Degree: Associate in Applied Science
HEGIS Code: 5210
Curriculum Code: 0665
Campus Location: North
Health Sciences Division
Pre-Admission Recommendations: 80% HS Avg., 2.80 GPA within 5 years of prospective admission for College Students, Placement test waiver or completion of developmental English and Math courses. See admission requirements listed below.
Recommended High School Courses and/or Experiences: HS Biology, HS Psychology, HS Anatomy & Physiology, HS Math-Algebra, Geometry, Statistics & Probability, HS Physics, HS English & Writing Courses, Volunteer experience in health care settings
Career Opportunities/Further Education: Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers/Outpatient Clinics, Home Health, Long Term Care, Early Intervention, School-Based Settings, Academia, Day Treatment Settings/Developmental/Physical Disabilities, Psychosocial Rehab/Mental Health, Community-Based Wellness & Prevention Programs
Program Description
There have been dramatic shifts in U.S. population as a result of an increased average life span. This phenomenon, along with advances in science, technology and medicine has brought occupational therapy into the forefront of the health care field. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projected employment of occupational therapists to increase by 26% and of occupational therapy assistants to increase by 30% or more between 2008 and 2018. The 2010 AOTA Occupational Therapy Compensation and Workforce Study indicates an average entry-level salary of $34,298 and a median annual income of $64,722 for occupational therapy assistants.
The Occupational Therapy Assistant curriculum prepares entry-level occupational therapy assistants to work in community and institutional health care programs, providing direct occupational therapy services to individuals.
The Occupational Therapy Assistant curriculum combines Occupational Therapy Assistant and general education courses with selected laboratory experiences. Program courses cover theory and application of theory, development across the lifespan (birth to death), therapeutic use of self, pediatric/adult/and geriatric patient/client treatment, physical disabilities/mental health, research, evidence-based practice, technology and documentation. The Occupational Therapy specific classes are complemented with general studies in anatomy, physiology, psychology, sociology, and English composition. Although the Occupational Therapy Assistant curriculum is designed to be completed in two academic years, students may take a longer time to fulfill their degree requirements, depending on individual circumstances.
In the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program, students receive instruction in theory and develop practical skills relating to occupational therapy through classroom, laboratory and clinical settings. Through second year course work, students participate in clinical practice settings to include general physical medicine and psychiatric centers, developmental disabilities, schools, nursing homes and community agencies. In these experiences, students gain experience in working with and teaching patients and clients methods for engagement in self-care, work, play/leisure, education, social skills and home/community living skills.
Mission of Erie Community College
Erie Community College meets the needs of a diverse student body and contributes to regional economic vitality by providing excellent, flexible, affordable and accessible educational programs in a multi-campus environment committed to continuous improvement.
Core Values
Student Focused - Service to students is the primary reason for ECC’s existence. The student is at the center of all SUNY ECC programs and services.
Accessibility - SUNY ECC serves the needs and wants of all students, including those not having educational opportunity elsewhere. Access means inclusion by overcoming financial, location, physical, language or other impediments.
Academic Excellence - We expect academic rigor in all curricula and from all students. We believe that quality teaching with comprehensive support results in positive learning outcomes and student achievement.
Openness and Respect - A broad range of cultures, attitudes, and viewpoints creates an environment of respect, caring, and trust. Everyone, no matter their limitations, should be recognized for their intrinsic dignity and unique capabilities.
Commitment to Our Profession - With integrity and accountability, we are committed to providing a high-quality, multifaceted, state-of-the-art curriculum and learning resources that reflect current, applied and emerging areas of occupational therapy practice, and exceed the standards of our profession’s accrediting body. We are also committed to playing a visible and active role in our regional occupational therapy professional community.
Commitment to Our Community - Through our relationships with employers, clinical fieldwork affiliates and the community-at-large, we are committed to serving our community by promoting occupational therapy as an important contributor to health, function and well-being, and by graduating highly qualified occupational therapy assistants who will meet the dynamic health care, human service, wellness and rehabilitation employment demands in Western New York.
