Mar 14, 2025
Fall 2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
GA 145 - Web Page Design with Dreamweaver Credit Hours: 3
The theory and hands-on operation of Web design including basic and advanced functions will be covered using Adobe Dreamweaver. The concepts of Web page design, utilizing interactivity, and information organization as they relate to constructing effective Web pages. The course objective will be to design and execute a multi-page Web site utilizing Adobe Dreamweaver.
Course Outcomes At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- utilize HTML, compare and contrast DHTML, and Java Script;
- utilize Adobe Dreamweaver to create a working web page;
- understand Web terminology and definitions;
- utilize web facts, tips, and tricks;
- compare and contrast Web sites, providers and servers;
- understand and utilize interactivity;
- promote a personal website for “hits”; and
- identify and utilize multimedia elements in web design.
F/S (S)