parts of the brain and explaining the general function of each;
      • describing the function of the autonomic nervous system;
      • explaining how the autonomic system is controlled; and
      • listing and explaining the various pathologies associated with the nervous system.
    • understand the endocrine system by:
      • discuss the importance of the endocrine system in maintaining homeostasis;
      • describe the mechanism of hormone action on body cells;
      • describe the location, function and hormone secretion by the endocrine glands;
      • explain the importance of the hypothalamus / nerve tissue on the endocrine glands;
      • explain how stress affects the body and its relationship to disease; and
      • list and explain the various pathologies associated with the endocrine system.
    • understand the cardiovascular system: heart and vessels and lymphatic system by:
      • describing the structure and function of the heart;
      • describing the flow of blood through the heart;
      • describing how nerve impulses are conducted through the heart to produce the heart beat;
      • explaining the importance of the electrocardiogram;
      • describing the phases of heart contraction and its relationship to the ECG;
      • listing the factors which affect heart contraction and heart rate;
      • describing the structure and function of the various types of blood vessels;
      • explaining how the heart and blood vessels affect blood pressure;
      • listing and explaining the various pathologies associated with the heart and blood vessels;
      • explaining the function of the lymphatic system in homeostasis;
      • describing the tissue and organs associated with the lymphatic system;
      • explaining how lymphatic tissue is organized and distributed throughout the body;
      • describing the flow of lymph through the body; and
      • listing and explaining the various pathologies associated with the lymphatic system.
    • understand the respiratory system by:
      • identifying, locating and describing the organs and structures of the respiratory system;
      • describing the structure of the lungs and its role in respiration;
      • explaining the processes of inspiration and expiration;
      • explaining how gas exchange occurs between the lungs and the blood as well as the blood and the cells;
      • explaining how the nervous system controls breathing;
      • listing factors affecting respiration; and
      • listing and explaining the various pathologies associated with the lymphatic and respiratory systems.
    • understand the digestive system by:
      • defining digestion and describing the various processes involved;
      • listing the organs that comprise the digestive system;
      • describing the location and the structure and function of each organ involved in digestion;
      • describing the location and the structure and function of the accessory organs involved in digestion;
      • listing the enzymes involved in digestion and stating their purpose; and
      • listing and explaining the various pathologies associated with the digestive system.
    • understand the urinary system by:
      • listing the organs of the urinary system and describing how they affect homeostasis;
      • describing the structure and function of the nephron;
      • describing how the kidney filters blood and regulates its volume, chemical composition and pH;
      • discussing the process of urine production and excretion;
      • explaining the importance of urinalysis;
      • listing the normal and abnormal constituents of urine; and
      • listing and explaining the various pathologies associated with the urinary system.

    Prerequisites: BI 110, BI 115, CH 146 or CH 180, ML 111
    S (N)

  • ML 126 - Bio-Organic Chemistry

    Credit Hours: 3

    An introduction to organic chemistry including alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic structures, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, amines, carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters and amides. In-depth study of the biochemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes and nucleic acids. Emphasis is placed on nomenclature, structures of molecules, mechanisms of reactions and metabolic pathways.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Topic 1 – Introduction to organic and biochemistry;
      • define organic chemistry;
      • define biochemistry;
      • list and compare sources of organic compounds;
      • state the number of bonds formed by carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and the halogens;
      • distinguish between structural formulas, molecular formulas, and Lewis structures;
      • define functional group;
      • discuss 4 reasons why functional groups are important;
      • specify and recognize the functional group of an alcohol and classify primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols;
      • specify and recognize the functional group of an amine and classify primary, secondary, and tertiary amines;
      • specify and recognize the functional group of aldehydes and ketones and differentiate these structures; and
      • specify and recognize the functional group of a carboxylic acid and ester.
    • Topic 2 – Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds
      • define hydrocarbons and differentiate the types of hydrocarbons;
      • list the names of the alkanes up to ten carbons;
      • name hydrocarbons using the IUPAC rules of nomenclature;
      • write structural formulas of molecules for which IUPAC names are given;
      • define and recognize stereoisomers and constitutional isomers;
      • characterize the most important chemical and physical properties of the hydrocarbons;
      • define polymer and polymerization;
      • differentiate aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons;
      • compare the substitution reactions of aromatic compounds with the addition reactions of alkenes and alkynes; and
      • define Markovnikov’s rule as it applies to addition reaction.
    • Topic 3 – Alcohols, Phenol, Ethers, Thiols
      • identify compounds which are alcohols, phenols, ethers, or thiols;
      • differentiate primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols;
      • given the IUPAC names for simple alcohols, draw the structural formula;
      • given the structural formula for an alcohol, name the compound according to IUPAC rules;
      • write out reactions for the dehydration of alcohols;
      • write out reactions for the oxidation of alcohols; and
      • discuss important physical properties of alcohols, phenols, ethers, and thiols.
    • Topic 4 – Acids, Bases, and Amines
      • define and discuss acids, bases, buffers, and the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation;
      • define and identify amine structures;
      • differentiate primary, secondary, and tertiary amines;
      • differentiate aliphatic and aromatic amines;
      • define heterocyclic amine and heterocyclic aromatic amine;
      • discuss nomenclature of amines;
      • define alkaloid and list examples of alkaloids; and
      • discuss physical properties of amines.
    • Topic 5 – Aldehydes and Ketones
      • distinguish aldehydes and ketones and name their functional group;
      • given the structural formula for an aldehyde or ketone, name the compound using IUPAC rules;
      • given the IUPAC or common name for an aldehyde or ketone, write its structural formula;
      • discuss important physical properties of aldehydes and ketones;
      • discuss oxidation and reduction reactions involving aldehydes and ketones; and
      • differentiate and identify hemiacetals and acetals and describe their formation.
    • Topic 6 – Carboxylic Acids, Anhydrides, Esters, and Amides
      • recognize the characteristic functional group of carboxylic acids;
      • discuss nomenclature of carboxylic acids;
      • recognize fatty acids as examples of carboxylic acids;
      • discuss physical properties of carboxylic acids;
      • recognize the functional group of a carboxylic anhydride;
      • discuss formation of and hydrolysis of carboxylic anhydrides;
      • recognize the functional group of a carboxylic ester;
      • discuss nomenclature of carboxylic esters;
      • define ester and explain esterification and hydrolysis;
      • recognize the functional group of a carboxylic amide;
      • define and differentiate lactams and lactones;
      • recognize the functional group of a phosphoric anhydride;
      • differentiate Diphosphate from Triphosphate structures; and
      • recognize phosphoric esters.
    • Topic 7 – Carbohydrates
      • define carbohydrate and discuss their importance in plants and humans;
      • define chiral and identify a chiral carbon or stereocenter;
      • define, identify, and discuss properties of enantiomers;
      • differentiate Fisher projection formulas from Haworth projections;
      • calculate the maximum number of stereoisomers possible for a given structure;
      • differentiate aldoses from ketoses;
      • differentiate monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides;
      • define penultimate carbon;
      • differentiate D from L monosaccharides;
      • differentiate Alpha from Beta structures;
      • compare physical, chemical, and structural properties of monosaccharides;
      • differentiate pyranose and furanose rings;
      • discuss important reactions of glucose;
      • specify the monosaccharide constituents of maltose, lactose, and sucrose; and
      • compare the structural composition and distribution of starch, glycogen, and cellulose. List functions of heparin and hyaluronic acid.
    • Topic 8 – Lipids
      • define lipids and discuss their major functions in human biochemistry;
      • describe the structure and physical and chemical properties of triglycerides;
      • compare saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
      • contrast the structures of glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and glycolipids;
      • discuss the composition and functioning of membranes;
      • describe the steroid ring system and the structure of cholesterol;
      • discuss the function and composition of lipoproteins;
      • compare HDL, LDL, VLDL, and chylomicrons;
      • ciscuss the relationship between atherosclerosis and blood levels of cholesterol, HDL, and LDL;
      • specify cholesterol as the starting material for synthesis of the steroid hormones and bile and discuss the functions of these products; and
      • describe the prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes.
    • Topic 9 – Proteins
      • list and explain the major functions of proteins;
      • draw the general formula of an amino acid;
      • recognize the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins;
      • define zwitterions and isoelectric point;
      • recognize the unique property of cysteine to form a disulfide linkage;
      • identify peptide linkages, peptides, polypeptides, c-terminal end, and n-terminal end, proteins;
      • describe and differentiate the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of proteins; and
      • discuss denaturation of proteins.
    • Topic 10 – Enzymes
      • define enzymes and discuss their specificity;
      • list the 6 major categories of enzymes and identify the type of reaction that is involved in each category;
      • distinguish between the terms cofactor, apoenzyme, coenzyme, proenzyme, and active site;
      • compare how a competitive and a non-competitive inhibitor produce their effect;
      • detail in words and by graph the effect of enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, pH, and temperature on the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction;
      • discuss the lock and key model and the induced fit model of the mechanism of enzyme action;
      • define feedback control as it applies to enzyme regulation;
      • define isoenzymes; and
      • list examples of enzymes and isoenzymes important in clinical diagnosis.
    • Topic 11 – Metabolism
      • define metabolism, catabolism, anabolism, and biochemical pathway;
      • specify the 2 sequences of the common catabolic pathway and the major purpose of catabolic pathways;
      • compare the structures of AMP, ADP, ATP, NAD, FAD, and acetyl CoA;
      • discuss the role of acetyl CoA in the Krebs cycle;
      • identify the major compounds in the Kreb’s (TCA citric acid) cycle;
      • describe the citric acid cycle including reactions and carbon balance;
      • explain the role of NAD and FAD in the citric acid cycle and in the electron transport chain;
      • identify the enzymes of the electron transport chain;
      • describe the function of the proton translocating ATPase and specify the final acceptor of oxidative phosphorylation;
      • determine the number of ATP molecules produced in the Kreb’s cycle and oxidative phosphorylation as a result of oxidation of one acetyl group;
      • define glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis and glycogenolysis;
      • detail the 3 stages of glycolysis;
      • distinguish between anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis;
      • indicate under what conditions pyruvate is converted to (a) lactate, (b) ethanol, or (c) acetyl CoA;
      • specify the total net yield of ATP from metabolism of one glucose molecule and compare to the energy yield from fatty acids;
      • describe B-oxidation of fatty acids;
      • name the ketone bodies and explain their elevated concentration in blood and urine of diabetics;
      • discuss transamination, oxidative deamination, and the urea cycle;
      • detail the convergence of the specific pathways of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein catabolism into the common catabolic pathway;
      • discuss the catabolism of heme and the development of jaundice;
      • describe the biosynthesis of carbohydrates, fatty acids, cholesterol, and amino acids; and
      • define what is meant by essential amino acids and fatty acids.
    • Topic 12 – Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
      • explain the importance of hereditary information and its storage and expression in DNA;
      • define nucleic acid, nucleotide, gene, chromosome, and genetic code;
      • detail the 3 units of a nucleotide;
      • name the purines and pyrimidines present in DNA and those in RNA;
      • compare the sugar components of RNA and DNA;
      • describe the primary structure of DNA and RNA;
      • describe the secondary structure of DNA;
      • summarize the major differences in structure between DNA and RNA;
      • compare the types of RNA;
      • describe DNA replication, transcription, translation, and protein synthesis;
      • discuss DNA fingerprinting; and
      • define PCR, detail the steps of PCR, and discuss applications in the Clinical Lab and Forensics.

