Sep 27, 2024  
Fall 2018 Catalog 
Fall 2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 Key to Course Descriptions

 Course Description


(C) City Campus F/S Fall and Spring
(N) North Campus SS Summer Session
(S) South Campus F+ Offered every other Fall
F Fall S+ Offered every other Spring
S Spring N Non-Credit


Course Outlines

Course outlines for all courses described in this catalog are available for viewing. To explore the general framework of a course design and view the expectations of student performance within a select course click on the link below. These descriptions provide the base upon which instructors build their own course syllabi for the individual sections offered by the academic departments. Individual sections may therefore vary somewhat from the descriptions given in the outlines.

Course Outlines


Industrial Technology

  • IT 123 - CNC Lathe Operation

    Credit Hours: 2

    A course on the set-up and operation of CNC lathes that provides familiarization with controls. Students will be able to load a program, perform minor editing and determine tooling using a technical drawing, set up tools, run, debug and fine tune the program to produce a good first piece. Several projects plus a final part-to-print project are required. Completion of IT 102 recommended but not required.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • enter and transfer CNC programs into the machine control;
    • explain the Cartesian Coordinate System relative to the lathe;
    • explain the difference between absolute and incremental programming;
    • read and interpret with understanding basic CNC programs;
    • develop one line programs for setup procedures;
    • edit, transfer and delete CNC programs;
    • given a print select and setup tooling required to machine programmed part;
    • graph a program;
    • use the machine control to operate the machine in manual, MDI and automatic mode;
    • cite advantages and disadvantages of CNC technology over conventional machining practices;
    • transfer and run a program in safe mode utilizing features such as single block with reduced speeds and feeds; and
    • perform work shifts and tool offsets.

    Prerequisites: IT122
    Corequisites: IT103
    F/S (N)

  • IT 125 - Materials and Materials Processing

    Credit Hours: 3

    An introductory course covering the fundamentals of materials and materials processing. The first part of this course will cover physical and mechanical properties, equilibrium diagrams, heat treatment, ferrous and nonferrous metals and nonmetallic materials. The topics in processing that will be covered are: casting, powdered metals, hot and cold working, polymers, ceramics, composites and joining methods.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • apply basic principles of physical metallurgy;
    • describe the common physical and mechanical properties of materials;
    • describe various testing methods;
    • interpret the results of various tests;
    • describe the difference between ferrous and nonferrous metals;
    • describe the difference between metallic and nonmetallic materials;
    • describe various materials processing techniques;
    • describe the heat treatment of various materials; and
    • utilize phase (equilibrium) diagrams.

    Prerequisites: High school Chemistry or equivalent.
    S (N)

  • IT 126 - Statistical Process Control

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course is designed to provide the students with a thorough understanding of how principles of statistics are applied to the control of quality in manufacturing. Coverage will include basic descriptive statistics, control charts for variables and attributes and the contribution of variability to current quality philosophy.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • apply a variety of statistical concepts;
    • determine process capability;
    • construct control charts;
    • calculate the cost of quality;
    • explain the fundamentals of sampling;
    • select the appropriate statistical method;
    • interpret the results of statistical analysis; and
    • use statistical methods and control charts as tools to solve industrial quality problems.

    F (N)

  • IT 131 - Machine Tool Practice II

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course further develops the student’s knowledge, skills and abilities in machining building on the fundamental principles covered in Machine Tools I. Students manufacture projects that require precision layout, set-up, machining and inspection. These projects require students to perform various operations on horizontal milling machines, vertical milling machines, band saws, engine lathes and surface grinders.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • safely and properly machine parts that require the use of vertical & horizontal milling machines, engine lathes, surface grinders and band saws;
    • identify and select proper tooling for turning, boring, threading, milling, sawing and grinding;
    • use high speed and carbide tooling at proper speeds & feeds;
    • use digital readouts on machine tools;
    • use a rotary table on a milling machine to machine radii;
    • single point threads on a lathe inspecting the thread using a thread micrometer;
    • use a horizontal milling machine to square blocks and mill deep grooves;
    • use a surface grinder to produce surfaces that are geometrically flat, square, parallel and smooth; and
    • use precision instruments such as indicators, gage blocks, inside and outside micrometers.

    Prerequisites: IT 121
    F/S (N)

  • IT 141 - Machine Tool Practice III

    Credit Hours: 4

    The third and most advanced course in a sequence of three machine tool courses designed to give the student practical machine shop knowledge, skills and abilities. Students focus on manufacturing functional projects that require design, process development, machining, assembly and inspection. Students will work individually and in teams building on Machine Tools I and II.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • design and develop a functional project given certain parameters;
    • develop the necessary manufacturing processes and inspection criteria for a given project;
    • work with team members effectively to accomplish specific tasks as well as solve project design and process problems;
    • properly machine components to specifications using a variety of machine shop equipment; and
    • complete a cost estimate and cost report for one machined component.

    Prerequisites: IT 131
    F/S (N)

  • IT 200 - Waterjet Programming

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introduction to Computer Numerical Control theory, application and programming for CNC controlled waterjet machines. Students will develop programs used to operate waterjet cutting machines, as well as become familiarized with the Flow Master Software Suite used to operate CNC waterjet machines. Students will write and run programs with an actual CNC waterjet machine control. The final project is an advanced part produced on an operational CNC waterjet.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • determine pierce location, define and create lead-ins and lead-outs and cutting geometry;
    • define cut-speed percentage in order to determine quality of cut;
    • read and interpret with understanding basic CNC programs utilized on waterjet machine;
    • determine whether water or water and abrasive are required to perform cutting; and
    • create, enter, save graph and troubleshoot CNC programs.

    Corequisites: IT201
    Concurrent Registration: IT201
    F/S (N)

  • IT 201 - Waterjet Operation

    Credit Hours: 2

    A course on the set-up and operation of CNC waterjet machines that provides familiarization with controls. Students will be able to safely load material and programs. Perform minor editing and determine best programming/setup practices using technical drawings. Students will also perform part setup and fine tune the program to produce a good first piece. Several projects plus a final print-to part project is required.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • enter and transfer CNC programs into the machine control;
    • explain work holding methods utilized on a waterjet and handle material safely;
    • read, interpret and explain code found in basic CNC programs;
    • develop one line programs for setup procedures;
    • use the machine control to operate the machine in manual and automatic modes; and
    • perform all operations necessary to safely manufacture parts from print specifications.

    Corequisites: IT200
    Concurrent Registration: IT200
    F/S (N)

  • IT 202 - Advanced CNC

    Credit Hours: 3

    An advanced course in Computer Numerical Control theory, application and programming for vertical CNC milling machines and CNC lathes. Students will develop complex part programs used to operate CNC machines. Students will design, develop, program and produce their own projects in this course.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • develop a product to be produced;
    • develop a process plan to program a part produced on a CNC mill and/or lathe;
    • present a product design for classroom critique;
    • critique design elements of a product that will be produced on a vertical CNC mill or CNC lathe;
    • read and interpret with understanding advanced CNC programs;
    • develop programs to face, profile, drill, pocket and surface a part;
    • machine multiple, mating parts that produce an assembly;
    • utilize MasterCam Software to write programs;
    • graph edit, and troubleshoot programs;
    • create, enter and save CNC programs; and
    • transfer and run a program in safe mode utilizing features such as single block with reduced speeds and feeds.

    Prerequisites: IT102, IT115, IT122, IT220
    Cycles (N)

  • IT 210 - Industrial Inspection/Metrology

    Credit Hours: 2

    A study of the theory and use of gauging policies and various precision measurement instruments. Parts are inspected using such instruments as comparators, sine bars, optical flats, dial indicators and gauge blocks.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • explain basic inspection techniques;
    • use a variety of inspection instruments to obtain accurate measurements for checking tolerances and customer requirements; and
    • explain gauging policies and procedures.

    F/S, SS (N)

  • IT 215 - SolidWorks for Industrial Applications

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introduction to solid modeling software for the development of three dimensional models, assemblies and the working manufacturing drawings that detail the features of those mechanical models and assemblies. The course includes instruction for preparing both digital and actual presentations utilizing three dimensional printing and allows the student to take a nationally recognized certification exam.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • model complex mechanical parts using a solid modeling tool;
    • create mechanical assemblies and working drawings from solid models; and
    • create a list of manufacturing and other economic design considerations when creating models.


  • IT 220 - Mastercam, Computer Aided Design

    Credit Hours: 2

    This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software, specifically Mastercam. Students will learn to create, modify, manipulate and import geometry. Manufacturing/machining processes will be applied to that geometry along with tools, speeds and feeds for tool path simulation and verification. Students will ultimately be able to create a computer aided design (CAD) drawing, simulate the machining of a three dimensional model and generate CNC code to machine an actual part.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • create, modify, import and manipulate CAD geometry;
    • create complete 3 dimensional CAD drawings within MASTERCAM;
    • select tools from the MASTERCAM library to use for machining and create libraries of tools;
    • determine machining processes required to produce a part drawn in MASTERCAM;
    • use the created drawing, selected tools and machining processes to post code and run tool paths necessary to machine a three dimensional model;
    • post CNC code producing programs for a variety of controls/machines listed in the MASTERCAM library;
    • simulate/verify, edit and run programs; and
    • explain the difference between creating CNC programs manually and creating them with CAM software.

    Prerequisites: IT102 and IT115
    F/S (N)

  • IT 235 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes

    Credit Hours: 4

    Classroom lecture and laboratory topics in manufacturing technology may vary from semester to semester and year to year depending on the evolution of the latest state-of-the art technological developments in the workplace. Local company input will provide the basic framework from which to identify specific technology topics and laboratory skills.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • list the steps needed to produce a sand mold;
    • explain the advantages and disadvantages of the various casting processes;
    • explain the differences, advantages and disadvantages associated with hot and cold working;
    • list the steps used to produce powder metal parts;
    • detail the manufacturing processes used to produce parts made from nonmetallic materials;
    • distinguish among various surface treatment practices;
    • organize data and information into formal and informal reports; and
    • prepare and present a report that is well organized and informational.

    F (N)

  • IT 240 - Work Measurement

    Credit Hours: 3

    The course introduces stopwatch time study; work sampling procedures; predetermined standard data systems such as MTM and Work Factor; physiological measurement of human performance; energy expenditure and fatigue.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • prepare job standards by using a stop watch;
    • prepare job standards by using MTM analysis; and
    • establish job standards by using physiological techniques of work measurement.

    Prerequisites: IT 251 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • IT 250 - Coordinate Measuring Machine

    Credit Hours: 2

    Provides students with a thorough understanding of coordinate metrology. The emphasis is on geometric measurement and inspection techniques as they pertain to a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). This course also covers construction, calibration, operation and maintenance of CMM’s.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • identify quadrants and be able to make measurements and calculations relative to the Cartesian coordinate system;
    • plot various X&Y coordinates on graph paper;
    • using the CMM and a sample part, demonstrate the ability to:
      • translate the part coordinate system in the X,Y&Z axis;
      • rotate the part coordinate system in the X,Y&Z axis; and
      • store and recall the part coordinate system.
    • explain and define machine coordinates and part coordinates;
    • identify measurement planes for various features on a CMM test piece;
    • using the CMM and a sample part, demonstrate the ability to:
      • display machine coordinates;
      • recall precious measured features and establish a part coordinate system; and
      • recognize an incomplete coordinate system.
    • define various geometric features;
    • using the CMM and a sample part, demonstrate ability to measure each of the geometric features;
    • explain how geometric dimensioning and tolerancing is a dimensioning system which thoroughly defines a part;
    • list advantages of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing;
    • demonstrate how datums are established using a CMM;
    • demonstrate proper technique for hard probe calibration;
    • demonstrate proper technique for touch probe calibration;
    • explain the differences between mechanical and air bearing systems and the function of both;
    • identify at least four materials utilized in the construction of CMM’s;
    • use proper cleaning techniques and solvents for various parts of a CMM; and
    • properly and safely use a CMM to accurately measure part features to print specifications.

