Feb 13, 2025
Fall 2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
AT 282 - Art History II Credit Hours: 3
(Renaissance through 20th Century) This course is a chronological survey of the history of western art with an emphasis on understanding art in relation to its cultural context. The course begins with the Renaissance, followed by the rise of national styles in the 17th and 18th centuries in France and England, nineteenth-century neoclassicism, romanticism, realism, impressionism, and post-impressionism, as well as modernism and developments in 20th-century art.
Fulfills the following SUNY General Education categories:
Note: A course can only be used to fulfill one General Education category.
Course Outcomes On completion of this course the student will be able to:
- differentiate the characteristics of artistic time periods throughout history;
- identify the basic elements of each art form, i.e., notation, texture, line, meter, frame history;
- expand intellectual understanding and refine evaluative responses to works of art;
- investigate art forms that foster continued lifelong participation and/or enjoyment.;
- analyze and research the relationship between the creator, work, and audience;
- evaluate the traditions and values of our civilization, thereby broadening knowledge of ourselves and our society;
- appreciate art forms that will not be outmoded by advancements in sciences;
- analyze human experiences (i.e., death, nature, love) and art’s relationship to human conditions and responses; and
- identify and research works of art used for social, political, or moral improvement, or existing for their own sake.
F/S (Cycles - C, N, S)