    Prerequisites: CH 146 or CH 180, ML 112
    S (N)

  • ML 127 - Phlebotomy

    Credit Hours: 2

    This course involves the role of the phlebotomist in facilitating the specimen collection process. Classroom and laboratory instruction concentrate on venipuncture using simulated arms and micro-collection techniques. Introduction to point of care testing and waived category tests; quality management and liability risk management is also included.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • identify the function of phlebotomy in the HealthCare Setting;
    • demonstrate fundamental knowledge of basic medical terminology and body systems;
    • state and adhere to all safety protocols and guidelines to include universal precautions and infection control and other guidelines that may be provided both on campus as well as at the extern site;
    • state and adhere to all PHI rules and HIPAA regulations as specified by the extern site;
    • follow departmental policies and procedures to correctly identify the patient and the labeling protocols of all patient specimens;
    • select appropriate evacuated tubes for routine blood collection;
    • list criteria for minimizing collection complications and specimen rejection by the laboratory;
    • select appropriate veins and demonstrate proper collection techniques by venipuncture on adults;
    • recognize the need for specialized collection techniques, the complications and special considerations associated with blood collection;
    • relate the importance of collection criteria, specimen storage and transport for routine and special tests;
    • select appropriate collection systems for dermal punctures in the adult, child and newborn;
    • demonstrate proper microcollection techniques in the adult;
    • perform common CLIA waived tests;
    • list the importance of quality control tools;
    • demonstrate concern, competency and care when interacting with patients;
    • identify the components of a quality assurance program;
    • enter data into a computer following protocols as needed;
    • use effective communication skills;
    • qualify for certification/registration examination offered by the National Association of Health Professionals; and
    • apply the skills required to project an image of professionalism to include appearance, conduct, punctuality, competency and continuing education as feasible.

    Prerequisites: MA 115 or ML 111 or permission of the instructor.
    Concurrent Registration: ML 128
    F/S (N)

  • ML 128 - Clinical Rotation Phlebotomy

    Credit Hours: 2

    This off-campus course provides the opportunity to gain practical experience in the collection of clinical samples at designated clinical sites. Emphasis is placed on actual performance of procedures using techniques and skills learned during the on-campus aspect of this course. Students are supervised and instructed at the clinical sites by clinical faculty. They must successfully interact with patients, health care professionals, exhibit professional and ethical behavior and complete the rotation in order to complete the course requirements and the on-campus course (ML 127).

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • performed a minimum of 25 venipunctures per site on patients at scheduled hospital/clinical sites;
    • adhered to proper techniques and NCCLS standards for specimen collection;
    • routine venipuncture and specimen handling instruction;
    • followed facility safety standards, protocols, and privacy policies;
    • demonstrated ethical and professional behavior;
    • arrived at the site in a timely fashion, followed call in procedure for absence and worked cooperatively with personnel; and
    • a written phlebotomy exit examination at the VA.

    Prerequisites: MA 115 or ML 111 or permission of the instructor. Completion of the Health Science Health Report Form. Annual PPD and Influenza vaccine records are required.
    Concurrent Registration: ML 127
    F/S (N)

  • ML 210 - Clinical Laboratory Procedures

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    Study of urinalysis and body fluids and an introduction to histological principles and procedures. Emphasis is placed on laboratory analysis, testing and observation of both hospital and contrived patient samples. Students use data from case studies to correlate test results with disease states.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate ability to analyze normal and abnormal clinical specimens in urinalysis and body fluids;
    • record patient data, evaluate specimen acceptability and analysis;
    • perform the tests with speed and accuracy;
    • accurately report and record test results;
    • maintain routine quality control charts;
    • list normal values of each procedure and demonstrate recognition of these values both by reporting abnormalities to the instructor and by flagging the abnormal values in the patient report;
    • using data obtained from laboratory analysis, identify patients showing abnormal values and relate to disease states in lab and in case study format;
    • for qualified students, review phlebotomy on simulated arms in preparation for a hospital session; and
    • work cooperatively with fellow students to achieve objectives.

    Prerequisites: ML 125
    Corequisites: ML 214, ML 215, ML 218, ML 219
    S (N)

  • ML 211 - Clinical Rotation I

    Credit Hours: 2

    This course requires students to complete a series of specialty rotations at designated clinical sites (and to participate in discussions of related issues) which will provide exposure to a variety of physical settings, current state-of-the-art instrumentation. Students have the opportunity to gain practical experience in collecting clinical samples and performing laboratory analysis of hematological, chemical, immunohematologic, immunologic or microbiologic tests/parameters on clinical specimens using current instrumentation available at the clinical site. Emphasis will be on actual performance of these procedures using skills which have been learned during the first two semesters of the program. Students are supervised and instructed at clinical sites by clinical faculty. Students must successfully complete the rotation and submit on time the required clinical reports in order to successfully complete course requirements.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student will have successfully completed the following:

    • performed/observed laboratory analysis of hematology, coagulation, chemistry, microbiology, diagnostic immunology, histology, transfusion service tests/ parameters on clinical specimens using current instrumentation available at each clinical site;
    • completed specific exit requirements for each clinical laboratory at a satisfactory level; and
    • achieved satisfactory affective evaluation in all laboratory experiences.

    Prerequisites: All ML courses in the first and second semesters of the curriculum or permission of the department head.
    Corequisites: ML 213, ML 215
    F (N)

  • ML 212 - Clinical Analysis III

    Credit Hours: 3

    Discussion of sodium and potassium analysis, ion selective electrodes, electrophoresis, plasma proteins, immunoassay, chromatography, drug analysis, endocrinology, osmometry and automation.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • describe basic principles of ion selective electrodes;
    • discuss the clinical significance, specimen precautions and methods of analysis for sodium, potassium, total serum proteins, albumin, and serum and urine osmolality;
    • identify and explain basic principles, technique, apparatus, and quantitation of immunoassay, electrophoresis, osmometry, and chromatography;
    • detail clinical applications of immunoassay, electrophoresis, osmometry, and chromatography;
    • discuss the principles of continuous flow, discrete sample, centrifugal, and dry chemistry analyzers; and
    • describe and contrast commonly used automated laboratory instruments.

    Prerequisites: ML 122, ML 123, ML 124, ML 125, ML 126
    Corequisites: ML 213
    F (N)

  • ML 213 - Lab for ML 212

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    A continuation of ML 123. The student will perform routine colorimetric determinations and use automated clinical chemistry instrumentation. Special chemistry procedures may be performed. Students must report results in writing and by computer, according to established procedures. Clinical laboratory rotation assignments must be completed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

    • perform the serum sodium determination with the NOVA 5 Analyzer;
    • perform the serum potassium determination with the NOVA 5 Analyzer;
    • perform the serum chloride determination with the NOVA 5 Analyzer;
    • perform colorimetric determinations with the VITROS DT 60;
    • perform Lipid profiles with the VITROS DT 60;
    • measure enzymes and electrolytes using the VITROS DTSC and DTE modules;
    • perform DNA Fingerprinting and/or serum protein electrophoresis;
    • perform TDM and endocrine analysis with the Abbott TDX Analyzer and/or Abbott Axsym Analyzer and/or Elecsys Analyzer and/or Beckman Access Analyzer; and
    • perform routine chemistry analysis with the Abbott Architect Analyzer.

    Prerequisites: ML 122, ML 123, ML 124, ML 125, ML 126
    Concurrent Registration: ML 212 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ML 214 - Hematology I

    Credit Hours: 2

    Origin, development and morphology of the cellular constituents of blood and introduction to bone marrow. Emphasis is on normal blood composition, variables affecting normal blood and the mechanics and significance of complete blood count (CBC) parameters.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • state the principle of manual and microsample collection systems for the routine tests used in the hematology laboratory;
    • describe the role of the medical technician in providing quality patient care;
    • relate importance of test results to diagnostic, emergency and screening protocols;
    • calculate and correlate all parameters of the CBC using internal quality control checks;
    • identify morphological criteria of the normal hemocytes;
    • analyze the responses of the hematopoietic system to physiological changes in the human body;
    • identify safety precautions necessary when handling specimens;
    • identify sources of error and corrective actions necessary for all lab tests discussed;
    • be prepared and punctual for class; and
    • display interest/attend continuing education seminars as feasible.

    Prerequisites: ML 122, Ml 123, ML 124, and ML 125
    Corequisites: ML 215
    S (N)

  • ML 215 - Lab for ML 214

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    Laboratory exercises include routine complete blood counts (CBCs) on hospital obtained and microcollection specimens. Special testing procedures may be performed. automated counting devices, data entry and basic case studies are introduced. Students must report results properly, recognize reference intervals and relate fundamental clinical significance. Affective evaluations must be satisfactory.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

    • perform all routine and special procedures with maximum accuracy and integrity;
    • report results in a concise and timely manner using appropriate units and hospital formats;
    • recognize the importance of laboratory results and the role of the lab in health care delivery;
    • state the normal values for routine and special procedures performed;
    • identify the sources of error in all procedures and indicate appropriate corrective actions required;
    • use internal check systems and quality control to monitor equipment, procedure and recognize erroneous results;
    • prepare and critically examine the stained blood film and perform differential;
    • perform all calculations correctly and recognize erroneous results;
    • recognize abnormal results and flag with an asterisk;
    • properly log in all blood samples and enter data into the computer;
    • perform all procedures following established safety regulations and precautions;
    • relate the principle of all test procedures and instrumentation methods;
    • relate sources of error in all procedures and take appropriate corrective action;
    • maintain work area/reports and supply cabinets, microscope and personal self in a neat, clean and orderly state;
    • follow directions as given and come prepared for laboratory exercises;
    • be punctual to class and work cooperatively with classmates;
    • manage time effectively and organize workloads; and
    • demonstrate interest in hematology and participate in available continuing education as feasible.