    Prerequisites: IT 210 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • IT 265 - Jig and Fixture Design

    Credit Hours: 3

    Instruction in the design of drill jigs, milling fixtures, weld and assembly fixtures and press tools. Basic principles covering the proper locating, supporting and clamping of parts in jigs and fixtures are emphasized. Includes single minute die change and flexible manufacturing systems concepts.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • explain the principles of location and design of jigs and fixtures;
    • design jigs and fixtures for a variety of applications;
    • design devices for locating work and guiding cutting tools;
    • obtain accurate measurements to check tolerances; and
    • prepare a workplace layout by using methods analysis to maximize productivity.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • IT 299 - Manufacturing Technology Internship

    Credit Hours: 3

    The internship is designed to provide realistic hands-on training in manufacturing technology with emphasis on materials and materials processing, computer integrated manufacturing, or industrial technology. This work experience, along with the academic program, will enable the student to prepare for entrance into a competitive work environment. Additionally, the internship experience will create potential employment opportunities and a bond between the student, the college and the manufacturing community.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

    • apply fundamental machining skills;
    • use time management skills effectively;
    • manage stress associated with a competitive;
    • utilize human relation skills;
    • utilize constructive criticism to improve workplace performance;
    • assess job performance and personal habits as they relate to the workplace;
    • conduct appropriate social relationships as they apply to the workplace; and
    • complete an oral presentation on the participating company and the skills needed to perform work duties up to expectations in the trade.

    Prerequisites: 2.0 GPA minimum, completion of 12 credit hours and faculty recommendation.
    SS (N)

Information Technology

  • DA 102 - Introduction to Computer Security Investigations and Hardware Fundamentals

    Credit Hours: 4

    Overview of computer security investigations including, but not limited to: guidelines and procedures; policies and regulations and proper incident response. Various digital media, operating/file systems, and forensic software will be introduced.  Overview of hardware fundamentals including safe handling of, installation and configuration of microcomputer hardware components. Hands-on laboratory exercises will be included.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • explain the guidelines and procedures of computer security investigations;
    • understand regulatory issues related to computer security investigations;
    • demonstrate knowledge of digital forensics hardware and software;
    • demonstrate knowledge of various operating systems and their file systems, digital media and forensics software;
    • understand how to discharge static electricity before working with computer hardware and other safety issues;
    • understand what the main components of a PC are and how they are installed and configured;
    • demonstrate knowledge of disassembly of computer and other electronic device hardware; and
    • demonstrate a general understanding of other hardware devices such as PDAs, cell phones, and iPods.

    Prerequisites: EN 110
    F/S (N)

  • DA 103 - Introduction to Information Technology

    Credit Hours: 4

    Overview of how information technology is used in everyday life. Topics include the history of computers, hardware, software, data, information, networks, telecommunications, e-commerce, systems development, specialized information systems, the personal and social impact of computers, and current topics in IT.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • use a microcomputer;
    • use the internet for research;
    • explain the steps involved in systems design, defining, designing and writing a computer program;
    • explain the function of each component of a computer;
    • demonstrate an understanding of Information Technology terminology and applications;
    • identify how computers are used in society: business, education, retail, health care, etc.; and
    • demonstrate knowledge of current technology trends.

    F/S (S, O)

  • DA 105 - Introduction to Structured Programming

    Credit Hours: 3

    A non-programming theory course which emphasizes the analysis and design phases of the software development cycle.  The analysis of program specifications determine the completeness of the specificiation.  The use of various structured techniques and tools to design programs and evaluate program designs.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • analyze a program specification;
    • determine if the program specification is complete or if pertinent information is missing;
    • use various structured design methodologies to design a program; and
    • evaluate program designs using various evaluation techniques.

    Prerequisites: DA 103
    F or S or SS (S)

  • DA 106 - Introduction to Microcomputer Applications

    Credit Hours: 3

    The study of major microcomputer applications: word processing, spreadsheets, database and presentation. Also includes microcomputer operating system fundamentals and using the Internet. Assignments and projects will be completed using commercially available microcomputer software such as MS Office.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • identify the major functions of and properly use a microcomputer operating system;
    • identify the major functions of and properly use microcomputer word processing software;
    • identify the major functions of and properly use microcomputer spreadsheet software;
    • identify the major functions of and properly use microcomputer database software;
    • identify the major functions of and properly use microcomputer presentation software; and
    • use the Internet for research.

    F/S (S, O)

  • DA 107 - Introduction to Information Systems Security

    Credit Hours: 4

    The course provides an overview of the principles and concepts of Information Systems Security. It is the first course required for the ISS certificate. It includes an introduction to information security, the need for information security, risk assessment and management network and system security, cryptography and security maintenance. Hands-on exercises will be included.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • understand key terms and critical concepts of information security and the duties and responsibilities within an information technology department;
    • identify threats and attacks to information security;
    • assess security risks and determine how to manage them;
    • identify intrusion detection, access control, and other tools used for information security;
    • describe basic principles of cryptography; and
    • list and explain major protocols for secure communication.

    F/S (C, N)

  • DA 130 - Programming COBOL

    Credit Hours: 4

    The study of the high-level, business-oriented COBOL programming language. The writing, desk-checking and testing of problems and applications utilizing structured programming methodologies. The use of workstations, printers and disk for input/output operations. The complete documentation of all programs.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe the COBOL program code necessary to generate a typical business report;
    • specifically list the use, syntax, and application of specific COBOL instructions typical of report programs using sequential file access on a database;
    • describe the control-break logic pattern;
    • list the DDS (data definition specifications) instructions required in creating a database for both physical and logical files on the academic computer system;
    • list the instructions necessary to create logical files in a database system to perform selection, omission, resequencing, and the combining of multiple files;
    • list the steps in the program compilation process and describe their importance;
    • compile and execute programs on the academic computer system;
    • interpret the diagnostic messages in a COBOL error-listing file and correct the source program using a program editor; and
    • describe structured programming concepts as they relate to the COBOL programming language.

    Prerequisites: DA 103
    F/S (N)

  • DA 140 - Programming COBOL Advanced

    Credit Hours: 4

    The study of the advanced concepts of the COBOL business-oriented language such as program efficiency, readability and structured program technique including specific concepts, input data editing, interactive programming, organization and application of database files. The complete documentation of all programs.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • use structured design techniques to implement advanced business data processing applications;
    • program advanced business data processing applications including: random file updating, array processing, and report generation using sequential and indexed files as input; and
    • design and implement effective AS400 screens for inquiry, update, and subfile processing.

    Prerequisites: DA 130
    F/S (N)

  • DA 150 - Programming Visual Basic

    Credit Hours: 4

    An introduction to Microsoft Windows based programming using Visual Basic. This course is intended as an introductory programming course which assumes no prior programming knowledge. Students will create applications with graphical interfaces using dialog boxes, list boxes and menus as well as display graphics. Visual Basic has become such a powerful product that skilled Visual Basic programmers are in demand in the job market.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • write structured Visual Basic language programs using business applications;
    • have received hands-on experience enabling them to develop skills in programming;
    • obtain a working knowledge of online screen design and menu screens;
    • describe the difference between procedural programming and event driven programming; and
    • describe general concepts regarding OOP languages.

    F/S (N, S)

  • DA 151 - Java Fundamentals

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course lays the foundation for students with little or no programming experience to learn the Java programming language.  The course introduces fundamental programming concepts and terminology in an easy, engaging manner.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • learn how to define and animate a story using the Alice 3 development environment;
    • create a game and apply Java programming constructs using the Greenfoot development environment, further enhancing a student’s understanding of Java programming;
    • work with Eclipse to understand data types and operators, literals, variable initialization, scope rules, casts, and expressions;
    • examine features that relate to methods and classes such as public and private access specifiers, passing objects to a method, returning objects from a method, overloading, recursion static class members, and nested/inner classes; and
    • progress into encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

    F (S)

  • DA 155 - Operating Systems and Shell Scripting

    Credit Hours: 4

    An overview of the major operating systems(DOS/Windows; UNIX/Linux) used in personal computers is presented. Introduction to how the various operating systems are designed, the process of booting up, device recognition and how the kernel works. The fundamentals of writing shell scripts within the various operating systems is also presented.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this of this course, the student will be able to:

    • name and describe the various operating systems;
    • demonstrate proficiency with the Unix/Command Window type command line interface (CLI);
    • run programs in foreground and background;
    • use file manipulation commands;
    • use system commands;
    • work with processes running in memory;
    • manipulate the stdin, stdout and stderr streams;
    • use I/O redirection;
    • use pipelining;
    • customize a user’s environment;
    • create regular expressions for use in scripts;
    • manipulate environment variables;
    • create shell scripts containing conditionals, loops and eval commands;
    • use arguments in shell scripts;
    • create Windows Power Shell Objects;
    • write shell scripts to perform routine tasks; and 
    • technology objectives:
      • use a computer to develop programs; and
      • use the Windows and UNIX/Linux operating environment effectively.

    Prerequisites: CS 121 or DA 150
    F/S (N)

  • DA 160 - Oracle Database Programming I

    Credit Hours: 3

    The study of database design and conceptual modeling accomplished by analyzing various business scenarios and creating a data model, a conceptual representation of an organization’s information. By analyzing the detailed data requirements of each operating unit and creating conceptual models, students learn how large, complex and dynamic organizations operate.  Assignments and projects will be completed using the Oracle Corporation’s database software system.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • analyze business scenarios and create a conceptual representation of an organization’s information;
    • design and create a data model as a foundation of database design;
    • categorize components of a database model including entities, attributes and relationships;
    • create entity relationship diagrams (ERD) based on a simple business scenario;
    • identify, define and document a company’s business rules;
    • use the process of normalization to maximize a database’s efficiency and design; and
    • use basic SQL syntax as it relates to the SELECT statement.

    F/S (S)

  • DA 161 - Oracle Database Programming II

    Credit Hours: 3

    Physical implementation of conceptual database designs that were generated during the database design and modeling phase of relational database development will be addressed in this course. 
    Physical database creation will be accomplished by using SQL, the industry-standard database programming language and implemented using the Oracle corporation’s relational database software.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • use SQL single-row and group functions to perform calculations, manipulate data and modify data items;
    • code SQL statements to JOIN multiple database tables for purposes of querying and maintaining the tables using both Oracle proprietary syntax and ANSI/ISO SQL 99 syntax;
    • combine two queries into one to create single-row and multiple row subqueries;
    • use Data Manipulation Language (DML) to add, update, delete or merge data in the database;
    • use Data Definition Lanuage (DDL) to create, alter, remove and drop tables from the database;
    • create and enforce constraints to prevent invalid data from entering a table or prevent deletion if records contain dependencies with other tables;
    • establish “views” of existing database tables to provide and restrict user access to data;
    • create sequences, indexes and synonyms to assist in the management of a database;
    • implement database security and recovery at the system and user priviledge levels; and
    • take the first of two certification exams to become an Oracle Certified Associate (OCA).

    F/S (S)

  • DA 180 - E-Commerce

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course provides an overview of the principles and concepts of electronic commerce. It includes how to create a Web presence, build an online store and publish Web pages. Various Web-based tools, such as those available on the AS/400 Web server and others, will be introduced. This course will also discuss security on the Web.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe Electronic Commerce, business to business, business to consumer;
    • demonstrate and the infrastructure and software choices regarding E-commerce;
    • describe different Electronic commerce models and applications;
    • build an online store with all its component parts using Web-based tools;
    • list the steps used in implementing Electronic Commerce schemas;
    • describe the differences and similarities of business/customer and business/business relationships between E-commerce and traditional commerce; and
    • demonstrate familiarity with Web page structure and design.

