Mar 13, 2025
Fall 2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SO 100 - Introduction to Sociology Credit Hours: 3
An introductory course in the concepts of sociology; a study of social interaction, social organization, and the processes which are common to group and institutional life. This course serves as the platform for the field of sociology. What is sociology and how can we apply the sociological perspective to everyday life.
Fulfills SUNY General Education – Social Sciences.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- explain and appraise Sociology as a science and correct common misconceptions about the field;
- describe and compare the scientific methods used in sociological research (evidenced-based-sociology);
- define, name and describe sociological terminology, recognize researchers/theorists who have shaped the field and current research (Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber);
- develop critical thinking skills and scientific literacy;
- explain the basic concepts of social structure, social institutions, and cultural processes underling behavior;
- name and describe the basic concepts of social forces, social interaction, social groups, sociological thinking, intelligence, the sociological imagination, and the applied approaches to problem-solving and policy approaches to social problems;
- recognize and have an appreciation for the complexity and diversity of human-social behavior;
- apply sociolgical concepts and findings to everyday life.
F/S (C, N, S)