    Prerequisites: Ml 122, ML 123, ML 124, and ML 125
    Corequisites: ML 214
    S (N)

  • ML 216 - Immunohematology

    Credit Hours: 2

    A course which presents current concepts in transfusion medicine, including the characteristics of major blood groups; compatibility testing; hemolytic disease of the newborn; the collection, processing and storage of blood and components; the testing and quality control procedures required prior to the release of blood and components for transfusion and the complications which may result from transfusion.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • describe the basic process of human immunology;
    • explain both the cellular and humoral immune response in basic terms;
    • define terms used in explaining the immunological process;
    • explain antigen – antibody reactions and state the factors affecting them;
    • distinguish between the two major classes of immunoglobulins: IgG and IgM;
    • discuss both the direct and indirect antiglobulin test and state the factors affecting the procedures;
    • discuss the following blood group systems: ABO; Rh; Lewis; MNSs; Kell; Duffy; Kidd; Xg(a); Lutheran; Ii; P; and Secretor as they relate to the following: historical background, genetic inheritance, major antigens and antibodies, antibody characteristics, disease association (if applicable), and the common phenotype /genotype frequencies;
    • describe the antibody screening test (antibody detection), its importance and limitations;
    • describe compatibility testing (crossmatch), its importance and limitations;
    • describe the adverse effects of transfusion and the diseases transmitted through blood transfusion;
    • categorize the adverse transfusion reaction when presented with common signs and symptoms;
    • discuss Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN), its causes and effects, physiology, treatment, and prevention;
    • explain the donor requirements and evaluate possible donors;
    • describe the various blood components, their methods of preparation, testing and storage requirements;
    • adhere to professional conduct, ethics, and standards; and
    • understand the importance of the transfusion service (blood bank) to the health of the patient.


    Prerequisites: ML 124
    Corequisites: ML 217
    F (N)

  • ML 217 - Lab for ML 216

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    The student will practice procedures routinely performed in a transfusion service including ABO and Rh, anti-globulin and compatibility testing. The student must achieve a minimum grade of 80 percent on the final practical exam in order to pass the course. (note: a critical mistake during the final practical will result in automatic failure in the course).

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • show proficiency in the operation of mechanical equipment;
    • explain and understand routine quality control procedures;
    • prepare a 2-5% suspension of red blood cells with proficiency;
    • show the ability to grade agglutination reactions with consistency and proficiency;
    • recognize reactions involving hemolysis and mixed field agglutination;
    • explain the type of samples acceptable for testing in the laboratory and when and why they are used;
    • perform routine ABO-Rho testing, tube method, and interpret results accurately;
    • perform the testing for “weak D” (Du) and interpret the results accurately;
    • utilize Coombs Control Cells (Check Cells or CCC) and explain their importance in antiglobulin testing;
    • explain the testing procedure necessary for distinguishing between A1 and A2;
    • discuss RH-Hr testing and interpret the results accurately;
    • interpret the RH-Hr phenotype/genotype accurately using both Fisher-Race and Wiener nomenclature;
    • perform antiglobulin testing, both the direct and indirect methods, using polyspecific (“Broad Spectrum”) reagents and interpret the results accurately;
    • perform the antibody screening procedure and interpret the results accurately;
    • perform the donor compatibility testing procedure (Crossmatch) and interpret results accurately; and
    • resolve simple incompatibilities; understanding the cause and solutions.

    Prerequisites: ML 124
    Corequisites: ML 216
    F (N)

  • ML 218 - Clinical Microbiology I Lecture

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introductory microbiology course, emphasizing the clinical laboratory, technical skills and theory behind basic clinical microbiology procedures. Topics include classification and diversity of microbes, cell structure and function, growth, metabolism and genetics, laboratory methods for cultivation and identification of microbes from patient specimens. The principles of infectious disease production, microbial pathogenicity and host defense mechanisms are also presented.

    Course Outcomes
    At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:

    • Fundamentals of Microbiology:
      • state the general features of various forms of microbial life;
      • explain the beneficial and harmful role of microbes in human life;
      • describe the historical developments in the field of microbiology;
      • compare the theories of spontaneous generation and biogenesis; and
      • list Koch’s Postulates and explain their significance.
    • Classification and Diversity of Microorganisms:
      • list the taxonomic categories used for the classification of living organisms;
      • explain the binomial system of classification and correctly identify the genus and species names of organisms;
      • outline the Five Kingdom and Three Domain Classification System;
      • describe the characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
      • outline characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organism; and
      • describe the structural features of viruses.
    • Microscopic Examination of Microbes:
      • define the metric units used to measure microorganisms;
      • state the use of various types of microscopy; and
      • explain the components of simple, differential, and special stains.
    • Microbial Cell Structure and Function:
      • compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
      • distinguish between the various types of bacterial cell morphology;
      • compare the chemical composition of the Gram positive and Gram negative cell walls;
      • describe the structure and function of glycocalyx, flagella, axial filaments, fimbriae, and pilie. Describe the chemical composition and functions of the prokaryotic cell membrane;
      • explain the composition and function of cytoplasm, nucleoid, plasmids, ribosomes, and inclusions of prokaryotic cells;
      • list the organelles of the eukaryotic cells and describe their function; and
      • explain the process of endospore formation and its clinical significance.
    • Microbial Growth:
      • explain the growth requirements of microbes;
      • compare and contrast the various nutritional types of organisms;
      • classify microorganisms according to their optimum growth temperature, pH, and oxygen preference;
      • explain the effects of osmotic pressure on microbial growth;
      • describe the various types of culture media used in the cultivation of microbes;
      • explain binary fission and the logathrithmic bacterial growth curve; and
      • compare methods of measuring bacterial growth.
    • Microbial Metabolism:
      • define the terms metabolism, catabolism, and anabolism; and
      • describe energy production processes including oxidation, reduction, glycolysis, respiration, fermentation, and photosynthesis.
    • Microbial Genetics:
      • describe the structure of DNA and RNA;
      • define the terms gene, chromosome, genotype, and phenotype;
      • explain the flow of genetic information and protein synthesis;
      • define and classify mutations;
      • explain genetic transfer and mechanisms of recombination; and
      • describe the role of transposons in genetic alteration.
    • Laboratory Methods of Microorganism Classification and Identification:
      • explain how biochemical tests are used to separate closely related bacteria into species;
      • describe how serological procedures indicate the exposure of an individual to a particular microbe and are used to identify microbes;
      • compare and contrast the following procedures: DNA fingerprinting, PCR, and DNA probes; and
      • compare phenotypic vs phylogenetic classification in Bergey’s Manual.
    • Viruses:
      • differentiate a virus from other organisms;
      • describe the major components of the virion;
      • differentiate between lysis and lysogeny and the role of the bacteriophage in each; and
      • discuss selected DNA and RNA viruses and their associated disease.
    • Principles of Disease:
      • define pathogen, infection, disease, and pathogenesis;
      • compare normal, transient, opportunistic, and pathogenic microorganisms;
      • distinguish between communicable and non-communicable diseases; and
      • explain disease transmission, nosocomial infections, patterns of disease, and compromised host.
    • Microbial Pathogenicity:
      • define host, parasite, intoxication, virulence, and colonization;
      • list both the portals of entry and exit of a pathogen;
      • explain microbial adherence;
      • describe pathogenic properties of bacteria including external structures, enzymes, and toxins;
      • compare and contrast endotoxin and exotoxin; and
      • discuss the pathogenic properties of viruses, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and algae.
    • Non-Specific Host Defenses:
      • define the terms resistance and susceptibility;
      • discuss the role of skin, mucous membranes, and other external defenses in disease prevention;
      • describe inflammation and its role in defense against disease;
      • list the type and functions of leukocytes;
      • define phagocytosis and describe its importance in fighting infection; and
      • list factors which lower host resistance.
    • Specific Immune Response:
      • distinguish between innate and acquired immunity;
      • compare the various types of acquired immunity;
      • differentiate between humoral and cell mediated immunity;
      • define an antigen and antibody;
      • list the five human antibody types;
      • distinguish between primary and secondary immune response;
      • explain the mechanism of antibody formation;
      • define cell mediated immunity; and
      • describe the characteristics of T-cell populations.


    Prerequisites: BI 110, BI 115
    Corequisites: ML 219
    F (N)

  • ML 219 - Clinical Microbiology I Lab

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    An introductory clinical microbiology laboratory course emphasizing the hospital laboratory, technical skills and the theory of basic clinical microbiology procedures. Laboratory methods include the Gram stain procedure, preparation of culture media, aseptic technique, collection and handling of microbiological specimens and isolation and identification of pathogens from the upper respiratory tract, urinary tract, gential tract and intestinal tract . Basic procedures for culture and classification of medically significant fungi are also included.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Safety and Microscope:
      • discuss and follow the safety regulations in the microbiology laboratory;
      • demonstrate proper care in handling the microscope;
      • locate and describe the function of the parts of the compound light microscope;
      • use the microscope to observe prepared slides of blood cells; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Bacterial Cell Morphology:
      • use the microscope to examine prepared slides of various microorganisms;
      • use correct bacteriological terminology to describe shapes and arrangements of bacteria; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Media Preparation:
      • calculate the number of grams of dehydrated medium needed to prepare a specified volume of medium;
      • demonstrate the proper use of the balance for weighing out dehydrated powdered medium;
      • use a graduated cylinder to measure out specified volumes of water to dissolve the medium;
      • dissolve, dispense, and sterilize media as specified; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Aseptic Technique:
      • describe procedures and principles of aseptic technique practiced in the microbiology laboratory;
      • use aseptic technique to transfer broth, agar slant, and agar plate cultures;
      • demonstrate proper technique for a streak plate culture for isolation of bacteria;
      • culture bacteria from various environmental sites; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Examination of Cultures:
      • describe characteristics of microbial cultures;
      • examine cultures prepared by students and use proper terminology to describe colony characteristics; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Smear Preparation and Staining:
      • prepare a wet mount, observe motility, and distinguish motility from Brownian movement and streaming;
      • describe the procedure for preparing smears from broth and agar media;
      • roperly prepare smears from various specimens;
      • perform a simple stain and examine the smear;
      • perform a gram stain using control cultures to check for accuracy and examine the smear;
      • describe other special stains and preparations and examine prepared smears; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Control of Microbial Growth:
      • test the effectiveness of various antiseptic and disinfectant chemicals againsttest bacteria and interpret the results;
      • observe demonstration plates of antimicrobial susceptibility tests and interpret the results; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Clinical Microbiology - Upper Respiratory Tract:
      • obtain a nasal and throat specimen for culture;
      • examine cultures and describe colony morphology;
      • differentiate Staphylococcus and Streptococcus genera by microscopy andcatalase testing;
      • speciate Staphylococcus and Streptococcus by morphology and biochemical tests; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • Clinical Microbiology - Genitourinary Tract:
      • describe urinary samples for culture;
      • obtain a urine specimen for culture;
      • examine and interpret urine colony counts;
      • describe biochemical tests for differentiation of enteric bacteria;
      • observe demonstration slides of gonorrhea prepared from clinical specimens; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • DNA Fingerprinting:
      • develop an understanding of the basic scientific principles in the DNA fingerprinting methodology; and
      • weigh evidence, analyze, and interpret data generated in this procedure.
    • Mycology:
      • isolate fungi from the environment;
      • describe the classification of fungi and give examples of representative yeasts and molds;
      • observe macroscopic and microscopic morphology of representative yeasts and molds; and
      • complete laboratory reports as assigned.
    • acterial Unknown Identification:
      • inoculate appropriate plating media for assigned unknown organism or specimen;
      • incubate unknown using proper temperature and atmospheric conditions;
      • observe bacterial growth and perform Gram stain on isolated colonies;
      • determine and inoculate appropriate biochemical test media for organism identification; and
      • complete and hand in lab report.