    F/S (N)

    Windows proficiency required.
  • DA 190 - Introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS)

    Credit Hours: 4

    A comprehensive course that will examine the role of information systems in business. Emphasis will be placed on information systems and their impact on business processes, organizational strategy, competitive advantage and decision making in organizations. Basic data, software and hardware principles and usage will be introduced.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • define MIS and its role in organizations;
    • demonstrate knowledge of how MIS can improve business processes, organizational strategy competitive advantage and decision making in organizations;
    • demonstrate knowledge of basic data, hardware and software principles and how they relate to the use of IS in organizations; and
    • explain how IS can provide an organization with a competitive advantage.

    F/S (S)

  • DA 200 - Computer and Network Security

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course provides an overview of the setup and use of firewalls. Securing email servers will be discussed. Also, approaches for detecting and responding to buffer attacks will be discussed and demonstrated. Viruses, operating systems security holes, along with impersonation, spoofing and wireless security flaws will be discussed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe and understand what a frrewall is;
    • describe intrusion detection software and what it is used for;
    • identify various encryption/decryption concepts;
    • discuss various methodologies relating to e-mail security;
    • analyze network security with regard to frrewalls, tripwires, intrusion detection;
    • have an understanding of approaches for detection andresponding to buffer attacks;
    • have a working knowledge of operating system security holes and all application vulnerabilities; and
    • identify and correct wireless security flaws.

    Prerequisites: DA 107
    F/S (N)

  • DA 201 - Operations and Database Security

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course will cover fundamentals of operations and database security. Topics may include controls over hardware, software and backups, audits and monitoring, operations personnel and physical security concepts. Also includes security management and concepts of Web security.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe and understand how vulnerability scanning is used to pinpoint potential weaknesses in the infrastructure;
    • understand and demonstrate port scanning and vulnerability scanning;
    • assess hacker challenges, malicious break-ins and insider threats;
    • discuss encryption and steganography;
    • analyze the security issues that are specific to database systems;
    • identify and secure web exposures; and
    • observe TCP!IP packet streams to understand zone based security.

    Prerequisites: DA 107
    F/S (N)

  • DA 202 - Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Framework of ISS

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course will cover fundamentals of the legal, ethical and regulatory framework for information systems security. Topics will include information systems security and the law; computer related crimes; measures and technologies used to investigate incidents and risk frameworks. Also includes recovery and control and audit procedures. Ethics and legal and regulatory implications will be discussed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe and understand the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA);
    • differentiate between the different types of laws regarding information security;
    • identify relevant U.S. laws of interest to information security professionals and what they represent;
    • discuss various international laws and legal bodies;
    • identify ethical concepts in information security including software licensing;
    • have an understanding of codes of ethics, certifications, and professional organizations; and
    • describe various types of computer related crimes and how they are perpetrated.

    F/S (N)

  • DA 203 - ISS Internship

    Credit Hours: 2

    Individual assignment of carefully selected information systems security projects for hands-on experience in identifying, solving, and documenting practical information security problems. This will provide hands-on experience in working in the security field. Projects may be physical, software, hardware, operational, or database security related.

    Course Outcomes
    To place students in a real world, working environment in a local sponsor company as a ISS intern or simulate a ISS working environment for the student, within the college, with an assigned task in information system security.

    Prerequisites: DA 107, DA 200, DA 201, or permission of instructor.
    F/S (N)

  • DA 204 - Digital Forensics

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course will cover the fundamentals of computer forensics and investigations. Topics will include historical and current computer forensic and investigative security issues; a systematic approach to computer investigations; digital forensics, email and image file analysis; and guidelines for investigation reporting. Various forensic tools will be used during the laboratory portion of the class. Hardware and software issues related to the development of a computer forensics laboratory will be discussed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • explain computer forensic and investigative security issues, both historical and current;
    • utilize a systematic approach to computer investigations;
    • utilize various forensic tools to collect digital evidence;
    • identify software and hardware requirements for a digital forensics laboratory;
    • perform digital forensics analysis;
    • analyze image files; and
    • explain guidelines for investigation reporting.

    Prerequisites: Some prior computer experience recommended.
    F/S (N)

  • DA 205 - Digital Forensics II

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course will cover advanced digital forensics topics. Some of the concepts discussed and demonstrated include : forensic cleansing, forensic duplication, imaging, acquisition, hashing, file meta-data analysis, carving and examining deleted files. Some of the software used in the lab includes: SMART, HELIX, Backtrack, FTK, Mac Forensic Lab and Gargoyle Forensic Investigator.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • utilize a systematic approach to computer investigations;
    • utilize various forensic tools to collect digital evidence;
    • perform digital forensics analysis upon Windows, MAC and LINUX operating systems;
    • perform email investigations;
    • analyze and carve image files both logical and physical;
    • explain guidelines for investigation reporting;
    • explain anti-forensic methods/tools and their use;
    • understand the implications of anti-forensics to the digital forensics investigator; and
    • demonstrate an awareness of current methods of reducing the effectiveness of anti-forensics.

    Prerequisites: DA 204
    F/S (N)

  • DA 206 - Networking & Network Forensics

    Credit Hours: 4

    An overview of network technology, network components, network operating system software and network interconnection schemes. A detailed overview of network traffic capturing, packet analysis, intrusion detection, firewalls, proxy servers, image capturing and transportation, and memory forensics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this of this course, the student will be able to:

    • run and interpret results of:
      • ping;
      • tracert;
      • arp;
      • netstat;
      • nbtstat;
      • ipconfig;
      • Ifconfig;
      • iwconfig;
      • winipcfg; and
      • nslookup.
    • create network twisted pair cables;
    • setup a fire wall;
    • setup a proxy server;
    • setup Snort;
    • construct a LAN;
    • map network drives;
    • setup NSF;
    • setup samba shares;
    • setup and configure live USB drives;
    • setup scripts for network auditing;
    • install and use network tool packages;
    • execute memory foot printing and acquisition;
    • setup a network sniffer; and
    • setup a honey pot.
    • technology objectives:
      • use a computer to setup and install operating systems and network software packages; and
      • use the DOS/Windows and UNIX/Linux operating environment effectively.

    Prerequisites: CS 101, DA 107
    F/S (N)

  • DA 210 - Programming RPG

    Credit Hours: 4

    The study of the high-level, business-oriented RPG programming language. The writing, desk-checking and testing of problems and applications utilizing structured programming methodologies. The use of workstations, printers and disks for input/output operations. The integration of database files into RPG business applications. The complete documentation of all programs.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe the RPG program code necessary to generate a typical business report;
    • specifically list the use, syntax, and application of specific RPG instructions typical of report programs using sequential file access on a database;
    • list the RPG instructions required to utilize and update keyed databases;
    • list the DDS (data definition specifications) instructions required in creating a database for both physical and logical files on the academic computer system;
    • list the steps in the program compilation process and describe their importance;
    • compile and execute programs on the academic computer system;
    • describe the steps in writing an interactive program with input/output to the user workstation and the DDS instructions associated with this process;
    • interpret the diagnostic messages in an RPG error-listing file and correct the source program using a program editor;
    • describe structured programming concepts as they relate to the RPG programming language; and
    • describe the differences in programs written in RPG IV using procedural code vs. traditional RPG programs utilizing the fixed-logic cycle.

    Prerequisites: DA 103
    S (N)

  • DA 215 - Networking with Microsoft Windows Server

    Credit Hours: 4

    A comprehensive course on installing and managing a Microsoft Windows Server-based network . This course details the critical network management activities such as creating shared resources, creating users and groups, as well as securing and sharing applications.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe the installation and configuration process of Microsoft Windows Server;
    • describe the process of setting-up and managing users and groups;
    • describe the process of establishing network policies;
    • describe the process of creating and managing directory shares;
    • describe how applications are executed from a file server;
    • describe how to set up and manage network printers;
    • describe the process of backing-up and restoring both server and workstations; and
    • describe the process of setting-up domains and domain controllers.

    F/S (S)

    Recommended companion course DA 106 Intro to Microcomputer Applications or prior general knowledge of the Microsoft Windows Operating System is required.
  • DA 240 - Systems Analysis with Respect to Business Applications

    Credit Hours: 4

    The study of the methods of analysis along with the study of applications which are part of the daily operation of a computer installation. These applications are: payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing and receiving and inventory forecast and control.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe the impact of information technology on business strategy and success;
    • describe the role of the systems analyst in an information technology department;
    • apply the principles of SDLC to various business applications;
    • use data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, process descriptions and other systems analysis tools within an information system; and
    • translate business requirements into information systems that support the organization’s long- and short-term objectives.

    Prerequisites: DA 103
    F/S (N, S)

  • DA 251 - Java Programming

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course is designed to build upon the knowledge gained from the Oracle Academy Java Fundamentals course and enable students to further develop their Java programming knowledge using the Java SE7 programming language.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • deploy an application. Packages and JARs, essential components of creating an application, are described and implemented. Two-tier and three tier architectures are reviewed prior to implementing an application;
    • add additional item classes to an application to understand the process of modifying an application;
    • modify, understand, and test an existing program. Students will examine a pre-written Java program, apply inheritance in problem-solving, and test classes in isolation;
    • understand Java programming concepts for making Java classes immutable, creating Java subclasses, and using variable argument methods;
    • use subclassing to extend another class and examine class design considerations, and generics, which allow type-safe data structures; and
    • work more with strings and learn to handle exceptions that can arise during program execution.

    Prerequisites: DA 151
    S (S)

  • DA 255 - Advanced Visual Basic

    Credit Hours: 4

    The study of advanced programming constructs and methods using Visual Basic. Topics include: advanced user interface components, database programming, object oriented class/object creation, Windows API, Windows ASP, Windows .Net and Windows help files.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • use advanced controls and methods to create more effective and easy to use screen forms;
    • code database access programs using ADO controls and objects in combination with bound and unbound controls;
    • create classes and objects, oriented concepts;
    • use Windows API, ASP, and .Net with Visual Basic; and
    • create Windows help files.


    Prerequisites: DA 150
    F (N, S)

  • DA 261 - Database Concepts

    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduction to the concepts of data base organization and structure, data security, access methods and the comparison of the data base approach with traditional file organization. Lab involves the actual use of the data base.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • produce reports using database commands;
    • create a simple database structure;
    • produce reports from two database files related together;
    • write a menu driven application using a database and an appropriate programmiing language;
    • create a simple database using SQL;
    • execute queries using SQL; and
    • produce a report using SQL.

    F/S (N, S)

  • DA 262 - Oracle PL/SQL Programming I

    Credit Hours: 3

    PL/SQL, Oracle corporation’s procedural language extension to SQL will be introduced in this course. Students will learn procedural logic constructs such as variables, constants, conditional statements and iterative controls. Students will explore some of the limitations of SQL and learn why PL/SQL is needed. PL/SQL key words and definitions and appropriate usages are introduced. Students also learn about the PL/SQL block structure, the basic unit in PL/SQL. Oracle Application Express, a browser based development environment will be used for coding PL/SQL blocks.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • describe PL/SQL and explain the difference between SQL and PL/SQL and why PL/SQL is necessary;
    • code PL/SQL anonymous blocks using Oracle Application Express;
    • apply PL/SQL syntax and lexical units including PL/SQL variables, constants, functions, data types, and nested blocks to the development of business application development;
    • expand on the use of Data Manipulation Language (DML) to add, update, delete or merge data in the database by using implicit cursors and their attributes and how to group SQL statements for database transaction processing;
    • use conditional control statements and iterative control statements to direct the flow of execution through a program;
    • implement PL/SQL explicit cursors to allow multiple row retrieval from a database and programming code to process rows one at a time;
    • code an exception handler so that programs do not terminate when PL/SQL raises an exception;
    • create procedures and functions including parameter passing and user defined functions; and
    • access the Data Dictionary and write SQL to retrieve data from the it’s tables.