Program Philosophy
Our program philosophy reflects the following overarching values of occupational therapy. It includes our belief about how adult students learn.
Humans, intrinsically motivated by personal values and aspirations, and extrinsically directed by environmental demands, inherently engage in a variety of occupations. We place value on the volition of individuals we work with. Therefore, volition must be encouraged and supported through therapeutic relationship, emphasis on patient/client choice and involvement, and respect for the values, culture and beliefs of patients/clients.
Occupations are “Activities…of everyday life, named, organized and given value and meaning by individuals and a culture” (Law, Polatajko, Baptiste and Townsend, 1997). Through self-selected occupations that are relevant, meaningful and therapeutic, humans have the capacity to influence their physical and mental health, their social and physical environments. In occupational therapy, we use occupations which have intrinsic and extrinsic value; occupations that have immediate and long-term therapeutic benefits.
Adaptation is a change in function that promotes survival and self-actualization. By engaging in meaningful occupations, humans adapt to a variety of contexts. The capability or capacity to adapt is characteristic of health and wellness. Our focus is on finding ways to help individuals adapt to changing social, physical, cultural, personal, spiritual, temporal and virtual contexts.
Occupations, and consequently, adaptation, may be interrupted at any time during the lifespan by biological, psychological and environmental barriers, resulting in dysfunction. The focus of occupational therapy personnel, process and technology is to enable humans, in spite of biological, psychological or environmental barriers, to gain, maintain or regain the capacity and volition to adapt by engaging in meaningful occupations. We enable adaptation through remediation, compensation, education and encouragement. In addition to enabling adaptation, occupational therapy faculty maintains core values of the profession to include: beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy/confidentiality, autonomy/confidentiality, duty, procedural justice, veracity and fidelity (AOTA, 2005).
Mary Reilly, an early leader in the occupational therapy profession, reflects the values of the profession in the simple, yet profound statement: “Man, through the use of his hands, as they are energized by mind and will, can influence the state of his own health” (1962).
Our department has the following beliefs about learning. Learning is a dynamic process which develops over a time continuum. Learning promotes cognitive and affective maturation.
Cognitive maturation is the “development of an internal process by which learners select ways of attending, learning, remembering, or thinking to develop creative problem solving and thinking” (Gagne 1992). We promote problem solving and critical thinking by building complex learning on the simple and abstract learning on the concrete. Learning develops within a hierarchy from general information acquisition to concept formation to problem solving. For cognitive strategies to be learned the students must engage in developing solutions to problems, learning new attitudes and be exposed to role models.
Students have the potential to discover meaning and connect that meaning to their career and their lives. They bring with them a set of acquired attitudes and behaviors. We believe that attitudes and behaviors can be changed; or a new set of behaviors can be learned. Behavioral development encompasses the promotion of receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and acting consistently with values one has internalized (Krathwohl’s affective taxonomy, 1964).
We believe behavioral growth and cognitive maturation of students are equally important. Through confidence building, feedback and self-reflective assessment activities, we are able to progress the student through the cognitive and behavioral learning continuums.
The program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). The address is 4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 200, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3449. ACOTE’s telephone number c/o AOTA is (301) 352-AOTA. Website for ACOTE: Website for AOTA:
Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapy assistant administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA). In addition, most states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination. Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure.
- An Associate in Applied Science degree is granted to each student who successfully completes all coursework and all fieldwork. The student must also demonstrate proficiency in algebra at the level of MT 006.
- New York State certification is required for employment in New York State. Upon graduation from the program, an individual is eligible to apply for certification. Many states in the U.S. require state licensure. Separate applications for state licensure must be filed within that state.
- New York State DOES require passing of the National Certification Exam (NBCOT) for employment in New York State. A final, official transcript indicating confirmation for an Associate in Applied Science degree (A.A.S.) in Occupational Therapy Assistant must be submitted to NBCOT as part of the application process for the national exam.
