Fall 2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CI 110 - Surveying I Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the elements of the discipline of land surveying, Included are topics on: The background and history of the surveying profession and how it interacts with other disciplines: measurement concepts, error consideration, accuracy, precision, and significant figures; methods for distance measuring; elevation measurements and leveling; measuring angles with theodolites and EDMs; traverse computation and preparation of simple maps.
Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- communicate verbally during outdoor laboratory exercises and record field measurements and other data in the manner common to the surveying profession;
- units of measure and terms employed in plane surveying:
- length: Meters, feet, “historical” units;
- area: Square meters, square fee, hectares, acres; and
- angle: Degree-minutes-seconds.
- use various methods and equipment available for:
- length: Pacing, stadia, taping, EDM;
- elevation/Height: Automatic level, theodolite; and
- angle: Theodolite, EDM.
- identify and correct typical sources of systematic errors in taping;
- measurement of travers angles and distances;
- field angular closure vs. acceptable closure as defined by governing agencies;
- balancing of angles;
- computation of bearings/azimuths and latitudes and departures;
- comparison of field traverse closure with acceptable closure as defined by governing agencies;
- adjustment of traverse;
- computation of coordinates;
- computation of areas;
- transfer of elevations from one point to another by differential leveling;
- comparison of field elevation closure with acceptable closure as defined by governing agencies;
- adjustment of level loops;
- identify the surveyor’s role in a land information system (GIS); and
- create computer solutions for common surveying problems utilizing computer software.
Prerequisites: Concurrent registration in, or completion of, MT 122 or MT 126 and CI 100 F/S (N)