Feb 12, 2025
Fall 2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ML 211 - Clinical Rotation I Credit Hours: 2
This course requires students to complete a series of specialty rotations at designated clinical sites (and to participate in discussions of related issues) which will provide exposure to a variety of physical settings, and current state-of-the-art instrumentation. Students have the opportunity to gain practical experience in collecting clinical samples and performing laboratory analysis of hematological, chemical, immunohematologic, immunologic or microbiologic tests/parameters on clinical specimens using current instrumentation available at the clinical site. Emphasis will be on actual performance of these procedures using skills which have been learned during the first two semesters of the program. Students are supervised and instructed at clinical sites by clinical faculty. Students must successfully complete the rotation and submit on time the required clinical reports in order to successfully complete course requirements.
Course Outcomes At the completion of this course, the student will have successfully completed the following:
- performed/observed laboratory analysis of hematology, coagulation, chemistry, microbiology, diagnostic immunology, histology, transfusion service tests/ parameters on clinical specimens using current instrumentation available at each clinical site;
- completed specific exit requirements for each clinical laboratory at a satisfactory level; and
- achieved satisfactory affective evaluation in all laboratory experiences.
Prerequisites: All ML courses in the first and second semesters of the curriculum or permission of the department head. Corequisites: ML 213, ML 215 F (N)