Dec 03, 2024  
Fall 2017 Catalog 
Fall 2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MA 112 - Medical Law and Ethics

Credit Hours: 3

The student will be introduced to human value development, the decision-making process, and the foundation of the U.S. legal system. Issues such as licensure and certification; managed care; medical records; as well as patients’ and physicians’ rights and responsibilities will be covered. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; the Affordable Care Act and other laws pertaining to the medical workplace are presented. Medical contracts, professional liability and medical malpractice, as well as defense to liability suits will be integrated into the class discussions.         

Bioethical issues, such as cloning, genetic engineering, stem cell research as well as transplantation and death and dying, as they affect the roles of various health care practitioners, will also be discussed. Case studies and video presentations will be used to enhance class discussions. A research paper will be required.

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • discuss human value development and the decision-making process;
  • discuss the historical background of rights and reasoning;
  • discuss the basics of the judicial system, including the sources of law, public and private law, and the court system;
  • discuss licensure and certifications as it applies to health care professionals;
  • define and discuss HIPAA and its importance in health care today;
  • discuss the doctor-patient relationship;
  • discuss the medical professional’s role in providing confidentiality in professional relationships;
  • describe the difference of the expressed and the implied contracts between physician and patient;
  • define negligence and other medical-legal terms as they relate to the standard of medical care;
  • discuss the role the medical professional has in maintaining medical records and their importance in defenses to professional liability suits;
  • discuss intentional torts and criminal offenses;
  • discuss public duties and responsibilities; allocation of resources;
  • discuss the role of the mandated reporter as it applies to communicable diseases, abuse, neglect, exploitation, and wounds of violence;
  • discuss employment safety and rights as well as those laws protecting consumers;
  • define ethics;
  • discuss the principles of medical ethics as it relates to the American Medical Association and the implications for the practicing physician;
  • discuss the Code of Ethics of the various health professions and their implications;
  • identify and verbalize ideas concerning bioethical issues such as assisted reproduction, genetic engineering, stem cell research, organ donation and transplantation among others;
  • discuss attitudes toward death and dying, including: hospice and palliative care, euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide as well as the use of advanced directives; and
  • discuss healthcare as it relates to patients of other cultures (transcultural care).

Prerequisites: Completion of all developmental English
F/S (N)