    Prerequisites: DA 160, DA 161 or permission of the instructor.
    F/S (S)

  • DA 263 - Oracle PL/SQL Programming II

    Credit Hours: 3

    The mastery of PL/SQL, a procedural language extension to SQL will be continued in this course. Students will learn more advanced PL/SQL concepts such as PL/SQL packages, dynamic SQL, database triggers used to execute code automatically, advanced data types such as user-defined record types, and multi-media file types and how to manage object dependencies. Oracle Application Express, a browser based development environment will be used for coding PL/SQL blocks.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • build upon PL/SQL programming concepts learned in Oracle PL/SQL Programming I class;
    • create packages which are PL/SQL blocks stored in the database and called for repeated execution when needed;
    • demonstrate the understanding of the visibility of objects in packages and how to invoke subprograms in packages;
    • apply such advanced PL/SQL concepts as overloading and forward referencing;
    • construct and execute dynamic SQL statements at run time in PL/SQL;
    • create PL/SQL triggers to execute automatically when certain DML or DDL events take place;
    • define fields using complex data types such as user-defined record types and large object data types to store multi-media files; and
    • detect database object dependencies, the different types, and how to correct them when necessary.

    Prerequisites: DA 262
    F/S (S)

  • DA 270 - Computer Information Systems Project

    Credit Hours: 4

    Individual assignment of carefully selected data processing projects for hands-on experience in identifying, solving and documenting practical business and industrial problems. The project can take the form of a corporate internship if approved by the instructor.

    Course Outcomes
    To place students in a real world working environment in a local sponsor company as an IT intern or simulate an IT working environment for the student, within the college, with an assigned task in system development.

    Prerequisites: DA 140, DA 240, DA 261 or permission of the instructor.
    F or S or SS (S)

  • DA 290 - Management for Systems Analysts

    Credit Hours: 4

    Emphasizing the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. Various approaches, tools, principles and practices of management effectiveness will be discussed. A popular project management software package will be used.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion, the student will be able to:

    • define project management and its role in the information techonology organization;
    • define various factors involved in managing projects and people;
    • plan, schedule and control a series of typical data processing projects;
    • utilize current project management software to manage projects and people; and
    • exhibit leadership skills required to manage projects in a diverse workforce.

    Prerequisites: DA 240
    F/S (N, S)


  • MT 003 - Pre-Algebra Review

    Credit Hours: 3 Not for degree credit

    A developmental course designed to give a brief overview of arithmetic skills and to prepare students for elementary algebra. Topics will include: whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios and proportions, percents, integers, simple linear equations and basic calculator skills. Word problems will be related to each topic.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

    • perform basic computations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and integers;
    • apply the rules for divisibility by 2, 3, and 5 when writing the prime factors of whole numbers;
    • convert fractions, decimals, and percents from one form to another;
    • apply the rules for rounding-off when estimating appropriate answers;
    • apply the order of operations to evaluate arithmetic expressions;
    • represent a comparison of data in ratio form and solve proportions;
    • analyze and solve everyday problems that involve unit pricing, rate of discount, and sales tax;
    • perform arithmetic of integers;
    • solve simple linear equations involving one or two operations;
    • demonstrate a “sense of numbers” by determining if a mathematical solution is “reasonable.”;
    • present organized written work and show a check to avoid careless mistakes;
    • perform mental arithmetic and use a calculator effectively, where applicable; and
    • read critically and think logically when solving word problems that involve whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents.

    Technology Objectives:

    • use the arithmetic operations on the scientific calculator to solve applied problems (+, -, x, );
    • demonstrate an understanding of the Functions of the keys:

      √n ,x2,yn,π,±,%, (  ) 2nd key b/c; and
    • demonstrate understanding of order of operations on the scientific calculator.

    F/S (C, N, S)

    This course does not apply toward an associate’s degree.

  • MT 006 - Basic Algebra Review

    Credit Hours: 3 Not for degree credit

    MT006 is intended for students who need a formal review of basic algebraic concepts and whose required mathematics course for their degree is MT111, MT112, or MT116 (Non-STEM majors). By studying the following topics, students will develop, refine, and strengthen problem solving skills and be able to: perform operations on real numbers and algebraic expressions including polynomials; solve linear equations, inequalities, systems of linear equations, define and apply the properties of exponents; define and evaluate functions; graph linear equations with emphasis on slope as a rate of change and intercepts. Real world applications will be introduced throughout the course.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of MT006, the student will be able to:

    • perform fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with real numbers;
    • demonstrate an understanding of absolute value, inequalities, additive and multiplicative inverse, associate, commutative distributive properties, and order of operations;
    • evaluate formulas; solve linear equations, linear inequalities, and ratio proportion problems;
    • apply the properties of exponents;
    • perform fundamental operations with polynomials;
    • interpret graphs such as bar graphs, histograms, and scatter plots
    • define a function; use function notation to represent a function numerically and graphically
    • sketch and interpret the graphs of linear equations
    • determine the equation of a line using slope-intercept form (point-slope form is optional)
    • solve systems of linear equations by graphing, addition and substitution methods
    • solve basic square root equations (optional)
    • solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula (optional)
    • demonstrate a “sense of numbers” by determining if a mathematical solution is “reasonable;”
    • present organized written work and show a check to avoid careless mistakes;
    • perform mental arithmetic, use a calculator effectively to solve and check mathematical calculations and determine when each is appropriate; and
    • read critically and think logically when solving application problems.

    Technology Objectives:

    • use the arithmetic operations on the scientific calculator to solve algebraic and real world algebraic problems;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the keys:

      √n ,x2,yx,π,±,%, (  ) 2nd key/ inv key; and
    • demonstrate an understanding of order of operations on the scientific calculator.

    Prerequisites: MT 003 or appropriate college equivalent, and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

    This course does not apply toward an associate’s degree.

  • MT 013 - Elementary Algebra

    Credit Hours: 5 Not for degree credit

    A developmental course designed to refresh arithmetic skills while developing basic algebraic skills in preparing for required mathematics courses. Arithmetic and elementary equations will be continuously reviewed with the following algebraic topics: perations with real numbers; operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations and inequalities; simple word problems; graphing; systems of equations; quadratic equations; operations with radical; and basic calculator skills.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completing MT013, the student should be able to:

    • perform fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with real numbers;
    • demonstrate an understanding of absolute value, inequalities, additive and multiplicative inverse, associative, commutative distributive properties, and order of operations;
    • evaluate formulas; solve linear equations, linear inequalities, and ratio proportion problems;
    • apply the properties of exponents and perform operations;
    • perform fundamental operations with polynomials;
    • perform common, trinomial, and perfect square factoring;
    • perform fundamental operations with algebraic fractions, simplify complex fractions and solve rational equations;
    • sketch and interpret the graphs of linear equations;
    • determine the equation of a line using slope-intercept and point- slope forms of a line;
    • solve systems of linear equations by graphing, addition and substitution methods;
    • perform fundamental operations with square roots and solve radical equations;
    • solve quadratic equations by factoring and using the quadratic formula;
    • demonstrate a “Sense of numbers” by determining if a mathematical solution is “reasonable;”
    • present organized written work and show a check to avoid careless mistakes;
    • perform mental arithmetic and use a calculator effectively to solve and check mathematical calculations when appropriate; and
    • read critically and think logically when solving application problems.

    Technology Objectives:

    • use the arithmetic operations on the scientific calculator to solve algebraic and real world algebraic problems;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the keys:

      √n ,x2,yx,π,±,%, (  ) 2nd key/ inv key; and
    • demonstrate an understanding of order of operations on the scientific calculator.

    Prerequisites: MT 001 or MT 003 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

    This course does not apply toward an associate’s degree.

  • MT 111 - Mathematics of Dosage

    Credit Hours: 1

    This course is intended for those members of the health professions who have the responsibility for the preparation and administration of medications. Topics covered will include ratio and proportions, the metric system, apothecary and household systems, conversions within each system, conversions from one system to another, dosage calculations of oral and parenteral drugs for adult and pediatric patients and preparation of solutions.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • perform basic mathematical operations needed to compute dosages;
    • identify the three systems of measurement used in the preparation and administration of medications;
    • convert units within each system and between the three systems of measurement;
    • solve dosage problems that involve oral medications;
    • solve problems involving parenteral medications;
    • determine infusion rates and times for intravenous medications;
    • calculate and determine safe dosage for children and infants based on their weight;
    • calculate and describe how to prepare solutions; and
    • read the orders given and the labels on medications accurately. Be able to determine if calculated dosage is reasonable.

    Prerequisites: MT 006 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.
  • MT 112 - Survey of Mathematics

    Credit Hours: 3

    A one-semester course whose objective is to further develop an interest in mathematics. This course will consist of at least five topics, including sets, logic, probability, statistics and at least one topic from the following: consumer finance, geometry, game theory, mathematical systems, systems of numeration, graph theory, voting and apportionment, and linear programming.  The history of mathematics will be integrated throughout all topics.  Students will be expected to use elementary algebra skills in solving problems.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate knowledge of the set concept, the language of sets, and the applications of sets;
    • use reasoning processes in arriving at conclusions through the use of logic;
    • calculate elementary probabilities, odds, and expectations;
    • use permutations and combinations for counting;
    • identify the uses and misuses of statistics;
    • organize statistical data;
    • compute and interpret simple descriptive statistics;
    • demonstrate a sense of numbers by determining if a mathematical solution is reasonable;
    • present organized written work and show a check to avoid careless mistakes;
    • perform mental arithmetic, use a calculator effectively to solve and check mathematical calculations and determine when each is appropriate; and
    • demonstrate a comprehension of the role of mathematics in history.

    In addition, the student should be able to do one or more of the following:

    • calculate interest;
    • demonstrate the knowledge of installment buying, mortages, life insurance, and the stock market;
    • solve elementary geometry problems; 
    • establish the essential characteristics of a Two-Person Zero-Sum Game (players, possible actions and solutions, payoff, and establish whether a game is a zero-sum or non-zero-sum game);
    • demonstrate knowledge of mathematical systems and perform computations in modular arithmetic;
    • demonstrate knowledge of graph theory and real world applications;
    • demonstrate knowledge of the place-value system and alternative systems of numeration, and perform calculations in other bases; 
    • demonstrate knowledge of voting systems; and
    • demonstrate knowledge of systems of linear equations and inequalities and linear programming. 

    Prerequisites: MT 006 or appropriate college equivalent, and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 116 - Algebra in the Real World

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course is intended to enable students to view mathematics as part of their life experience by solving real-world problems using a modeling and function approach. This course is especially suitable for liberal arts/general studies, social science and humanities majors and the many majors which only require a math elective, such as Communication Arts. Major topics include: an introduction to functions from a verbal, numeric, algebraic and graphical approach; an investigation of elementary functions (linear, exponential, logarithmic and quadratic) through modeling and analyzing real data and an applications approach to building and solving systems of linear equations. A specific graphing calculator is recommended and will be used throughout the course. This course may be used as an alternative to MT 112 or as a bridge to MT 125. It will not replace the MT 125/126 sequence as a prerequisite for calculus.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • define and to recognize a function from a verbal, numerical, symbolic, and graphical viewpoint, including basic vocabulary and notation;
    • solve problems arising from the context of a situation using linear functions and systems of linear equations, and exponential, logarithmic, and quadratic functions;
    • express the specific properties related to each of the following types of functions from a verbal, numerical, symbolic and graphical approach: linear, exponential, logarithmic, and quadratic; and
    • recognize linear and nonlinear data, and to model the data with an appropriate function.

    Technology objective is to use appropriate technology:

    • to visually capture the graphical representations of specific functions in order to interpret and make predictions based on the graph; and
    • to construct regression models from linear and non-linear data.