    Prerequisites: BI 110, BI 115
    Corequisites: ML 218
    F (N)

  • ML 220 - Topics in Clinical Microbiology

    Credit Hours: 1

    The lectures will focus on procedures for identification of clinically significant pathogens in specialized areas of microbiology with emphasis on parasitology, virology and mycobacteriology. This course will be updated annually to reflect new disease trends related to the previously listed areas. Students will be required to research emerging pathogens in these areas of microbiology.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student should will be able to:

    • Parasitology:
      • list the three major groups of parasites: Protozoa, Nematodes, and Platyhelminthes;
      • state the genus and species representatives of the four classes of protozoa. Describe the disease each causes, symptoms, the mode of transmission, and the procedure for lab identification, including the main identifying features of each;
      • identify the parasitic nematodes and their ova, as well as the diseases, symptoms, mode of transmission, and diagnostic features of each;
      • identify the parasitic platyhelminthes including both trematodes and cestodes. Describe the disease associated with each, the symptoms, mode of transmission, and the identifying features of each;
      • outline collection procedures for specimens requiring parasitological examination, including the use of preservatives or fixatives; and
      • list the main methods used in the lab to prepare clinical specimens for ova and parasite examination. Describe the advantages of each procedure.
    • Mycobacteriology:
      • categorize the various types of Mycobacteria and list representative members;
      • describe the microscopic characteristics of mycobacteria;
      • define the term acid-fast and review prepared slides of acid-fast bacteria;
      • describe specimen handling techniques for mycobacteria with emphasis on the digestion, decontamination, and concentration procedures for sputum specimens;
      • list the culture media used to isolate mycobacteria and the proper method for handling in the lab;
      • differentiate mycobacterial species using the characteristics of pigment production and growth rate; and
      • list the laboratory tests used to identify mycobacterial species.
    • Virology:
      • classify common viral pathogens as either DNA or RNA viruses;
      • state the disease or pathologic manifestations of selected viral pathogens;
      • describe the guidelines for viral specimen collection and transport; and
      • describe laboratory procedures for the diagnosis of viral infections.
    • Rickettsia, Chlamydia, and Mycoplasma:
      • compare the 3 groups of organisms according to their cell structure and metabolic properties;
      • describe the significant pathogens in each group; and
      • state the appropriate diagnostic procedures for each designated species of Rickettsia, Chlamydia, and Mycoplasma.

    Prerequisites: BI 110, BI 115, ML 218, ML 219 or BI 230, BI 231
    S (N)

  • ML 221 - Clinical Rotation

    Credit Hours: 2.5

    Continuation of ML 211. This course requires students to complete a series of specialty rotations at designated clinical sites and to participate in discussions of related issues, which will provide exposure to a variety of physical settings, current state-of-the-art instrumentation, provide patient contact and contact with professionals. Students will have the opportunity to gain practical experience in collecting clinical samples and performing laboratory analysis of hematological, chemical, immunohematologic, immunologic or microbiologic test/parameters on clinical specimens using current instrumentation available at the clinical site. Emphasis will be on actual performance of these procedures using skills which have been learned during the first two semesters of the program. Students are supervised and instructed at clinical sites by clinical faculty. Students must successfully complete the rotation and submit, on time, the required clinical reports in order to successfully complete course requirements.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • perform phlebotomy on patients during a scheduled hospital session;
    • perform laboratory analysis of hematology, chemistry, microbiology, coagulation, histology, and immunohematology tests/parameters on clinical specimens using current instrumentation available at each clinical site;
    • complete a written report, examination, or other site evaluation on instrumentation, methodologies and protocols encountered during each assigned hospital laboratory session, including general observations of laboratory operation;
    • review for the MLT-ASCP Board of Registry exam or equivalent certification/ licensure exam focusing on the major clinical areas using computer and/or written testing; and
    • conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.

    Prerequisites: All ML courses in the first, second and third semesters of the curriculum or by permission of the department head.
    S (N)

  • ML 222 - Clinical Analysis IV

    Credit Hours: 3

    Study of carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, renal and liver function testing. Emphasis will be placed on methods of analysis and clinical significance. Clinical laboratory rotation assignments must be completed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • recognize the structures of clinically significant carbohydrates and lipids;
    • discuss the digestion, absorption, metabolism, and hormone regulation of carbohydrates and lipids in the body;
    • explain the metabolic changes of the disease diabetes mellitus and discuss the lab procedures utilized for its diagnosis and to monitor treatment;
    • detail the clinical significance, specimen precautions, and methods of analysis for the determination of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDLC, and LDLC in blood;
    • discuss specimen precautions, clinical significance, and methods of analysis for the enzymes and isoenzymes commonly analyzed in the clinical lab;
    • detail and compare the clinical significance of markers utilized for the diagnosis and evaluation of cardiac disorders;
    • discuss specimen precautions, clinical significance, and methods of analysis for those tests used to evaluate renal function; and
    • discuss specimen precautions, clinical significance, and methods of analysis for those laboratory tests used to evaluate liver function.

    Prerequisites: ML 123, ML 123, ML 124, ML 125, ML 126 ML 212, and ML 213
    S (N)

  • ML 224 - Advanced Hematology

    Credit Hours: 3

    Emphasis is placed on hematological changes associated with disease states in the granulocytic, immune, erythrocytic and coagulation systems. Evaluation of selected diseases by a case studies approach is included.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • state the theoretical aspects of automated, routine and specialized hematology tests;
    • correlate their importance in diagnostic, emergency, and screening protocols;
    • identify morphological criteria for normal and abnormal hemocytes;
    • analyze the responses of the hematopoietic system to pathological and reactive changes in the human body and assess related clinical condition or blood dyscrasia;
    • relate the QC tools used for all tests performed and state the importance of a quality assurance program;
    • calculate, correlate and evaluate complete blood count parameters;
    • integrate theoretical aspects of primary and secondary hemostatic mechanisms;
    • correlate their importance in diagnostic, emergency and screening protocols;
    • analyze coagulation test results and correlate to probable coagulopathy or hemostatic defect;
    • identify sources of error in all tests and relate appropriate corrective actions;
    • discuss safety/body substance isolation (BSI) and privacy requirements (HIPAA);
    • identify all facets of basic phlebotomy collection systems on campus and at the clinical site;
    • follow all established safety precautions and protocols necessary when handling biologic samples as indicated by the college and clinical faculty at the clinical site;
    • perform hematological analysis and coagulation testing using state of the art clinical instrumentation at the site(s);
    • submit clinical reports and professional journal enrichment assignments on time, neatly and following protocols as instructed;
    • adhere to professional conduct, ethics, and standards;
    • attend local/state seminars and continuing education as feasible; and
    • attend off-site clinical rotation as scheduled following all requirements of clinical faculty.

    Prerequisites: ML 214, Ml 215, ML 216
    Corequisites: ML 225
    F (N)

  • ML 225 - Lab for ML 224

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    Laboratory exercises on hospital and capillary collection specimens include use of point of care instrumentation, introduction to state-of-the-art instruments, special procedures, coagulation testing and case studies of a variety of blood dyscrasias using critical thinking skills. Venipuncture training on simulated arms is also included. Affective evaluations must be satisfactory. Clinical laboratory rotation assignments must be completed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • correctly perform multiple automated hemoglobin determinations within 50 minutes and obtain values within specified range of hospital results;
    • correctly perform all routine and specialized tests within 50 minutes and obtain results correlating to hospital values;
    • identify normal/abnormal parameters of the procedures performed;
    • relate major disease states causing abnormal parameters of the procedures performed;
    • use appropriate QC for lab tests as indicated;
    • review usage of the blood smear as a check of RBC indices, white blood cell and platelet count values;
    • complete a minimum of four (4) case study portfolios on selected dyscrasias of the erythrocytic, leukocytic and coagulation systems;
    • identify follow-up/additional tests required for confirmation of diagnosis in the anemias, leukemias, and coagulation systems;
    • perform venipuncture on simulator arms safely and properly;
    • perform micro collection methods safely and properly within 15 minutes;
    • perform properly PT, APTT on the Fibrometer, CoaguChek and Thromboscreen instruments and other selected coagulation tests;
    • perform the phase platelet count, calculate and record using proper format;
    • perform all laboratory tests with maximum accuracy and integrity and report them in a concise manner using appropriate units, proper hospital forms/computer entry and with minimal supervision;
    • log-in all samples into logbook record;
    • strictly follow lab safety rules, privacy requirements on all procedures on and off campus;
    • perform automated CBC’s, coagulation tests and special procedures as instructed by the clinical faculty without disrupting the operations of the laboratory;
    • relate operational principal, maintenance, calibration, QC, sources of error/interference with the effect created by the error on the results, and the corrective action/solution to the problem routinely employed by the hospital for the SYSMEX XE 2100, COULTER LH 750, STAGO and SONOCLOT or any new instrumentation introduced;
    • observe operational procedures for the other instruments demonstrated; and
    • attend all assigned hospital rotation sites and complete clinical rotation as instructed and in the timeframe indicated by the instructor(s).

