Jan 17, 2025
Fall 2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
EC 104 - Industrial Relations Credit Hours: 3
A description and analysis of the roles of labor and management in the economy of the United States. Approximately half of the class time is devoted to labor-management relations, including the evolution and growth of the American labor movement and the development and structure of American business management. A study is made of the legal framework within which labor-management relations are conducted and the responsibilities of each in a democratic system of government.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- identify basic elements of labor economics;
- use graphs to demonstrate various aspects of labor economics (such as the minimum wage price floor);
- explain basic elements of labor history and the history of technology;
- identify and explain discriminatory practices in the workplace;
- explain the collective bargaining process;
- explain major topics in employment law, such as ADA compliance and drug testing;
- demonstrate conflict resolution techniques; and
- explain the legal framework of labor bodies like the NLRB, PERB, SLRB, AFL-CIO etc.
F/S (C, N, S)