Mar 14, 2025
Fall 2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ML 124 - Serology Lab Credit Hours: 1.5
A course which presents the basic immunologic concepts as they relate to laboratory diagnosis/treatment/prevention of disease. Fundamental mechanisms of the immune system and immunologically-related diseases will be incorporated. The underlying principles of currently used serologic procedures of clinical significance will be discussed. A research paper/poster and oral presentation is required.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- describe the four basic types of immunity: innate, adaptive, humoral and cellular;
- describe the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and HLA and their role in the immune system;
- describe the various cells involved in the immune response;
- discuss antibody (immunoglobulin) structure and function;
- discuss the mechanisms of the specific immune response;
- discuss the mechanisms of the nonspecific immune response;
- recognize the four types of hypersensitivity reactions;
- discuss the types of autoimmunity and the theories involved;
- discuss and categorize immunodeficiency;
- discuss transplantation and its effects on the immune response;
- discuss the nature of antigens;
- discuss antigen-antibody binding;
- describe the various types of reactions involving precipitation and discuss how they are used;
- describe reactions involving agglutination, inhibition of agglutination and how they are used;
- describe assays using complement;
- describe the immunologic method of immunofluorescence and how it is used;
- describe other serologic testing methods, i.e. PCR, RFLP, chemiluminescence, NAT, etc.;
- discuss syphilis and other spirochete disease and describe the testing methods used in diagnosis;
- discuss Streptococcal serology and describe testing methods used in diagnosis;
- discuss the serology of viral infections: Epstein-Barr, Rubella, Herpes, Hepatitis A, C, D, and E and describe testing methods used for diagnosis;
- discuss HIV serology and describe testing methods used in diagnosis; and
- describe the serologic testing methods used for the diagnosis of autoimmune disease.
Prerequisites: BI 110, BI 115, CH 146 or CH 180, ML 112 S (N)