    Prerequisites: ML 215, ML 217
    Corequisites: ML 224, ML 227
    F (N)

  • ML 227 - Immunohematology II Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    Continuation of ML 217. Discussions and laboratory procedures will include general transfusion practices, the resolution of ABO and Rh discrepancies, identification procedures of red cell antibodies, transfusion practices involving incompatibilities and the laboratory investigation of the positive DAT, HDN and hemolytic anemia.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • differentiate between autologous, homologous, and directed donation processes;
    • define and explain the apheresis process, including: plasmapheresis, leukapheresis, and plateletpheresis;
    • explain “blood salvage” and its importance in transfusion;
    • describe routine and emergency transfusion practices;
    • explain the biochemical changes that occur during blood and component storage;
    • discuss the four categories of ABO discrepancies and their causes;
    • identify, categorize and resolve basic types of ABO discrepancies;
    • discuss ABO and its relationship to disease;
    • discuss reasons for invalid Rh results;
    • identify and resolve basic problems involving invalid Rh testing;
    • discuss the process of finding compatible blood for recipients having irregular antibodies, including how and why incompatibilities are discovered;
    • interpret antibody identification panels involving single and multiple antibody specificities with some proficiency;
    • describe and explain how the more commonly used procedures for identifying antibodies are used, i.e. enzymes, neutralization, enhancement medium (LISS), etc.;
    • discuss the resolution of the incompatible crossmatch;
    • describe and perform procedures used in evaluating the positive direct antiglobulin test (DAT);
    • discuss the positive DAT and autoimmune hemolytic anemia;
    • describe and perform the testing procedures necessary for the investigation of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN);
    • perform antigen typing on red cells; associate its importance to the resolution antibody identification panels and transfusion as well as phenotyping/genotyping;
    • describe the phenomenon of rouleaux and recognize its effects on compatibility tests, antibody identification and ABO determinations;
    • recognize hemolysis and mixed field agglutination;
    • list and recognize sources of error for all procedures; and
    • describe the quality control procedures used for blood banking procedures and explain their importance.

    Prerequisites: ML 214, ML 215, ML 216, ML 217
    Corequisites: ML 224
    S (N)

  • ML 228 - Clinical Microbiology II Lecture

    Credit Hours: 2

    Continuation of ML 218 with the discussion of the pathogenesis and identification of specific microorganisms isolated from clinical specimens according to the ASCP Board of Registry Guidelines for CLT curriculum. A taxonomic approach will be used in presenting the groups of microorganisms.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Collection and Handling of Specimens for Microbiological Examination:
      • describe procedures for appropriate body site sampling and proper time for collection of microbiological specimens;
      • state the appropriate collection/transport device for various patient specimens; e.g. throat culture; and
      • outline the proper procedures for handling microbiological specimens which may be a possible cause of laboratory acquired infections such as respiratory tract specimens or suspected systemic fungal infections.
    • Cultivation and Isolation of Microbes from Patient Specimens:
      • state the necessary growth conditions for cultivation of pathogenic microbes;
      • list the components of primary plating media and the appropriate use of each type of media;
      • state the necessary growth conditions for cultivation of pathogenic microbes from patient specimens;
      • identify the possible bacteria which may be isolated from various types of body specimens; and
      • outline the approach to the identification of pathogens including the Gram Stain reaction, biochemical, enzyme, and agglutination tests.
    • Bacterial Pathogens:

      The following groups of microorganisms will be examined and described according to the characteristics listed below in items a-c: Gram positive cocci, Gram negative aerobic cocci, Gram positive bacilli, Gram positive spore forming bacilli, enteric Gram negative bacilli, Gram negative coccobacilli, spirochetes and other spiral-shaped organisms and non-fermenting Gram negative bacilli.
      • compare and contrast the characteristics of the group of pathogenic microbes listed above in relation to cell and colony morphology, staining, and biochemical reactions;
      • describe symptoms, mode of transmission and virulence characteristics of each organism; and
      • outline methods of identification of member genera utilizing specific media, biochemical tests, and culture techniques, including both presumptive and confirmatory tests.

    The preceding is applied to the following topics – Groups 1 to 9:

    • Gram Negative Enteric Bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae):
      • differentiate between normal intestinal flora, a primary pathogen, and an opportunistic pathogen;
      • define the family Enterobacteriaceae on a morphological and biochemical basis and list the pathogenic members of the family using genus and species designation;
      • identify the reactive component for the individual biochemical media;
      • for each genus discussed, the student will complete the following:
        • state the organism’s microscopic morphology;
        • describe the colony morphology on selective and differential media;
        • identify the key biochemical reactions of the specific genera belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family;
        • state the key biochemical reactions to differentiate the species within a genus; and
        • review the pathogenesis of significant enteric microorganisms.
      • describe the antigenic structure of: E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella; and
      • define the concept of serologic identification of the enteric bacilli, include antigen and location on the bacterial cell.
    • Non-Fermentative Gram Negative Bacilli:
      • state the principle of the oxidative-fermentative test;
      • describe the procedures for the identification of a member of this group such as the oxidase reaction, motility, growth on MacConkey agar and flagella stain;
      • explain how OF Medium may be used to differentiate fermentative, oxidative, and non-saccharolytic organisms; and
      • identify significant species of Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Chryseobacterium, Stenotrophomonas, Acinetobacter, and Moraxella.
    • Vibrionaceae, Curved Gram Negative Bacilli, and Oxidase Positive Fermenters: Vibrio, Campylobacter, Helicobacter pylori, Aeromonas, and Plesiomonas:
      • state the significant characteristics of Vibrio cholerae including selective media (TCBS) for isolation, cell morphology, flagellar arrangement, and RBC agglutination;
      • describe the pathogenesis of cholera and how it is effectively treated;
      • list the important features of Vibrio parahaemolyticus including disease production and differentiation from V. cholerae;
      • state the isolation procedures and identifying traits of Campylobacter jejuni including complex atmospheric conditions, selective media, biochemical tests, and appearance on a direct smear;
      • describe the disease produced by C. jejuni pylori;
      • review the significant features of Helicobacter pylori including laboratory identification, pathogenesis, and treatment of peptic ulcer disease;
      • be able to differentiate Aeromonas hydrophilia and Plesiomonas shigelloides according to growth on selective media, DNase, V-P test, flagellar arrangement, and hemolysis on blood agar; and
      • state how A. hydrophilia and P. shigelloides infections are acquired.
    • Gram Negative Coccobacillary Facultative Bacteria:
      Pasteurella, Francisella, Bordetella, Haemophilus, and Legionella
      • describe the major diseases produced by the genera in this group;
      • list the identifying features of the major pathogens including P. multocida, F. tularensis, Bordetella pertussis, and Legionella pneumophila;
      • characterize the significant Haemophilus species according to biochemical testing and “X” and “V” factor requirements; and
      • state the diseases produced by pathogenic Haemophilus species.
    • Aerobic Gram Negative Cocci:
      • define the Neisseria on a morphological and biochemical basis;
      • list the pathogenic members of the family Neisseriaceae;
      • differentiate Neisseria gonorrhoeae from Neisseria meningitidis and Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis;
      • for each member genus and species, the student will complete the following:
        • Characterize specimen collection techniques.
        • Describe culture media procedures for isolation.
        • Outline preliminary identification features (screening).
        • Describe colony morphology variation.
        • List steps for serologic classification
        • Identify key biochemical reactions of the specific species.
      • list nonbiochemical identification tests.
    • Staphylococci and Micrococci:
      • differentiate the Staphylococcus aureus from other staphylococci and micrococci;
      • describe morphology and general characteristics of staphylococci and micrococci;
      • differentiate coagulase negative staphylococci;
      • discuss Staphylococcus aureus regarding its structure and extracellular products;
      • list and outline: identification techniques for Staph aureus, Staph epidermidis, and Staph saprophyticus;
      • discuss antibiotic susceptibility of Staph aureus;
      • compare hemolytic differences among these organisms;
      • describe the coagulase test reactions of species listed;
      • list the significant ingredients and the results obtainable from the blood agar plate, coagulase test, Mannitol salt agar and DNase test;
      • list pathological conditions caused by Staphylococcus aureus;
      • state the primary pathological condition caused by: (1) Staphylococcus epidermidis and (2) Staph saprophyticus; and
      • list the areas of the human body to which staphylococcus is indigenous.
    • Streptococci, Including Enterococci and Pneumococci:
      • describe the procedure for distinguishing between the genus Staphylococcus and the genus Streptococcus;
      • list several species of the genus Streptococcus;
      • classify Streptococci according to their hemolytic reactions on blood agar;
      • outline presumptive identification procedures used for streptococci. e. Discuss epidemiology and pathogenic mechanisms of the genus Streptococcus;
      • describe beta-hemolytic streptococci susceptibility differences to the antibiotic bacitracin or “A” disk test;
      • list diseases caused by beta hemolytic Group A Streptococcus;
      • outline and describe the tests or procedures for the identification of Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus viridans;
      • characterize Lancefield’s serological identification using specific organisms as examples;
      • list specific culture media and reagents for the identification of Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes).  Indicate why identification of a specific streptococcus group necessary for proper antimicrobial therapy and control of some infections;
      • discuss the pathological significance of the capsule;
      • describe differences in optochin susceptibility or “P” disk test in alpha-hemolytic streptococci; and
      • differentiate pneumococci from other alpha-hemolytic streptococci.
    • Gram Positive Bacilli: aerobic spore forming Bacillus, aerobic non- spore forming Corynebacterium, Listeria, and others:
      • characterize the genus Bacillus;
      • list the forms of anthrax which can occur in humans;
      • outline identification methods for B. anthracis B.cereus;
      • list common genera of the aerobic, non-spore forming group of Gram positive bacilli;
      • discuss epidemiology and pathogenesis of Listerosis;
      • outline laboratory identification of Listeria monocytogenes;
      • characterize the genus Corynebacterium;
      • discuss the term diphtheroid and how it relates to the Corynebacteria;
      • outline isolation procedures of C. diphtheriae from suspected clinical material;
      • list type of infections caused by C. diphtheriae and control measures;
      • outline the pathogenesis of Nocardia infection; and
      • list laboratory identification procedures of Nocardia including microscopic and cultural features.
    • Spirochetes (Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira):
      • state the main features of the Spirochaetaceae family.
      • be able to describe Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira based upon cell morphology;
      • state the difficulties associated with Gram staining spirochetes and cultivating in the lab;
      • describe the pathogenesis of infection caused by the various Treponema species;
      • list the tests both treponemal and non-treponemal used to identify Treponema pallidum;
      • state the main features of Borrelia recurrentis and pathogenesis of relapsing fever;
      • discuss Lyme disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi including diagnostic procedures;
      • briefly describe the disease and identifying characteristics the disease and identifying characteristics of Leptospira interrogans; and
      • list the animal reservoirs of Leptosporosis.
      • state the important features of Weil’s Syndrome.
    • Bioterrorism:
      • define the term bioweapon;
      • list the significant agents (microorganisms or toxins) which may be potential biological weapons;
      • define the terms that are primary factors of bioweapons including infectivity, pathogenicity, virulence, toxicity, transmissibility, and incubation period;
      • describe the role of the smallpox virus as a potential biological weapon;
      • state the mechanisms of disease production by Bacillus anthracic and how it has been used as a bioweapon in the past and present;
      • discuss the role of vaccination in the prevention of smallpox and anthrax outbreaks; and
      • give the rationale behind the use of Clostridium botulinum toxin as an effective bioweapon.


