Jan 02, 2025
Fall 2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
DA 200 - Computer and Network Security Credit Hours: 4
This course provides an overview of the setup and use of firewalls. Securing email servers will be discussed. Also, approaches for detecting and responding to buffer attacks will be discussed and demonstrated. Viruses, operating systems security holes, along with impersonation, spoofing and wireless security flaws will be discussed.
Course Outcomes Upon completion, the student will be able to:
- describe and understand what a frrewall is;
- describe intrusion detection software and what it is used for;
- identify various encryption/decryption concepts;
- discuss various methodologies relating to e-mail security;
- analyze network security with regard to frrewalls, tripwires, intrusion detection;
- have an understanding of approaches for detection andresponding to buffer attacks;
- have a working knowledge of operating system security holes and all application vulnerabilities; and
- identify and correct wireless security flaws.
Prerequisites: DA 107 F/S (N)