    Prerequisites: MT 006 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 118 - Mathematics for Elementary Education Teachers I

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course is restricted to students ultimately seeking a degree in Elementary Education. Topics will include: problem-solving principles and strategies; models and interpretations of operations with whole numbers; integers; rational numbers and decimals; number theory; numeration and computation; introduction to functions; and problem solving. Emphasis on problem solving, understanding the concepts and procedures of elementary mathematics, mathematical modeling, the use of manipulatives, and effective communication of mathematical ideas.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    Taken from: The Mathematical Education of Teachers from Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences in conjunction with the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.

    • demonstrate an understanding of models and interpretations of operations with whole numbers:
      • demonstrate a large repertoire of interpretations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and of ways they can be applied; and
      • demonstrate understanding of relationships among operations.
    • demonstrate a strong sense of place value in the base-10 number system:
      • show understanding of how place value permits efficient representation of number;
      • demonstrate recognition of the value of each place as ten times larger than the value of the next place to the right and the implications of this for ordering numbers and for estimation and approximation;
      • demonstrate how the operations of addition, multiplication, and exponentiation are used in representing numbers; and
      • demonstrate the relative magnitude of numbers.
    • demonstrate an understanding of multi-digit calculations, including standard algorithms, “mental math,” and nonstandard methods commonly created by students:
      • demonstrate how the base-10 structure of number is used in multi-digit computations.
      • demonstrate how decimal notation allows for approximation by “round numbers” (multiples of powers of 10).
      • demonstrate an understanding of the properties of commutativity, associativity, and distributivity as useful tools for organizing thinking about computation.
      • demonstrate flexibility in mental computation and estimation
    • demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of integer and rational number and extend the operations to these larger domains:
      • demonstrate an understanding of what integers are and the meaning of sign and magnitude;
      • demonstrate an understanding of what rational numbers are, how fractions and decimals relate, different representations of rationals, and a sense of their relative size;
      • demonstrate knowledge of interpretations and for the arithmetic operations in the extended domains;
      • demonstrate understanding of the relationship between fractions and the operations of multiplication and division;
      • demonstrate an understanding of how whole number arithmetic extends to integers and rational numbers;
      • demonstrate an understanding of how any number represented by a finite or repeating decimal is rational, and conversely; and
      • demonstrate an understanding of how and why whole number decimal arithmetic extends to finite decimals and, in particular, how place value extends to decimal fractions.
    • demonstrate an ability to generalize arithmetic and quantitative reasoning:
      • demonstrate an ability to use a variety of representations, including conventional algebraic notation, to articulate and justify generalizations;
      • demonstrate an understanding of algebraic expressions as shorthand for describing calculation; and to demonstrate an understanding of algebraic identities as statements of equivalence of expressions; and
      • demonstrate an ability to solve word problems via algebraic manipulation.
    • demonstrate the ability to use manipulatives to understand the meaning of numbers and arithmetic operations throughout the course.

    Technology Objectives:

    • demonstrate the ability to use the arithmetic operations on the scientific calculator to solve algebraic and real world algebraic problems;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the keys:

      √n ,x2,yx,π,±,%, (  ) 2nd inv key; and
    • demonstrate an understanding of order of operations on the scientific calculator.


    Prerequisites: MT 007 or MT 013 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 119 - Mathematics for Elementary Education Teachers II

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course is restricted to students ultimately seeking a degree In Elementary Education. This is the second course of a two-semester sequence. Topics will include: basic probability and statistics; basic geometry; measurement graphing; and functions. Emphasis on problem solving, understanding the concepts and procedures of elementary mathematics, mathematical modeling, the use of manipulatives, and effective communication of mathematical ideas.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to 1:

    Taken from: The Mathematical Education of Teachers from Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences in conjunction with the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America

    • demonstrate visualization skills:
      • demonstrate the use of projections, cross-sections, and decompositions of common two- and three-dimensional figures; and
      • represent three-dimensional shapes in two dimensions and construct three-dimensional objects from two dimensional representations.
    • demonstrate familiarity with basic shapes and their properties:
      • identify fundamental objects of geometry;
      • demonstrate an understanding of angles and how they are measured;
      • demonstrate an understanding of plane isometries: reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and translations (slides)-and symmetries;
      • demonstrate an understanding of congruence and similarity; and
      • demonstrate an understanding of technical vocabulary and an understanding of the importance of definition.
    • demonstrate an understanding of the process of measurement:
      • demonstrate different aspects of size;
      • demonstrate an understanding of the idea of unit and the need to select a unit appropriate to the attribute being measured;
      • demonstrate a knowledge of the standard (English and metric) systems of units;
      • demonstrate an understanding of comparing units; and
      • demonstrate an understanding that measurements are approximate and that different units affect precision.
    • demonstrate an understanding of length, area, and volume:
      • demonstrate an understanding of one, two, and three dimensions;
      • illustrate rectangles as arrays of squares, rectangular solids as arrays of cubes;
      • demonstrate an understanding of the behavior of measure (length, area, and volume) under uniform dilations;
      • devise area formulas for triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids; knowing the formula for the area of a circle; becoming familiar with formulas for prisms, cylinders, and other three-dimensional objects; and
      • demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence of perimeter and area; surface area and volume.
    • demonstrate the ability to design data investigations:
      • demonstrate an understanding of the kinds of questions that can be addressed by data;
      • demonstrate an understanding of creating data sets; and
      • demonstrate the ability to move back and forth between the question (the purpose of the study) and the design of the study.
    • demonstrate the ability to design data investigations:
      • Demonstrate an understanding of describing the shape of a distribution: symmetry versus skewed data distribution and what this indicates about the question being addressed;
      • Demonstrate an understanding of describing the spread of a distribution: range, outliers, clusters, gaps and what these indicate about the question to be addressed by the data;
      • Demonstrate an understanding of describing the center of a distribution: mean, median, and mode and what these indicate about the question to be addressed by the data;
      • Demonstrate an understanding of different forms of data representation, e.g., line plots, stem-and-leaf plots, among others; recognizing that different forms of representation communicate different features of the data; and
      • Demonstrate the ability to compare two sets of data (not always of the same size).
    • demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions:
      • demonstrate the ability to choose among representations and summary statistics to communicate conclusions;
      • demonstrate an understanding of variability; and
      • demonstrate an understanding of some of the difficulties that arise in sampling and inference.
    • demonstrate an understanding of probability:
      • demonstrate an ability to make judgments under uncertainty;
      • demonstrate an ability to assign numbers as a measure of likelihood; and
      • demonstrate an understanding of the idea of randomness.
    • demonstrate an understanding of functions:
      • demonstrate a conceptual understanding of what is a function; and
      • demonstrate the ability to read and create graphs of functions, work with formulas, and use tables of values.
    • demonstrate the ability to use manipulatives to develop understanding of mathematical concepts throughout the course.

    Technology Objectives:

    • demonstrate the ability to use the arithmetic operations on the scientific calculator to solve algebraic and real world algebraic problems;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the keys

      √n ,x2,yx,π,±,%, (  ) 2nd inv key; and
    • demonstrate an understanding of order of operations on the scientific calculator.


    Prerequisites: MT 118 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 121 - Technical Mathematics I

    Credit Hours: 4

    The first course in a two-semester sequence of intermediate algebra and trigonometry with technical applications. Topics included are: the trigonometry functions; vectors; units of measurement and approximate numbers; fundamental concepts of algebra; functions and graphs; systems of linear equations; determinants; factoring and fractions; quadratics; basic operations with complex numbers; and geometry, which includes areas and perimeters of common plane figures, volumes and surface areas of common solids. The scientific calculator will be used throughout the course.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.


    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • perform the fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with algebraic expressions;
    • solve equations to include linear, rational and quadratic;
    • identify geometric shapes and formulas (including area, perimeter, volume, and surface area);
    • use units of measure and approximate numbers in calculations;
    • define and evaluate trigonometric functions of any angle;
    • analyze and solve applications of right triangles;
    • perform addition with vectors;
    • write polynomials in factored form;
    • perform the fundamental operations on rational expressions;
    • interpret and graph the equations of a straight line;
    • graph and interpret functions;
    • solve systems of linear equations graphically, algebraically, and by determinants;
    • perform the fundamental operations on complex numbers; and
    • analyze and solve word problems that involve the use of linear and rational equations, vectors and functions.

    Technology Objectives:

    • Use a scientific/graphing calculator to perform basic arithmetic operations and solve trigonometric problems; and
    • analyze and interpret the following based on a graphing calculator or a symbolic computer program:
      • the domain and range of functions;
      • solutions to linear equations; and
      • solutions to and graphs of quadratic equations.


    Prerequisites: MT 007 or MT 013 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 122 - Technical Mathematics II

    Credit Hours: 4

    The second course in a two-semester sequence of intermediate algebra and trigonometry with technical applications. Topics included are: trigonometric functions of any angle; oblique triangle; graphs of trigonometric functions; exponents and radicals; exponential and log functions; variation; inequalities; and introduction to statistics. The scientific calculator will be used throughout the course.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • solve equations including exponential, logarithmic, or trigonometric functions;
    • evaluate trigonometric functions and their inverses for angles measured in degrees and radians;
    • solve oblique triangles using the law of sines or law of cosines;
    • sketch and interpret the graph of trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions;
    • perform fundamental operations, (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on algebraic terms involving exponents and radicals, and logarithmic functions;
    • graph functions using log and semi-log paper;
    • analyze and solve proportion and variation problems;
    • solve basic probability problems;
    • find area under the normal curve and solve application problems;
    • develop and interpret X bar and R charts for statistical process control; and
    • summarize and interpret data using frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, and measures of dispersion.

    Technology Objectives:

    • analyze and interpret the following based on a graphing calculator or a symbolic computer program:
      • graphs of trigonometric functions;
      • graphs of exponential functions; and
      • graphs of logarithmic functions.
    • Perform statistical operations using a computer software program (optional).


    Prerequisites: MT 121 or equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 125 - College Mathematics

    Credit Hours: 4

    The first course in a two-semester sequence of college algebra and trigonometry. The sequence is preparatory for an introductory or survey level of calculus. Basic algebra skills are reviewed and extended. Functions, in general, and their inverses are studied along with the properties, graphs and transformations of linear, quadratic, absolute value, radical, rational, logarithmic and exponential functions. Equations of the above functions as well as linear systems of equations and linear and absolute value inequalities are solved. Related application problems are incorporated throughout. 

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • apply the concepts of the real number system and the properties of real numbers;
    • simplify and perform the fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) on real numbers, polynomials, and radical expressions; and simplify complex fractions;
    • solve linear, quadratic, (inc. imaginary roots), absolute value, radical, exponential and logarithmic equations;
    • solve linear and absolute value inequalities;
    • interpret, set up and solve problems involving direct, inverse and joint variation;
    • define function and determine whether a given relation is a function;
    • evaluate a given function, use function notation, perform operations on functions, and the composition of functions;
    • ascertain when a function has an inverse and be able to compute the inverse when it exists;
    • graph, interpret the graph of functions and transformation of functions-including linear, absolute value, quadratic, cubic, radical, simple rational, exponential and logarithmic;
    • solve systems of equations in two (2) and three (3) variables;
    • interpret and apply the properties of exponential and logarithmic functions; and
    • solve word problems that involve the use of linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions and systems of linear equations.

    Technology objectives:
    Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency with a scientific calculator in performing the following skills:

    • evaluating functions, various roots and exponents;
    • find Log x, ln  x  and ex; and
    • solve exponential and logarithmic equations.