    Prerequisites: ML 218, ML 219
    Corequisites: ML 229
    S (N)

  • ML 229 - Clinical Microbiology II Lab

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    Continuation of ML 219 with advanced techniques in procedures for cultivation, isolation and identification of pathogenic microorganisms from a variety of hospital provided or simulated clinical specimens. Clinical specimens include urine samples, throat, rectal, genital and wound swabs.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon the completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • perform and read gram-stained smears on hospital specimens;
    • inoculate and incubate appropriate culture media for the following clinical specimens: urine, throat, genital, rectal, and wound swabs;
    • identify the pathogens in hospital specimens and perform designated confirmatory test procedures;
    • set up and read antibiotic susceptibility testing plates using the Kirby Bauer technique;
    • observe hospital-provided demonstration gram stains and plates of sputum blood, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures;
    • culture anaerobic organisms and identify microscopic morphology of common isolates;
    • identify common pathogenic fungi including both yeast and molds macroscopically and microscopically;
    • use slide agglutination and ELISA test kits for rapid identification of staph aureus, strep pyogenes, and streptococcus agalactiae;
    • follow the laboratory safety rules stated in the performance of test procedures in the clinical microbiology laboratory; and
    • use internet to access ANGEL site for additional reference and review materials in clinical microbiology.

    Prerequisites: ML 218, ML 219
    Corequisites: ML 228
    S (N)

Communication and Media Arts-Communication Arts

  • CA 120 - Introduction to Rhetoric

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course is the study of the effective, artistic and persuasive use of communication. Rhetorical theory will be studied through a historical perspective with the focus remaining on the philosophy and utility of language.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Humanities.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • define rhetoric four different ways;
    • explain the scope and purpose of rhetorical acts;
    • explain issues and controversy regarding message construction;
    • construct effective messages;
    • use rhetorical principles and practices to analyze messages; and
    • explain historical development of concepts in rhetoric.

    F (S)

  • CA 121 - Communication Theory

    Credit Hours: 3

    Communication theory introduces students to important theories that shape the field of communication studies. These theories affect all facets of communication including interpersonal, small group, organizational, mass mediated and multicultural contexts. Through this class, you will be invited to join in the debate about the nature, functions, processes and methods underlying human communicative behavior.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Humanities.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course the student will be able to …

    • explain the elements of communication;
    • explain the meaning of meaning;
    • explain message design, audience identification and media selection;
    • select media that have the greatest potential for reaching a predetermined audience;
    • explain socio-economic-cultural factors in audience sensitivity;
    • contrast various models of the communication process; and
    • apply what they have learned about communications theory to communication research.

    S (S)

  • CA 210 - The Language of Vision and Sound

    Credit Hours: 3

    The focus of this course will be on the principles of aesthetics, form and perception as they apply to film and television. The methods by which these mediums communicate influence our ability to understand the messages. Lectures on image analysis will be supplemented by slide presentations and video clips from television and film.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Humanities.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • explain how radio, television, and film code images and sounds to carry messages;
    • explain how there can be cultural differences in coding of images and sound;
    • explain principles of perception which underlie our reading of the codes;
    • explain some of the ways in which coded images and sounds are shaped into complex discourse or narrative;
    • analyze relationships between the codes and cultures, ideologies, social groups and individuals; and
    • judge the appropriateness of styles of image coding for particular cultures.

    F/S (S)

  • CA 220 - Introduction to Broadcasting

    Credit Hours: 3

    The course will introduce the student to broadcasting technology, history, infrastructure, programming and regulation. The content of television and radio will be analyzed as a component of student research.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course the student will be able to …

    • describe highlights of the history of broadcasting;
    • understand audio/video signal generation, processing, transmission, reception, storage and retrieval
    • define and outline the organizational structure of the broadcast industry
    • explain broadcast regulation;
    • compare and contrast the effects of electronic mass media; and
    • understand the process and strategies of broadcast programming.

    F/S (S)

  • CA 221 - Writing for Media

    Credit Hours: 3

    The course will address the varying methodologies utilized in writing for different media. The class will establish a basis for writing in advertising, news, radio and television, in addition to scripting for film and video productions. All writing assignments will culminate in a professional portfolio.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • prepare news copy for radio and television;
    • prepare promotional and public service copy;
    • judge the quality of broadcast copy;
    • learn the process of screenplay development and proper script format; and
    • write more effectively.

    F/S (S)

  • CA 226 - Communication Research Practicum

    Credit Hours: 3

    The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with both qualitative and quantitative research methods employed in interpersonal, organizational and mass communication studies. The primary goal is to provide students with the hands-on experience of creating all aspects of an empirical study including literature review, conceptualization, methodology, data collection, data analysis, and results writing. After editing, the group study will be submitted to several journals with the aim of publication.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

    • define and differentiate the major research paradigms;
    • delineate the relationship between theory and research;
    • employ independent and dependent variables in valid research designs;
    • define the parts of professional journal articles and their functions;
    • employ and interpret basic statistical processes; and
    • design and execute field research.

    F/S (S)

  • CA 295 - Video Postproduction

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course will be devoted to the principles and functions of video postproduction. The primary focus will be on computer based editing and software applications. The integration of motion picture and audio with digital based operations is extensively significant in the fields of film, television and video production. This course will enable students with the necessary skills in non-linear editing.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • identity and understand the various concepts related to video and film postproduction;
    • demonstrate technical proficiency in computer based nonlinear editing;
    • understand the related theories of tempo, rhythm, structure and pacing as it applies to the editing process;
    • utilize various software tools to create soundtracks, voice-overs, special effects and title sequences; and
    • write short scripts and production outlines with regards to the aforementioned techniques.

    F/S (S)

  • CA 299 - Communication Arts Internship

    Credit Hours: 3

    The internship is an opportunity for students to gain significant experiences in their chosen field of interest. The objective of the course is to allow students access to working environments where the practical application of their studies and their career potential can be assessed. Arrangements can be made through the department chair.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • apply basic communication skills on the job;
    • write communication copy pertinent to the fields of broadcasting, public relations or the arts;
    • demonstrate effective use of time management and the adherence to responsible scheduling;
    • identify and utilize human relation skills and think more productively in regards to career preparation; and
    • provide students with access to communications related work environments where they can assess their potential.

    F/S, SS (S)

Computer Aided Drafting and Design Technology

  • DF 106 - Technical Graphics I w/AutoCAD

    Credit Hours: 4

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the importance of engineering graphic communication to the design process. Students will gain hands-on experience creating freehand sketches and technical drawings using orthographic projections, sections, auxiliary views and isometric drawings. The course presents logical, well-tested, step-by-step instruction while also learning how to use AutoCAD software.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, layout and complete various technical drawings according to industrial standards using AutoCAD software.

    F/S (S)

  • DF 107 - Tech Graphics II w/Autodesk Inventor

    Credit Hours: 4

    This is a continuation of DF 106. The purpose of this course is to continue to provide students with an understanding of the importance of engineering graphic communication to the design process. Students will gain more hands-on experience creating freehand sketches, CAD technical drawings using more complex orthographic projections, sections, auxiliary views and isometric drawings. The course presents logical, well-tested, step-by-step instruction using Autodesk Inventor Software.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, layout and complete various technical drawings according to industrial standards using CAD software to include detail and assembly drawings.

    Prerequisites: DF 106 or equivalent.
    F/S (S)

  • DF 200 - Intro to Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

    Credit Hours: 3

    The course is designed to introduce the student to finite element analysis (FEA) software with the capability of structurally analyzing objects and assemblies created in solid modeling. Once the results are determined, the data will be assessed and presented in an engineering report. A knowledge of solid modeling is recommended but not required, as practice models can be furnished.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

    • perform stress and strain analysis on solid models;
    • prepare engineering reports of the analysis; and
    • import and modify solid models.

    S (S)

  • DF 213 - Electronic Drafting

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    A course in how to draw electrical and electronic drawings using various CAD software.  Drawings to include block diagrams, schematics diagrams, electronic components, chassis layout, panel box layout and highway diagrams.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • identify and complete various electrical drawings according to industrial standards.
    • measure an electrical device using digital calipers or other accurate measuring instrument 
    • construct an accurate detailed multi view drawing including a 3d model drawing.

    Prerequisites: DF 106 or equivalent.
    F/S (N, S)

  • DF 216 - Mechanical Drafting Strength of Materials

    Credit Hours: 3

    Introduction to the theory of material behavior upon application of various loading conditions. Topics include concepts of stress, strain, and torsion, stresses in beams and columns due to mechanical loading.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to apply basic engineering principles to calculate stress, strain and deformation in machine elements, beams and columns.

    Prerequisites: ME 114
    S (S)

  • DF 222 - 3-D Auto CAD

    Credit Hours: 2

    This required course is designed to develop proficiency in working with AutoCAD’s three dimensional capabilities. The focus will be on developing wireframe surface and sound models, then presenting them as shaded on rendered images. The students will also produce axonometric and perspective views.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to set up a 3D CAD drawing, create a wireframe model, create a solid model and produce a presentation drawing according to industrial standards using AutoCAD commands.

    Prerequisites: DF 106
    F/S (S)

  • DF 225 - AutoCAD Applications for Interior Design

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course will provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide for students of interior design and architecture. It will cover commands needed to construct furniture drawings, floor plans, interior furniture presentation drawings, interior elevations, building elevations and site plans.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • work with AutoCAD files;
    • perform commands to create furniture, floor plans, elevations, sections and details;
    • working with clients; and
    • working with commercial and residential spaces.

