Fall 2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
DT 107 - 19th Century Russian Theatre Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces the student to the original sources of Russian theatre culture and the peculiarity of Russian drama and its development. Selected works of Puskin, Gogol, Ostrovsky, Turgenev and Tolstoy with some foundation dramatists will be investigated through stage depiction with discussion.
Fulfills the following SUNY General Education categories:
Note: A course can only be used to fulfill one General Education category.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of the achievements of Russian theatre;
- use this knowledge as a vehicle for understanding the history, mentality, and manner of life of the Russian people;
- demonstrate an understanding of the values of another culture (Russia);
- demonstrate a familiarity with the major Russian dramatists of the 19th century through participatory “scene work” of selected plays;
- demonstrate comprehension of the Russian mentality through the appropriate stage depiction of the characters of these plays;
- describe the impact the play’s director can have on the playwright’s intentions; and
- describe the influence the play’s director can have on audience perception of staged action.
Prerequisites: EN 110 Cycles (C, N)