    Prerequisites: MT 013 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 126 - College Mathematics II

    Credit Hours: 4

    A study of trigonometry and analytic geometry. Topics included will be fundamental trigonometry, graphs of trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities and equations, inverse trigonometric functions, oblique triangles, complex numbers, analytic geometry, systems of quadratic equations and inequalities.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • define and evaluate values of trigonometric ratios in degrees or radians;
    • solve right triangles and oblique triangles;
    • analyze and solve problems that apply right and oblique triangle trigonometry;
    • sketch and analyze trigonometric functions and their inverses;
    • solve trigonometric equations, quadratic equations and systems of equations;
    • prove identities including basic identities, the addition and subtraction of two angles, the half angle, and the double angle formulas;
    • plot and express complex numbers in rectangular and polar forms;
    • perform the fundamental operation on complex numbers in both rectangular form and polar forms, including DeMoivre’s theorem;
    • investigate the graphs of polynomial and rational functions;
    • analyze and sketch the curves involving the conic sections; and
    • solve inequalities for linear, quadratic, and absolute value functions.

    Prerequisites: MT 125 or equivalent and appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 140 - Elementary Inferential Statistics

    Credit Hours: 4

    This four-credit course includes concepts and computer skills which are valuable in a variety of life and work applications, as well as in more advanced coursework. Consistent with the American Statistical Association’s Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE), the course learning outcomes center around providing students with a firm conceptual understanding that enables them to use statistical tools intelligently and to be sophisticated consumers of information from studies whose conclusions are based on data. The mathematics concepts are presented in a context that is relevant and meaningful to students. Technology is used to aid computation so that time can be focused on deepening students’ conceptual understanding of the mathematic topics.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education-Mathematics

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • define basic statistical terms;
    • use key characteristics of a distribution to quantify the shape, center, and spread of the distribution;
    • compute probabilities and apply the concepts of probability to confidence intervals and hypothesis tests;
    • use a table, MINITAB/similar technology, and the binomial probability density function to compute expected values and probabilities associated with binomial experiments;                
    • use a table of areas, and MINITAB/similar technology to compute relative frequencies and percentages associated with a continuous random variable with a normal distribution;
    • use hypothesis tests to weigh inferences concerning means and proportions;             
    • use a confidence interval to estimate and measure the accuracy of means and proportions; and
    • use a scatter plot of bivariate data to visualize the relationship between variables, use the correlation coefficient to measure the strength and direction of the relationship, and compute and use functions (where appropriate) to describe a linear and non-linear relationship between the variables and make predictions.

    Prerequisites: MT 003 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code
    F/S (C,N,S)

  • MT 143 - Introductory Statistics I

    Credit Hours: 4

    This four-credit course includes concepts and computer skills which are valuable in a variety of life and work applications, as well as in more advanced coursework. This course will include topics from descriptive and inferential statistics, such as graphing, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability frequency distributions, Central Limit Theorem, the normal distribution, sampling concepts, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression, correlation, utilization of a statistical software package, interpretation of computer output, and explaining and interpreting statistical analysis.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • define basic statistical terms;
    • use key characteristics of a distribution to quantify the shape, center, and spread of the distribution;
    • compute probabilities and apply the concepts of probability to confidence intervals and hypothesis tests;
    • use a table, MINITAB, and the binomial probability density function to compute expected values and probabilities associated with binomial experiments;
    • use a table of areas, and MINITAB to compute relative frequencies and percentages associated with a continuous random variable with a normal distribution;
    • use hypothesis tests to weigh inferences concerning means and proportions;
    • use a confidence interval to estimate and measure the accuracy of means and proportions;
    • use a scatter plot of bivariate data to visualize the relationship between variables, use the correlation coefficient to measure the strength and direction of the relationship, and compute and use a linear function (where appropriate) to describe a linear relationship between the variables and make predictions;
    • draw a histogram, stem and leaf diagram, dotplot, boxplot and compute measures of central tendency and dispersion;
    • make random selections of data and simulate experiments;
    • compute probabilities for various distributions;
    • compute normal distributions and sampling distributions of the mean;
    • conduct hypothesis tests to weigh inferences concerning means and proportions;
    • find interval estimates concerning means and proportions; and
    • draw a scatter plot and regression line of a linear relationship between two variables, measure the strength and direction of the relationship, and where appropriate, make predictions using the aforementioned relationship.

    Prerequisites: MT 013 or appropriate college equivalent and /or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 144 - Introductory Statistics II

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course is designed to continue the study of statistics with computer applications. Topics will include sampling techniques, inferences about standard deviations, conditional probability, goodness of fit, nonparametric methods of inference, linear, non-linear and multiple regression, correlation and analysis of variance.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • calculate conditional probability;
    • test inferences about central tendency, standard deviation and goodness of fit using parametric methods;
    • describe relationships using linear, nonlinear, and multiple regression;
    • calculate correlations;
    • calculate and extrapolate analysis of variance;
    • extract inferences about central tendency, standard deviation and goodness of fit using parametric and non-parametric methods; and
    • demonstrate knowledge of statistical methodologies using a personal computer and statistical software.

    Prerequisites: MT 143 or appropriate college equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.
  • MT 167 - Discrete Mathematics

    Credit Hours: 4

    This course is intended for computer science students and as a general mathematics elective for other students. Topics include logic, sets, relations, functions, recursion, mathematical induction, counting methods, difference equations, series and sequences.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • recall and apply the basic logic principles;
    • recognize and construct logically valid arguments;
    • solve problems involving set operations;
    • analyze, construct and apply binary relationships;
    • design graphs and digraphs;
    • determine an isomorphism;
    • perform mathematical induction to prove basic problems;
    • recognize and use the process of recursion;
    • prove a relation is an equivalence relation;
    • represent relations as Matrices and Digraphs;
    • to understand the Konigsberg problem;
    • understand growth and order notation; and
    • perform operations with sequences and series.

    Prerequisites: MT 126 or equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F (N)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.
  • MT 171 - Elements of Calculus with Technical Applications

    Credit Hours: 4

    A calculus course intended for the technical student. Topics will include analytic geometry, curve sketching, geometric analysis of the derivative, applications of the derivative and applications of the integral.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate an understanding of functions and function notation;
    • identify and graph equations representing: parabola, circle, rational, and piecewise functions;
    • compute limits, determine the slope of a tangent line and the derivative of a function using the delta process;
    • determine the first and higher order derivative(s) of a function using the power, chain, product, and quotient rules;
    • perform implicit differentiation;
    • solve mechanical and electrical applications of the derivative;
    • perform the lst and 2nd derivative tests, determine maximum and minimum values, points of inflection and sketch the graph of a function;
    • analyze and solve maximum and minimum derivative application problems including related rates and optimization;
    • determine the differential of a function and solve related problems;
    • determine the indefinite integral of xn and un functions, and apply these concepts to solve linear motion, series and parallel circuit problems;
    • compute the definite integral of a simple function and determine area under a curve, area between curves and centroids;
    • determine the derivatives of simple logarithmic functions and the anti-derivatives of simple exponential functions;
    • determine volume by the method of solid of revolution (optional); and
    • research a journal article from a publication in their field and prepare an abstract summarizing an application of calculus (optional).

    Technology Objectives:

    Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency with a graphing calculator in performing the following skills: changing modes, evaluating a function, graphing algebraic functions, finding roots of polynomials, points of intersection with axes, maximum, minimum, trace, and zoom.

    Prerequisites: MT 122 or MT 126 or equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (N)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 175 - Survey of Calculus I

    Credit Hours: 4

    Primarily designed for the non-engineering student who desires or requires calculus as a tool. This may include Liberal Arts, Business, Pre-Med, Pre-Pharmacy, Computer Information Systems and others. Topics include the limit, continuity and differentiability of algebraic functions; maxima and minima; introduction to integration; exponential and logarithmic functions and their differentiation and integration; and applications of differentiation and integration.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

    • define a function and relate this concept to graphing and modeling;
    • perform the fundamental operations with functions, including composites;
    • define a derivative using the limit concept and apply this definition to simple functions;
    • differentiate functions using rules and techniques of differentiation;
    • determine the continuity and differentiability of functions;
    • calculate the second derivative and apply it to a variety of problems;
    • interpret derivative information and apply to graphing simple polynomial and rational functions;
    • analyze and solve word problems involving derivatives and integrals;
    • interpret, graph and differentiate natural log and exponential functions;
    • relate exponential functions to problems in business, biology, psychology;
    • calculate, interpret and relate anti derivative of a function to the indefinite integral; and
    • calculate and interpret the definite integral.

    Technology Objectives:

    • analyze and interpret the following based on a graphing calculator:
      • finding limits of functions;
      • using the calculator as a check in describing graphs of functions; and
      • finding areas of a region between two curves.
    • using the graphing calculator in applications -  ex: expon decay, compound interest, etc.

    Prerequisites: MT 126 or equivalent and appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 176 - Survey of Calculus II

    Credit Hours: 4

    Continuation of MT 175. Topics include differentiation and integration of trigonometric functions, other techniques of integration, improper integrals, functions of several variables, introduction to differential equations and applications of calculus to the theory of probability. The optional topic involves Taylor polynomials and infinite series.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate skill in performing routine differentiation and integration of elementary functions including the sine, cosine, and tangent;
    • identify, evaluate, and find the partial derivatives of a function of several variables, and apply this knowledge to solve relative extreme problems;
    • apply the method of Lagrange multipliers to the solution of constrained optimization problems;
    • perform integration by the methods of substitution and by parts, and apply these methods to the evaluation of definite integrals, approximate integration and improper integrals;
    • identify and solve certain types of differential equations using separation of variables and, where applicable, find a numerical solution using Euler’s Method;
    • analyze solutions of certain types of differential equations by employing quantitative methods;
    • apply the techniques presented in the above objectives to problems in economics, business and the social sciences; and
    • apply techniques of integration to the study of simple probability problems including expected value and variance of a continuous random variable, including examples of exponential, normal and standard normal density functions.

      If recommended optional topic is selected:
    • recognize and construct nth Taylor polynomials for a given function f (x) at x = a. Define, recognize, and give examples of infinite series; and
    • demonstrate skill in constructing Taylor series for simple functions and in their use for computational purposes.

    Prerequisites: MT 175 or equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.
  • MT 177 - Mathematical Analysis for Management

    Credit Hours: 4

    MT177 is a one-semester terminal course for Business majors. MT177 fulfills the MT175/MT176 mathematics requirement for Business majors. This course incorporates most of the topics from MT175, basic differentiation and applications, exponential and log functions, and introduction to integration. This course also includes some material which was previously encountered in MT176 i.e. functions of two variables and optimization thereof and more integral calculus (e.g. integration techniques of substitution and integration by parts).

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • define a function and relate this concept to graphing and modeling;
    • perform the fundamental operations with functions, including composites;
    • define a derivative using the limit concept and apply this definition to simple functions;
    • differentiate functions using rules and techniques of differentiation;
    • determine the continuity and differentiability of functions;
    • calculate the second derivative and apply it to a variety of problems;
    • interpret derivative information and apply to graphing simple polynomial and rational functions;
    • analyze and solve word problems involving derivatives and integrals;
    • interpret, graph and differentiate natural log and exponential functions;
    • relate exponential functions to problems in business, biology, psychology;
    • calculate, interpret and relate anti-derivative of a function to the indefinite integral; and
    • calculate and interpret the definite integral.

    Technology Objectives:

    • analyze and interpret the following based on a graphing calculator:
      • finding limits of functions;
      • using the calculator as a check in describing graphs of functions; and
      • finding areas of a region between two curves.
    • using the graphing calculator in applications – e.g. exponential decay, compound interest, etc.;
    • demonstrate skill in performing routine differentiation and integration of elementary functions including the sine, cosine, and tangent;
    • identify, evaluate, and find the partial derivatives of a function of several variables, and apply this knowledge to solve relative extreme problems;
    • apply the method of Lagrange multipliers to the solution of constrained optimization problems;
    • perform integration by the methods of substitution and by parts, and apply these methods to the evaluation of definite integrals, approximate integration and improper integrals;
    • identify and solve certain types of differential equations using separation of variables and, where applicable, find a numerical solution using Euler’s Method;
    • analyze solutions of certain types of differential equations by employing quantitative methods;
    • apply the techniques presented in the above objectives to problems in economics, business and the social sciences; and
    • apply techniques of integration to the study of simple probability problems including expected value and variance of a continuous random variable, including examples of exponential, normal and standard normal density functions.