    F/S (S)

  • DF 230 - Introduction to Solid Works

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introduction to drafting and modeling software for development of working drawings, which detail the manufacturer and assembly of mechanical components and devises. The course includes instruction for preparing both virtual and actual presentations utilizing printers and plotters using Solid Works software.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • model reasonably complex mechanical parts using a solid modeling tool;
    • create assemblies and drawings from solid models;
    • create a list of manufacturing and other economic design considerations when creating models;
    • explain uses of solid modeling in mechanical engineering; and
    • use the computer in all aspects of the mechanical design process.

    F/S (N, S)

  • DF 235 - Introduction to Pro-Engineer Creo

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introduction to drafting and modeling software for development of working drawings, which detail the manufacture and assembly of mechanical components and devices. The course includes instruction for preparing both virtual and actual presentations utilizing printers and plotters using Pro-Engineer Creo software.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • model reasonably complex mechanical parts using a solid modeling tool;
    • create assemblies and drawings from solid models;
    • create a list of manufacturing and other economic design considerations when creating models;
    • explain uses of solid modeling in mechanical engineering; and
    • use the computer in all aspects of the mechanical design process.

    F/S (S)

  • DF 237 - Industrial Analysis

    Credit Hours: 2

    This required course is designed to develop an understanding of the various job opportunities for a graduate of the CADD Technology program and how to properly apply for those opportunities.  There will be various field trips to local companies representing a broad range of disciplines. There will also be an emphasis on preparing resumes and cover letters.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will have a complete understanding of the responsibilities required in various disciplines and an understanding how to write a resume, cover letter and how to use the internet in locating employment.

    Prerequisites: CADD senior level students only.
    S (S)

  • DF 250 - Manufacturing Processes & Materials

    Credit Hours: 4

    A comprehensive theory course in materials and processes used in production manufacturing. Instruction presented through lecture includes materials of metallic and non-metallic substances and their processes in casting, molding, forging, welding, hot and cold working. Also includes machining processes.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • describe the basic operations of metal casting, forming, and shaping resources;
    • understand the fundamentals of welding and welding processes;
    • understand the fundamentals of production, process planning, and quality control;
    • list and explain properties of engineering materials;
    • describe basic operation of machining and machine tools;
    • describe new concepts in machine tool technology; and
    • explain the impact of materials and processes employed in industry. 

    F/S (S)

  • DF 279 - Systems Piping

    Credit Hours: 2

    Course is designed for students with a background in mechanical drawing who wish to develop specialized skills in the field of piping design and drafting.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to develop a set of working drawings for a typical piping installation, with an understanding and working knowledge of site development for industrial and commercial installations.

    F (S)

  • DF 280 - Descriptive Graphics

    Credit Hours: 2

    Introduction to basic principles and methods of graphical solution of point, line and plane space problems.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, layout and complete various technical drawings using AutoCAD software.

    Concurrent Registration: DF 281
    F (S)

  • DF 281 - Lab for DF 280

    Credit Hours: 1

    Application of the principles of orthographic projection to find graphic solutions of technological problems.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, layout and complete various technical drawings using AutoCAD software.

    Concurrent Registration: DF 280
    F (S)

  • DF 282 - Descriptive Graphics II

    Credit Hours: 2

    Extension of the basic principles and methods of graphical solutions to curved and warped surfaces, to intersections of surfaces and to related three-dimensional space problems.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, layout and complete various technical drawings using AutoCAD software.

    Prerequisites: DF 280
    Concurrent Registration: DF 283
    S (S)

  • DF 283 - Lab for DF 282

    Credit Hours: 1

    Application of the fundamentals of orthographic projection to find graphical solutions of engineering problems.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, layout and complete various technical drawings using AutoCAD software.

    Concurrent Registration: DF 282
    S (S)

  • DF 290 - Architectural Drafting

    Credit Hours: 2

    A course in basic engineering drawing with an introduction to architectural working drawings. Topics include the use of CAD software, site plans, foundations, platform framing, wall construction, sections, conventions and dimensioning.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to develop a set of working drawings for a residential wood frame structure along with an understanding and working knowledge of site development for buildings.

    S (N, S)

  • DF 296 - Structural Detailing

    Credit Hours: 2.5

    A continuation of architectural and structural drafting with emphasis on the technical language and current detailing practice for structural steel and reinforced concrete. This is accomplished by solving and detailing typical problems that are encountered in actual practice.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to identify, layout and complete various structural drawings according to industrial standards for steel frame structures.

    Prerequisites: DF 107
    S (S)

Computer Repair Technology

  • CP 112 - Technology Methods

    Credit Hours: 2

    Introduction to the calculator, meters, oscilloscope, problem solving, graphing techniques, data presentation, soldering, wire wrapping and printed circuits. Introduction to computer usage. 

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • use electrical instrumentation, test equipment, and measuring techniques;
    • use hand tools, solder and solderless connections, and printed circuits;
    • computer design and component layout; and
    • library use, research skills, and technical reports.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 113
    F (S)

  • CP 113 - Lab for CP 112

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments and demonstrations using the calculator, meter, oscilloscope, problem solving, graphing techniques, data presentation, soldering, wire wrapping, printed circuits.  Introduction to computer usage.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • use electrical instrumentation, test equipment, and measuring techniques;
    • use hand tools, solder and solderless connections, and printed circuits;
    • computer design and component layout; and
    • library use, research skills, and technical reports.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 112
    F (S)

  • CP 114 - Electrical Circuits

    Credit Hours: 4

    The study of both D.C. circuits (Ohm’s Law, power, Kirchhoff’s Law, Thevenin’s Law, Norton Law, maximum power transfer, resistance, magnetism) and A.C. circuits (sine wave voltage effects, capacitance, inductance, resonance, and transformers).

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of course, the student will be able to demonstrate:

    • an understanding of the nature of AC and DC electricity in regards to voltage, current, resistance, and power.
    • an ability to calculate and solve electrical problems using Ohms law, power formulas, and resistance formulas, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, transformer turns ratio, formulas for frequency/time period of the wavelength of a waveform, inductive reactance capacitive reactance, resonance, RC, RL, periods, impedance, and phase angles of a circuit.
    • an understanding of the following concepts: series and parallel circuits, opens and shorts, chassis-ground, designing loaded voltage dividers, internal resistance, maximum power transfer, magnetism, AC current and voltage, inductive reactance, capacitive reactance, impedance, resonance.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 115
    F (S)

  • CP 115 - Lab for CP 114

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments in measurement of D.C. and A.C. voltage, current, power, and impedance.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the following outcomes:

    • construction and wiring series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits;
    • effective use of ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter in any circuit to measure the current, voltage, and resistance of that circuit;
    • identify the resistance and tolerance of a resistor by its color code; and
    • use of a scope and the ability to measure the amplitude and time period of sine.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 114
    F (S)

  • CP 120 - Logic I

    Credit Hours: 3

    Introduction to binary numbers, logic functions, Boolean algebra, logic circuits applications, flip-flops, registers, counters, arithmetic circuits.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • introduce the basic characteristics of digital functions and the digital circuits which perform those functions; and
    • to review and analyze the purpose of and the interrelation between the basic digital functions which are commonly used in most current digital computers and in other popular digital applications.

    Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115
    Concurrent Registration: CP 121
    S (S)

  • CP 121 - Lab for CP 120

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments and demonstrations using integrated circuit logic gates to develop logic designs and combinational logic circuits, flip-flops, data registers, counters, encoding and decoding circuits, and arithmetic circuits.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • interpret schematic diagrams;
    • construct circuits from schematic diagrams; and
    • test and troubleshoot circuits.

    Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115
    Concurrent Registration: CP 120
    S (S)

  • CP 122 - Electronics I

    Credit Hours: 3

    A study of electronic device characters including solid state diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. Covers basic principles, circuit analysis and application.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate an understanding of the operation of electronically active devices;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the operation and how to troubleshoot transistor amplifier stages;
    • construct the following: half-wave; full-wave, and bridge rectifier with filter networks, voltage doublers and triplers; and
    • an understanding of the operation and advantages of the following classes of operation: class A, B, C, and AB.

    Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115
    Concurrent Registration: CP 123
    S (S)

  • CP 123 - Lab for CP 122

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments and demonstrations using solid state diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. Observations and analysis of their characteristics in computer circuit applications.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate an understanding of the operation of electronically active devices;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the operation and how to troubleshoot transistor amplifier stages;
    • construct the following: half-wave; full-wave, and bridge rectifier with filter networks, voltage doublers and triplers; and
    • demonstrate an understanding of the operation and advantages of the following classes of operation: class A, B, C, and AB.

    Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115
    Concurrent Registration: CP 122
    S (S)

  • CP 148 - Basic Electricty for Mechanical Drafting

    Credit Hours: 3

    Course is offered to give a basic understanding of electrical concepts. Electrical symbols and codes are introduced as well as schematic diagrams. Both DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) concepts are introduced.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate a general knowledge of:

    • basic electrical concepts;
    • electrical codes and component symbols; and
    • following schematic diagrams.

    F (S)

    This course is not a substitution for CP 112 or CP 114.
  • CP 165 - Computer Applications for Computer Technicians

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introductory course in essential state-of-the-art service and repair-related computer program skills. For today’s computer technician, the need for understanding of both hardware and software is of paramount importance. The use of computer programs to design circuits, compile reports, develop presentations, create and keep records is an everyday necessity. Lessons will include how to log on to the college network , use e-mail, use the Internet to look up reference material and make presentations to the class. Programs will include Multisim™ Circuit Design, word processing, spreadsheets and presentation programs. Projects and presentations will be assigned to provide the student with hands-on experience.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
    Use the MultiSim™ program to:

    • construct simple circuit designs;
    • read and follow schematic drawings;
    • simulate a circuit including instrumentation and test equipment;
    • place and properly use oscilloscopes, Volt Meters, Amp Meters, Ohm Meters (DMM’s) and Function Generators; and
    • Use Microsoft® Office to:
      • write a 5- to 10-page research paper;
      • be able to set margins, tabs, indents, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and format per instructions;
      • insert clip art, photographs, symbols, charts, Excel spreadsheet data and other objects;
      • find and retrieve data from various sources including scanners, Internet and periodicals;
      • create a multipage spreadsheet, create charts, enter formulas, use functions and use the name box and other features;
      • create a presentation for use in class;
      • insert text, clipart, and photographs; and
      • use builds, animations, slide transitions, backgrounds, and fills.

