Mar 13, 2025
Fall 2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
HP 200 - Honors Capstone Credit Hours: 3.0
A seminar required of all students in the Honors Program; designed to provide an immersive, innovative and interdisciplinary learning experience. The course may be presented by a single instructor or team-taught by faculty in two different areas of specialization. The course will focus on a specific theme or area of interest, with the instructor(s) facilitating discussion and incorporating the continued development of critical thinking skills on the topic. The end result will be the production of an original research, creative or service learning project.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- through class discussion and/or written work, demonstrate an ability to critically assess colloquium topics;
- produce an original capstone project demonstrating critical thinking and related to the theme of the course. The project may be individual, small group (2-3 students) or done as a class. Examples could be an original research paper or project, the production of some creative work ranging from artistic expression (a reading of original poetry on a specific theme, an exhibition of artwork or photographs) to engineering design, or participation in a service learning experience; and
- share the project with a wider community. Examples include submitting the produced project to a nationally or academically recognized competition or conference; public performance, display or lecture; community service action.
Prerequisites: Must be an Honors Program student. F/S C,N,S