- ECC OTA graduates interested in the practice area of psychiatric rehabilitation may meet eligibility criteria to sit for the Certification in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner (CPRP) exam after completing post graduate paid experience working within in a psychiatric rehabilitation setting. Students interested in pursuing CPRP certification should speak with their OTA advisor. Additional information can be obtained at United States Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (
- Results of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) Exam:
Number of Program Graduates
Graduation Rate
Number of first-time test takers
Number of first-time test takers who passed the exam
Percentage of first-time test takers who passed the exam
*TBD-To be determined.
Program results from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) can be found online at
Website for NBCOT:
Website for NYSED-Office of the Professions regarding licensure/authorization/permit to practice:
Special Admission Requirements/Prerequisites
Students must demonstrate good physical endurance and good health. Sufficient physical strength is required for lifting and moving the human patient in a clinical setting.
- Additional required skills for a clinical setting include: visual observation of patients and clients in treatment sessions; manipulation and handling of therapy equipment; and ability to demonstrate cognitive skills relative to problem solving, clinical reasoning and handling stress.
- Applicants should have an 80 percent or above high school average within five years of prospective admission for applicants without any college credit.
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 is required for all undergraduate colleges attended within five years of prospective admission.
- Applicants will comply with the college’s math and English competency requirement, as well as complete developmental course-work prior to admission into the program.
- Applicants must pass the ECC Math Placement Test at a higher level than MT 006 unless waived from taking the test. (If not successful, applicant must complete and pass MT 006. Any math developmental course must be successfully completed with a minimum passing grade of “C”. Developmental courses may be repeated only once, including grades of “W” (withdrawal).
- Applicants must pass the ECC English Placement Test at the EN 110 level or above unless waived from taking the test. Any English developmental course must be successfully completed with a minimum passing grade of “C”. Developmental courses may be repeated only once, including grades of “W” (withdrawal).
- Submission of an entrance essay (formal, typed document, with a title page) addressing all of the following (name typed on all pages of your document):
- Demonstrate research into the field of Occupational Therapy by describing the roles and responsibilities of an Occupational Therapy Assistant in two diverse areas of practice. Identify, compare, and contrast the roles and responsibilities of the OTA and OT.
- Describe plan for balancing personal life and academic responsibilities to optimize ability to be successful in this rigorous program of study.
- Describe personal attributes, accomplishments, and experiences that will contribute most to effectiveness and success as an Occupational Therapy Assistant.
- Explain reasons for entering the field at the Occupational Therapy Assistant level. Entry point degrees for the field of Occupational Therapy are as an Occupational Therapist and as an Occupational Therapy Assistant. Provide reasons for pursing the OTA degree.
- Complete 15 hours (minimally) of observation, volunteering or shadowing in an occupational therapy area of practice. Provide a signed certificate of completion or a signed letter of completion, on facility letterhead, in a sealed envelope. Applicants may distribute observation/shadowing hours across two areas of practice.
- It is strongly recommended that interested students meet with a Health Sciences Admission Counselor as admission into the program is based on academic qualifications and space availability. Students on the OTA track (250 OT) should meet with OTA Department Head for advisement and for consideration of transfer credit. Acceptance into General Studies does not guarantee future entrance into the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program.
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program is housed at North Campus and admits students in the Fall Semester only. Application deadline is February 15. All pieces of the application packet must be submitted by the deadline of February 15 (online application, high school and all college transcripts, entrance essay, and proof of volunteer hours as specified above).
Meeting program admission requirements does NOT guarantee acceptance into the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Viable candidates are invited for group interviews to help determine final selection for admission. Admission is based on the academic qualifications of the student (transcript rubric, entrance essay rubric) as well as soft skills of the candidate (as determined through interview rubric). Admission is also based on space availability.
If an applicant is not selected for admission, they must submit another application packet for the following Admission term to be reconsidered. Applicants re-applying must submit an entrance essay and proof of volunteer hours for each time that they apply to the Program. Volunteer hours are good for up to 1 year from the application deadline.