      If recommended optional topic is selected:
    • recognize and construct nth Taylor polynomials for a given function f(x) at x = a. Define, recognize, and give examples of infinite series; and
    • demonstrate skill in constructing Taylor series for simple functions and in their use for computational p.

    Prerequisites: MT 126 or equivalent and appropriate mathematics level code. Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of mathematics courses.
    F/S (C, N, S)

  • MT 180 - Pre-Calculus Mathematics

    Credit Hours: 4

    Solutions to equations and inequalities, behavior of polynomial, rational, transcendental and other functions, sequences and series, two and three dimensional coordinate systems, vectors and matrices. Topics in this course are essential for students who will enroll in the MT 181-182-283 sequence. Graphing calculators will be used throughout the course. No mathematics elective credit will be given to Liberal Arts - Mathematics majors if taken after passing MT181.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • express solutions to equations and inequalities in set and interval notation (union, intersection and complements);
    • sketch and analyze the basic forms, inverses and the behavior when transformed by translation reflection and scaling of the following functions: linear, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, rational, radical piecewise defined and absolute value;
    • solve basic equations and inequalities and identify the roots related to the functions in the second objective;
    • rewrite rational expressions as the sum of partial fractions;
    • sketch and analyze the graphs, inverses and transformations of exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions;
    • solve more advanced equations related to the exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions;
    • identify arithmetic and geometric sequences and series;
    • determine convergence or divergence of Geometric series;
    • compute sums for finite and infinite convergent series;
    • in 2-space, convert between rectangular and polar coordinates;
    • be familiar with coordinates in 3-space;
    • graph, solve and convert parametric equations;
    • solve vector problems;
    • perform vector operations including dot product and projections; and
    • perform elementary row operations on matrices and solve systems of equations using matrices.

    Technology Objectives:

    Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency with a graphing calculator in performing the following skills: changing modes, point plotting, evaluating a function, graphing algebraic and transcendental functions, finding roots of a function, points of intersection, maximum and minimum, solving inequalities and equations, graphing equations which are not functions, matrices, system of inequalities.

    Prerequisites: MT 126 or equivalent and appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 181 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I

    Credit Hours: 4

    Intended for mathematics, science and engineering students, or anyone interested in seeing a rigorous approach to calculus. First in a four semester sequence. Topics from analytic geometry, limits, the derivative and its applications, continuity, integration and transcendental functions.

    Fulfills SUNY General Education – Mathematics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • understand the meaning of the limit of a function, and evaluate limits of algebraic and trigonometric functions, including one-sided limits, by using limit theorems and algebraic techniques;
    • define, understand, and determine continuity of a function at a point and on an interval;
    • define the limit of a function;
    • define precisely the derivative of a function and compute derivatives from this definition;
    • interpret the derivative as instantaneous velocity, slope of the tangent line, and instantaneous rate of change of the function;
    • compute the derivatives of algebraic functions using differentiation rules;
    • compute higher order derivatives and interpret the second derivative of a rectilinear motion function as instantaneous acceleration;
    • differentiate expressions involving exponential and logarithmic  functions;
    • compute derivatives involving trigonometric functions;
    • compute derivatives involving inverse trigonometric functions;
    • compute derivatives of composite functions using the Chain Rule;
    • perform implicit differentiation;
    • solve related rate problems;
    • define and compute and use the differentials dx and dy;
    • state and use Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem for derivatives;
    • compute limits of indeterminate forms by using L’Hopital’s Rule;
    • make an accurate sketch of the graph of a function using information obtained from the calculus including critical numbers, the first and second derivatives tests for local extrema, test for increasing and decreasing functions, test for concavity, inflection points, and limits at infinity and infinite limits to determine horizontal and vertical asymptotes of a function;
    • use a scientific graphics calculator and/or computer software package to reinforce and enhance topics involving limits, derivatives and anti-derivatives, integrals, and graphs;
    • solve applied extreme value problems;
    • define and compute anti-derivatives of elementary functions;
    • find the area of a region bounded by a non-negative continuous function;
      y = f(x), the x-axis, x = a, and x = b using the definition of area as a limit.
    • define and understand a partition, norm of a partition, and Riemann sum, and use these concepts to define the definite integral of a function as a limit of sums;
    • know and use the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus to evaluate definite integrals;
    • evaluate definite and indefinite integrals by the method of substitution.

    Prerequisites: MT 180 or equivalent and appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of mathematics courses.

  • MT 182 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

    Credit Hours: 4

    Second course in a four-semester sequence. Topics include techniques of integration, applications of integration, infinite sequence and series, polar coordinates and parametric equations.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • evaluate definite and indefinite integrals by the method of substitution;
    • use the integral as the limit of a Riemann sum to solve applied problems involving areas, volumes, arc length, work, surface area and if time permits, liquid pressure and force;
    • compute indefinite integrals by “u” substitution, integration by parts, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric substitutions, partial fractions and by use of tables;
    • estimate the value of a definite integral by using numeric approximation techniques consisting of: trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rule;
    • ascertain whether an integral is improper and determine its convergence or divergence;
    • apply appropriate tests to determine the convergence or divergence of sequences and series;
    • compute Taylor, Maclaurin, and Power series expansion of certain functions, and where applicable, the derivatives and integrals of these series;
    • convert rectangular to polar coordinates and vice versa and sketch graphs in both coordinate systems;
    • compute the area under the curve using polar methods;
    • convert equations in rectangular and polar form to parametric form and vice versa;
    • use a hand held graphing calculator as a tool to reduce computational work and concentrate on the analytic aspects of a variety of problems;
    • compute tangent lines and arc lengths using polar coordinates;
    • demonstrate the skill to solve growth decay problems and separable differential equations;
    • present the derivatives and integrals of the hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions

    Prerequisites: MT 181 or equivalent and appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.
  • MT 191 - Applications of the Digital Computer

    Credit Hours: 4

    Introduction to a high-level programming language, root findings techniques, simultaneous linear equations, matrices and determinants and numerical integration.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • use a computer operating system and editor;
    • use a compiler and execute programs in a high-level language such as C++;
    • identify and implement the basics of programming in a high-level language such as C++;
    • calculate limit problems;
    • construct and utilize branching techniques in a high-level language such as C++;
    • know and implement the root finding methods of bisection Newton, and secant;
    • design, write, and debug subroutine procedures;
    • contrast the concepts of arrays and matrices;
    • perform the operations of matrices;
    • know and implement the Gauss Jordan method;
    • change algorithms into programs;
    • implement derivative programs;
    • implement integration techniques on the computer;
    • solve problems using derivatives and integration using programs written in a high-level language such as C++ (i.e., Kirchoff’s Law problem); and
    • use graphing software.

    Prerequisites: MT 181 or equivalent and appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of mathematics courses.
  • MT 283 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry III

    Credit Hours: 4

    Third course in a four-semester sequence. This course includes computer skills which are valuable in a variety of more advanced coursework, as well as in a variety of scientific applications. This course will include topics from linear algebra, vector functions, partial differentiation, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, multiple integration, vector fields, line integrals, Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, divergence and curl, and utilization of a computer algebra system.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • compute the unit tangent and unit normal vectors for a given curve;
    • determine the velocity and acceleration vectors of an object when the position vector is specified;
    • calculate the sum, difference, dot and cross products of vectors;
    • convert coordinates between rectangular, cylindrical and spherical systems;
    • compute the partial derivatives for n space and determine related directional derivatives and gradients;
    • calculate the maximum and minimum points in n space by use of Lagrange multipliers;
    • perform multiple-integration and use this approach to calculate surface area, volume, centroids, and center of mass;
    • evaluate line integrals and use this technique to calculate the amount of work performed; and
    • identify the Divergence Theorem, Green’s Theorem, and Stokes’ Theorem, and apply this to applications in physics.

    Laboratory Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to use the computer algebra system “Maple” for performing various mathematical procedures. These procedures include, but are not limited to the following:

    • operations and computations;
      • simplifying and/or evaluating expressions and functions;
      • solving equations;
      • computing limits of functions of one and multiple variables;
      • differentiation: explicit, implicit, partial;
      • integrals;
        definite, indefinite,
        single, multiple, line
        in rectangular, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates
      • maximization and minimization with constraints; using LaGrange multipliers;
      • finding areas, surface areas and volumes in the various coordinate systems: rectangular, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates;
      • finding a tangent plane and a normal line for a surface in case the function has continuous partial derivative in x and y; and
      • finding a tangent and a normal to a space curve.
    • two and three dimensional graphics;
      • graphing in rectangular, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates;
      • graphing parametric curves and surfaces in space;
      • plotting two or more functions at once;
      • graphing level curves of functions of two variables; and
      • graphing vector fields in two and three dimensions.
    • matrices and vectors;
      • defining matrices and vectors;
      • matrix addition and multiplication; finding determinants and inverses; solving a linear system of equations;
      • dot and cross products; norms;
      • finding the area of a parallelogram and the volume of a parallelepiped;
      • finding the point on a line (or plane) that is closest to a given point not on the line (or the plane);
      • finding the extreme distances between a point and a curve; and
      • finding the intersection of a line and a surface.
    • vector calculus;
      • applications on Green’s Theorem, the Divergence Theorem, and Stokes’ Theorem.

    Prerequisites: MT 182 or equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 284 - Introduction to Differential Equations

    Credit Hours: 4

    Fourth course in the calculus-differential equations sequence. A study of methods of solving certain first order linear and nonlinear differential equations, second and higher order linear differential equations and systems of first order linear differential equations, as well as various applications of such equations. Techniques include series solutions and Laplace transforms. A computer algebra system will be utilized.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • demonstrate an ability to classify differential equations into ordinary and partial, linear and nonlinear, and to tell the order of a given equation;
    • solve and, where applicable, to graph the solutions of first order equations including linear and separable equations. Also, to apply this skill to problems in population dynamics, compound interest, and some problems in mechanics;
    • solve second and possibly higher order homogeneous equations with constant coefficients by constructing fundamental sets of solutions and to use the methods of undetermined coefficients and possibly variation of parameters to solve corresponding non-homogeneous equations. The ability to solve such differential equations must extend to the case where the characteristic equation has real or complex roots;
    • create and where appropriate, solve equations that model physical problems in vibratory motion and some LRC electrical circuits, and to graph and interpret solutions obtained therefrom.
    • solve certain second order linear equations with variable coefficients by the use of infinite series. This skill is to extend to solutions near ordinary points, regular singular points, and to Euler equations;
    • solve second order initial value problems using Laplace transform methods and to apply these methods to problems involving step functions, discontinuous forcing functions, and impulse functions;
    • solve systems of first order linear equations with the aid of matrix methods, beginning with homogeneous systems with constant coefficients and extending to non-homogeneous systems. The student is expected to demonstrate skill in finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors and in constructing graphs and interpreting solutions of linear systems; and
    • use the Euler method for finding numerical solutions of first order initial value problems.