    S (S)

  • CP 180 - Casino Gaming Machine System Maintenance

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course is offered as a capstone course combining information and skills mastered in its pre- and co-requisites. The operation and the proper procedures for set up and maintenance of IGT Class 3-based slot machines will be presented. This course will include both in-class machine operations and off-campus visitations.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate safe and proper procedures when servicing casino gaming machines;
    • diagnose and locate faults associated with the IGT S-Plus machine;
    • set-up, maintain, and verify proper machine use; and
    • identify and correct network faults.

    Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115, CP 165
    Corequisites: CP 120, CP 121, CP 122, CP 123
    S (S)

  • CP 202 - Microcontrollers Lab

    Credit Hours: 1

    Programming the PIC 16C57 Microcontroller. Constructing and testing circuits to be interfaced with the “PIC 16.” Programs to be written and executed in “PBASIC.” 

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate:

    • proficiency in PBASIC Programming Language;
    • proficiency in programming the PIC 16C57 (Stamp 2) microcontroller;
    • ability to program the Stamp 2 to:
      • “read” input devices such as switches, push buttons and sensors; and
      • control input/out put devices such as:
        • motors;
        • lights;
        • displays; and
        • speakers.
    • communicate with host computer, process data and information;
    • construct simple circuits;
    • connect and interface with host computer;
    • proficiency and understanding of flowcharting;
    • proficiency and understanding of debugging code; and
    • understanding of the ASCII code.

    S (S)

  • CP 210 - Computer Processors

    Credit Hours: 3

    An in-depth study of the design and organization of the computer central processing unit with emphasis on Intel™ microcomputers. Areas of study include introduction to DOS, Windows operating systems, central processor, timing and controls, memory, and I/O operation.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate a working knowledge of DOS Commands (Command Prompt);
    • demonstrate the ability to write a text based set-up/test program using .bat programs;
    • use the Block.exe program to demonstrate a working knowledge of the internal working of a general purpose processor;
    • demonstrate a working knowledge of a processor and a controller;
    • demonstrate knowledge of “The little man theory.”;
    • ability to install Windows 7;
    • demonstrate the ability to trouble shoot in command prompt and Windows 7 environments;
    • understand the architecture and theory of operation of the computer processor and its function in a computer system which includes memory and peripheral devices;
    • develop and understand software programs of moderate complexity which exercise the various processor functions; and
    • relate programs execution to specific groups of circuits via block diagrams to trace signal flow thru the system to develop sequences of micro-steps in a flow diagram.

    Prerequisites: CP 120, CP 121, CP 122, CP 123
    Concurrent Registration: CP 215
    F (S)

  • CP 215 - Lab for CP 210

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments and demonstrations on the operation, maintenance, fault analysis, and servicing of the computer central processing unit. Includes central processor, timing and controls, memory unit and input/output operation.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate a working knowledge of DOS commands (command prompt);
    • demonstrate the ability to write a text based set-up/test program using .bat programs;
    • use the block.exe program to demonstrate a working knowledge of the internal working of a general purpose processor;
    • demonstrate a working knowledge of a processor and a controller;
    • demonstrate knowledge of “The little man theory”; 
    • ability to install Windows 7 programs;
    • demonstrate the ability to trouble shoot in command prompt and Windows 7 environments;
    • understand the architecture and theory of operation of the computer processor and its function in a computer system which includes memory and peripheral devices;
    • develop and understand software programs of moderate complexity which exercise the various processor functions; and
    • relate programs execution to specific groups of circuits via block diagrams to trace signal flow thru the system to develop sequences of micro-steps in a flow diagram.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 210
    F (S)

  • CP 220 - Peripherals I

    Credit Hours: 3

    A study of the architecture and functional operation of computer peripherals, terminal interfacing, hard-copy terminals, and video terminals. Emphasis will be placed on the processor/peripheral control dialogue and data transfer.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • disassemble and reassemble computers;
    • troubleshoot problems using DMM’s, oscilloscopes, schematics;
    • disassemble and reassemble dot matrix, ink-jet and laser printers;
    • troubleshoot CRT monitors including checking high voltage components safely;
    • display a knowledge of serial data communication; and
    • display knowledge of the receive and transmit sections of a UART and other high speed converters.

    Prerequisites: CP 120, CP 121, CP 122, CP 123
    Concurrent Registration: CP 210, CP 215, CP 223
    F (S)

  • CP 223 - Lab for CP 220

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments and demonstrations on the operation, maintenance, fault analysis, alignment and servicing of computer peripherals. Includes keyboards, the mouse and monitors.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • disassemble and reassemble computers;
    • troubleshoot problems using DMM’s, Oscilloscopes, Schematics;
    • disassemble and reassemble dot matrix, ink-jet and laser printers;
    • troubleshoot CRT monitors including checking high voltage components safely;
    • display a knowledge of Serial data communication; and
    • display knowledge of the receive and transmit sections of a UART and other high speed converters.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 220
    F (S)

  • CP 226 - Digital Logic II

    Credit Hours: 3

    Digital Logic applications, circuits, multiple logic drivers, output indicators, memory functions, compilers, arithmetic logic units, processors, and logic controllers.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • identify the basic circuitry of Logic Gates;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build SR, D-Latch and D Flip-Flops using logic gates;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build basic counters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build advanced counters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build multi-mod counters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build of shift registers, serial to parallel and parallel to serial;
    • demonstrate understanding of digital sampling rate and resolution and the effect on memory usage;
    • demonstrate understanding of Op-amps and there use in conversion circuits;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build Digital to Analog (D/A) converters including Binary-weighted and R/2R ladder converters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build Analog to Digital (A/D) converters including Parallel encoder and Ramp Counters;
    • demonstrate understanding of the Sequential-Approximation A/D converter and integrated converters;
    • demonstrate understanding of memory including RAM, ROM, dynamic, Static, SD, Extended and expanded memories; and
    • demonstrate understanding of Microsoft Virtual Memory Management.

    Prerequisites: CP 120, CP 121, CP 122, CP 123
    Concurrent Registration: CP 227
    F (S)

  • CP 227 - Lab for CP 226

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments and demonstrations using integrated circuit logic gates to develop RAMs, ROMs, D/A and A/D conversions. ALU, UARTs, PALs, microprocessors and programming.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • identify the basic circuitry of Logic Gates;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build SR, D-Latch and D Flip-Flops using logic gates;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build basic counters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build advanced counters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build multi-mod counters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build of shift registers, serial to parallel and parallel to serial;
    • demonstrate understanding of digital sampling rate and resolution and the effect on memory usage;
    • demonstrate understanding of Op-amps and there use in conversion circuits;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build Digital to Analog (D/A) converters including Binary-weighted and R/2R ladder converters;
    • demonstrate understanding and ability to design and build Analog to Digital (A/D) converters including Parallel encoder and Ramp Counters;
    • demonstrate understanding of the Sequential-Approximation A/D converter and integrated converters;
    • demonstrate understanding of memory including RAM, ROM, dynamic, Static, SD, Extended and expanded memories; and
    • demonstrate understanding of Microsoft Virtual Memory Management.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 226
    F (S)

  • CP 230 - Microprocessor Applications

    Credit Hours: 3

    A study in elementary computer architecture and in the operating principles of currently available large scale integrated circuit microprocessors. Support hardware necessary to connect microprocessor to its physical environment is examined.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • convert to the hexadecimal numbering system;
    • write a program in assembly language; and
    • control external process using a microprocessor.

    Prerequisites: CP 120, CP 121, CP 122, CP 123
    Concurrent Registration: CP 233
    S (S)

  • CP 233 - Lab for CP 230

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments and demonstrations on the operation and application of microprocessors. The microprocessor will be used to monitor external equipment and process.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • convert to the hexadecimal numbering system;
    • write a program in assembly language; and
    • control external process using a microprocessor.

    Concurrent Registration: CP 230
    S (S)

  • CP 236 - Electronics II

    Credit Hours: 2

    The study of electronic circuits, stage gain, input and output, impedance matching, differential amplification,comparators, operational amplifier and control feedback applications. Linear integrated circuit applications, notch filters, timers and RF amplifiers.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate the operation of operational amplifiers;
    • demonstrate the operation and how to troubleshoot audio application operational amplifiers; and
    • demonstrate the operation and the ability to draw the following schematics: OP-AMP voltage regulator, OP-AMP summing amp, OP-AMP wide ban amp, and OP-AMP filters.

    Prerequisites: CP 112, CP 113, CP 114, CP 115, CP 120, CP 121, CP 122, CP 123
    Concurrent Registration: CP 237
    F (S)

  • CP 237 - Lab for CP 236

    Credit Hours: 1

    Experiments constructing and measuring the input, output and gain characteristics of linear electronic circuits. Integrated circuits, feedback control and special circuit applications.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • construct and understand the operation of audio operational amplifiers;
    • construct and understand the operation of active op-amp filters;
    • construct and understand the operation of summing amps and integrators; and
    • troubleshoot operational amp stages and locate defective components using voltage analysis.


    Concurrent Registration: CP 236
    F (S)

  • CP 250 - Data Communications and Interfacing

    Credit Hours: 3

    Study of the characteristics, protocol and operation systems and networks designed to interface with the computer. Methods of data transmission, types of communication networks, and interfacing with various communication lines are discussed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of:

    • data communication systems;
    • various networks;
    • telephone systems; and
    • system hardware.

    Prerequisites: CP 210, CP 215, CP 220, CP 223
    Concurrent Registration: CP 251
    S (S)

  • CP 251 - Lab for CP 250

    Credit Hours: 1.5

    Experiments and demonstrations on the characteristics, protocol and operation of data communications systems and networks.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of:

    • data communication systems;
    • various networks;
    • telephone systems; and
    • system hardware.

    Prerequisites: CP 210, CP 215, CP 220, CP 223
    Concurrent Registration: CP 250
    S (S)

  • CP 260 - Systems Maintenance

    Credit Hours: 3

    Comprehensive development of a preventive maintenance regimen plus the use of diagnostic programs to identify hardware or software malfunctions and isolate faults to a device or subsystem level.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate:

    • the ability to install a Windows 7 operating system;
    • a working knowledge of the Windows 7 Command Prompt;
    • the ability to use diagnostic programs to troubleshoot problems;
    • a working knowledge of configuring an system using Windows 7;
    • a working knowledge the Windows 7 Registry;
    • a working knowledge of installing upgrades and service packs;and
    • the ability to search the World Wide Web to find “fixes” for Windows XP and Windows 7.

    Prerequisites: CP 210, CP 215, CP 220, CP 223
    Concurrent Registration: CP 265
    S (S)


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