ECC does not have a waiting list. If an accepted applicant declines their seat, the Department will contact the next most qualified candidate based on rubric scores.
Department Notes
Level II students, enrolled in the last semester in field work, are not permitted to officially withdraw if they fail in fieldwork. The failing grade will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the OTA Department.
- The student must maintain a minimum grade of a “C+” in all OT courses and a “C“ in all general education courses required for the degree. A grade of “C” is not passing in OT courses and a grade of “C-” is not passing in general education courses required for degree completion. General education courses may only be re-taken once within a five year period.
General Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology I and II, lecture and lab, must have been taken in the last five years.Introduction to Sociology and College Composition (English Writing) may have been taken in the last 10 years with a student earning either an A or a B.Students must acquire computer literacy skills prior to enrolling in OT 101, either through life skills or as a remedial course.Expiration of credit is a reality, as retention of knowledge is an issue.However, expiration of credit exceptions for English, general psychology, and sociology do exist in the event of continuing competency established by supplemental coursework in these fields of study.
- A curriculum required course may be repeated only once. If approval to repeat a course is given, enrollment in the course is dependent on space availability.
- The curriculum is designed in a sequence of courses to be completed in that manner. Refer to course description section for sequence of courses and prerequisites.
- Each student will receive, “The OTA Student Manual” upon admission into the Program. A signature acknowledging receipt and understanding of requirements and responsibilities is required by the first day of OTA classes.
- Students are required to attend OTA Orientation (first year students) and OTA Re-Orientation (second and any third year students). Orientation and Re-Orientation are housed in the OTA Department and take place over the summer months.
- Each student is responsible for providing transportation to off-campus community agencies utilized for clinical activities.
- A physical exam and current immunization report are required annually within the Program. Immunization against Hepatitis B is required. Flu vaccination and documentation as proof is required annually. Two part PPD testing and related documentation is required annually.
- Because of the nature of the profession, deviation from professional conduct may adversely affect patient/client well-being. Therefore, the department reserves the right to immediately remove a student from didactic, laboratory, or clinical course-work and/or dismiss that student from the program if the department has determined the student has displayed inappropriate behavior or acted in an unprofessional manner. Appropriate professional conduct and department policies relative to fieldwork are outlined in the OTA Student Manual.
- Additional fee requirements may include professional membership fees (AOTA and NYSOTA are required), OTKE Exam, NBCOT Exam Prep Course and others.
- Student are responsible to meet all requirements and/or costs associated with Fieldwork experience requirements.
Program Competencies
Upon graduation with an Associate in Applied Science degree in Occupational Therapy Assistant, the graduate will be able to:
- Identify factors that suggest or hinder occupational performance by gathering relevant information utilizing available resources: EMR/HER, screenings and evaluations, clinical observations, team and family members.
- Establish service competency in assessment methods such as interviews, observation, assessment tools, and chart reviews within the context of the service delivery system.
- Develop client-centered and occupation-based goals in collaboration with the occupational therapist.
- Plan, select, and implement client-centered and occupation-based interventions effectively in collaboration with client, family/significant other, occupational therapist, and service provider.
- Grade and adapt activities and/or the environment to support engagement in occupations.
- Utilize effective and appropriate verbal, nonverbal, and written communication with client, families, colleagues, and the public.
- Produce clear and accurate written documentation according to site requirements to include assessments, progress reports, and discharge summaries, attendance records, statistical reports, and third party payment.
- Conduct oneself in a professional manner adhering to the American Occupational Therapy Association Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, client rights, and confidentiality.
- Maintain a therapeutic environment within a clinical setting to maintain order, prevent accidents, promote adherence to safety regulations of self and others.
- Develop appropriate professional behaviors related to self-responsibility, constructive feedback, work behaviors, time management, interpersonal skills, and cultural competence.
- Clearly communicate the values and beliefs of occupational therapy, the role of the occupational therapist, and the occupational therapy assistant to clients, families/significant others, and service providers.
- Students are eligible and required to take the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) exam.
Total Degree Credits: 64.5