Jan 13, 2025
Spring 2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BI 156 - Anatomical Kinesiology Credit Hours: 3
This course covers a study of the anatomy of the human muscle/skeletal system with application of the anatomical and mechanical fundamentals of human motion.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- anatomical terminology: Define anatomical position and be knowledgeable of anatomical terminology to describe external features of the body including directional terms/anatomical planes;
- skeletal system: Identify the components and functions of the skeletal system, describing types and structure of bones and bone markings including components of the axial and appendicular skeleton;
- articulations: Define an articulation. Classify joints according to both their structure and their function, and describe common body movements. Discuss bursae, tendon sheaths, and joint disorders;
- muscular system: List the characteristics and functions of skeletal muscle on both the microscopic and macroscopic levels including the identification of the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of various skeletal muscles as well as their naming criteria; and
- joint and muscle movements of the body: Explain the location, characteristics (components), and function (movements) of the major joints in the body (i.e. shoulder, elbow, wrist, spine, hip, knee, and ankle) and describe the muscles and potential athletic injuries that are involved in each.
S (C, N, S)