    Laboratory Objectives: At the end of the course the student should be able to use the computer algebra system “Maple” for performing various mathematical procedures. These procedures include, but are not limited to the following:

    • introduction to the calculus and graphing capabilities of the math software package Maple;
    • plot direction fields and solve first order differential equations;
    • solve and graph solutions of second order ordinary differential equations;
    • solve and graph solutions to a spring-mass system;
    • solve and plot solutions to systems of damped/undamped electrical vibrations;
    • plot direction fields and solve systems of differential equations; and
    • find approximate solutions to differential equations using numerical methods (e.g., Euler)

    Prerequisites: MT 182 or equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    F/S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

  • MT 292 - Introduction to Linear Algebra

    Credit Hours: 4

    An introduction to linear algebra for students with a strong mathematics background. Topics to be covered include matrices and systems of linear equation, vector spaces, determinants and linear transformations.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • solve systems of linear equations. Use matrix methods (Gaussian elimination, inverse matrices, Cramer’s Rule);
    • carry out matrix computations (add, subtract, multiply) and to solve matrix equations using algebraic techniques;
    • define the determinant function for any square matrix and be able to compute the value using a variety of methods (the definition, row reduction, expansion by cofactors);
    • use the properties of determinants to simplify determinants;
    • do computations with n-dimensional vectors and to generalize these ideas to general vector spaces;
    • define, explain, and use the concepts of a spanning set, a linearly independent set, a basis and dimension for any vector space;
    • define, explain and use the concepts of row space, column space, null space rank and nullity for any matrix;
    • explain the mathematical equivalences between general vector space problems and systems of equations;
    • define, explain, and use the concepts of eigenvector and eigenvalue, and use them to decide whether or not a matrix can be diagonalized;
    • define, explain, and use the concept of a linear transformation;
    • explain the equivalence between linear transformations and matrices; and
    • prove and explain elementary results in linear algebra.

    Prerequisites: MT 182 or equivalent and/or appropriate mathematics level code.*
    S (C, N, S)

    *Level code is determined by Mathematics Department placement test and/or successful completion of math courses.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

  • ME 104 - Technical Drawing

    Credit Hours: 2

    Study of the technical graphic language in accordance with the industrial concepts and practices included in the current engineering drawing standards. Emphasis is placed on the proper preparation of technical drawings. Starting with the study of freehand technical sketching technique, the student continues with the study of fundamental theory of orthographic projection and of the concepts of dimensioning. Further materials such as sectioning, auxiliary view, assembly, and pictorial drawings are covered in this course. Topics include threads and fasteners and an introduction to detail and assembly drawings.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • apply ANSI and ISO standards;
    • produce multi-view drawings;
    • produce sectional and auxiliary views;
    • perform layout procedures;
    • sketch 2 dimensional drawings;
    • read and interpret blueprints;
    • use drafting instruments;
    • use dimensioning and tolerancing techniques;
    • describe and identify threads and fasteners;
    • prepare Basic Technical Drawings and Sketches; and
    • draw, Dimension and Interpret Multi-view Drawings.

    F (N)

  • ME 114 - Analytical Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3

    A basic engineering statics course primarily dealing with the topics of force systems, equilibrium, centroids, moments of inertia, space forces, trusses, frames, and friction.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • understand basic fundamentals of engineering mechanics as they are used to their own end and also as they are used in subsequent courses of mechanics of materials and machine elements;
    • determine and analize 2D, & 3D forces and force systems including moments and couples;
    • determine centroids, center of gravity, and moment of inertia;
    • analyze laws of friction and to implement application of friction; and
    • determine the equilibrium of structures including trusses.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 120 - Industrial Refrigeration I

    Credit Hours: 3

    Topics include: ammonia refrigeration, plant safety, fundamental items and concepts used by the refrigeration plant operator in the course of duty, the refrigeration cycle, physical properties of various refrigerants, refrigerant performance tables, compressor types, compressor operation and maintenance, lubrication, cooling units, condensers, high pressure receivers, purging non-condensable gases from the refrigeration system, diagrams and tables.

    Course Outcomes
    After the completion of course, the student will learn the following subjects in addition to the operational procedures in laboratory:

    • fundamental items and concepts used by the refrigeration plant operator in the course of duty;
    • the refrigeration cycle;
    • physical properties of various refrigerants;
    • refrigerant performance tables;
    • compressor types;
    • compressor operation and maintenance;
    • lubrication, cooling units;
    • condensers;
    • high pressure receivers;
    • purging non-condensable gases from the refrigeration system; and
    • diagrams, tables.

    F (N)

  • ME 121 - Industrial Refrigeration II

    Credit Hours: 3

    Topics include: liquid feed to evaporators and vessels, direct expansion evaporators, gravity flooded evaporators, pumped liquid re-circulation systems, secondary refrigerants, heat exchangers, pressure enthalpy diagrams and two-stage and defrost systems.

    Course Outcomes
    After the completion of course, the student will learn the following subjects in addition to the operational procedures in laboratory:

    • liquid feed to evaporators and vessels;
    • direct expansion evaporators;
    • gravity flooded evaporators;
    • pumped liquid re-circulation systems;
    • secondary refrigerants;
    • heat exchangers;
    • pressure enthalpy diagrams;
    • two-stage; and
    • defrost systems.

    Prerequisites: ME 120
    F/S (N)

  • ME 122 - Industrial Refrigeration III

    Credit Hours: 3

    Topics include: compressor installation fundamentals, compressor alignment, compressor service and maintenance, vertical single acting compressors, v/w multicylinder compressors, screw compressors, evaporative condensers, unwanted liquid slop, troubleshooting and energy savings.

    Course Outcomes
    After the completion of course, the student will learn the following subjects in addition to the operational procedures in laboratory:

    • compressor installation fundamentals;
    • compressor alignment;
    • compressor service and maintenance;
    • vertical single acting compressors;
    • v/w multi-cylinder compressors;
    • screw compressors;
    • evaporative condensers;
    • unwanted liquid slop;
    • troubleshooting; and
    • energy savings.

    Prerequisites: ME 121
    F/S (N)

  • ME 150 - Manufacturing Processes and Materials I

    Credit Hours: 1

    An introductory course covering the fundamental of manufacturing methods, processes and equipment. Topics covered are metallurgy, heat treatment, material selection, sheet metal, casting, rolling, forging, metal joining, gauges and measurements.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • write technical reports;
    • utilize various manufacturing methods, processes; and
    • test materials for engineering applications.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 151 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 151 - Lab for ME 150

    Credit Hours: 1

    The laboratory for ME 150 enhances the student learning by hands-on experiments with gauges, measurement, hardness machine, universal tensile testing machine, casting, rolling, and spot welding. Some videotapes of manufacturing processes are utilized in this course.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this lab, the student will be able to:

    • write technical reports;
    • utilize various manufacturing methods, processes; and
    • test materials for engineering applications.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 150 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 160 - Introduction to Computer Concepts in MET

    Credit Hours: 1

    This course is an introduction to computer problem solving in mechanical engineering technology. The course topics include Microsoft Word Processing, PowerPoint, Access, Internet applications and MathCAD.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • create documents using Microsoft Word Processing;
    • create spreadsheets and graphs utilizing Microsoft Excel;
    • apply PowerPoint to draw figures and prepare presentations;
    • utilize internet applications;
    • prepare databanks in ACCESS;
    • utilize MathCAD to do calculus operations;
    • use the personal computer to write technical reports; and
    • learn software to solve engineering problems in mechanical engineering technology.


    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125
    Concurrent Registration: ME 161 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 161 - Lab for ME 160

    Credit Hours: 1

    The student will learn computer applications and will utilize them to do the assigned projects related to the course topics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon Completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • use Microsoft Word Processing;
    • use Microsoft Excel to do spreadsheet and graphs;
    • use Power Point to draw figures and prepare presentations;
    • utilize internet applications;
    • use ACCESS for databanks;
    • use MathCAD to do calculus operations;
    • use the personal computer to write technical reports; and
    • use software to solve engineering problems in Mechanical Engineering Technology.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 160 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 200 - Manufacturing Process and Materials II

    Credit Hours: 1

    This course covers advanced subjects in manufacturing. Topics include review of manufacturing processes such as glass, plastics, rubber, composites, ceramics, powder metallurgy, machining, non-traditional machining, surface processes, automation, PLC programming and robotics. Other optional topics such as cost analysis with fixed/variable production volumes, labor assignment to stations, group technology, production yield will also be covered as project.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • analyze utilization of manufacturing processes of materials such as glass, plastics, rubber, composites, ceramics, powder metallurgy, machining, non-traditional machining, surface proceses, automation, PLC programming and robotics. Other optional subjects as project can be listed as:
      • utilize cost analysis with fixed/variable production volumes;
      • utilize group technology;
      • obtain production line yield and unit product cost;
      • utilize programmable logic controllers (PLC’s).
      • utilize robotic manufacturing trainer and the related programming

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125 or permission of the instructor.
    Concurrent Registration: ME 201 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 201 - Lab for ME 200

    Credit Hours: 1

    The laboratory work compliments the course subjects. Projects, homework, and some activities in PLC programming are few examples of the activities.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • analyze utilization of manufacturing processes. Also, student will understand some of the following optional topics:
      • utilize cost analysis with fixed/variable production volumes;
      • utilize basic CIM, DFM, CE, CAM, and lean manufacturing;
      • utilize group technology;
      • utilize job evaluation;
      • utilize assembly line balancing.
      • obtain production line yield and unit product cost;
      • analyze material handling including AGV & robotics;
      • analyze storage and warehousing;
      • utilize project management, Critical Path Method, perform resource allocation, optimize time and expense; and
      • utilize programmable logic controllers (PLC’s).

    Concurrent Registration: ME 200 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 250 - Computer Aided Drafting and Design

    Credit Hours: 2

    Basic CAD tasks necessary to complete simple orthographic projections using CAD software (AutoCAD). Various commands are studied and followed-up with drawings exemplifying the various commands studied. Commands include lines, circles, arcs, lettering, shading, dimensioning and introduction to solid modeling. Design projects are assigned.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student:

    • will obtain basic and advanced CADD skills for use within the mechanical engineering fields; and
    • will be able to construct multi-view drawings with dimensioning, and text per the ANSI standards.

    Also, the course shall include the necessary commands and entities required to complete CADD engineering type drawings.  In addition, the course shall include a survey of wire frame and solid modeling fundamentals.

    Prerequisites: ME 104, a basic drafting course and an understanding of basic drafting or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 258 - Mechanics of Materials

    Credit Hours: 3

    This course covers stress and strain calculations to understand the behavior of material under different types of loading. Topics include fundamental stress-strain relationships, tensile, shear, torsion, bending/flexure, deflections, elongations, deformations, thermal stresses and thin wall cylinders.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • calculate tensile, and compressive forces, stresses and strains;
    • calculate the shear stress and twisting angles due to torsion;
    • calculate the stresses generated in the part due to bending load;
    • calculate and draw shear and moment diagrams of the beams;
    • make safe yet economical design and calculations involving common materials under various conditions;
    • solve problems manually and with the use of PC/software;
    • perform standard material tests; and
    • write technical reports.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125, ME 114 or permission of the instructor.
    Concurrent Registration: ME 259 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 259 - Lab for ME 258

    Credit Hours: 1

    Material testing is covered in this course. Tensile, shear, torsion and flexure tests are carried out in this course.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • become familiar with material testing equipment;
    • experience first-hand methods in setting up, test, and record test results; and
    • write up formal reports, use reference books.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125, ME114 or permission of the instructor.
    Concurrent Registration: ME 258 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 260 - Instrumentation

    Credit Hours: 2

    A study of basic elements and principles of instrumentation for the measurement and control of temperature, pressure, flow, level and humidity. Fundamental theory of static and dynamic behavior of instruments is reviewed and analyzed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • select, and calibrate instruments for measurement and control of temperature, pressure, level,etc;
    • analyze instruments for static and dynamic errors; and
    • write technical reports.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125
    Concurrent Registration: ME 261 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 261 - Lab for ME 260

    Credit Hours: 1

    Testing with traditional instruments for pressure, temperature, humidity and flow will be carried out. Static and dynamic behavior of instruments will be observed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • select, and calibrate instruments for measurement and control of temperature, pressure, level,etc.;
    • analyze instruments for static and dynamic errors; and
    • write technical reports.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 260 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 262 - Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

    Credit Hours: 1

    This course covers the definition and application of symbolized dimensioning and tolerancing techniques per ANSIY14.5 for use in engineering drawings. Primary attention is given to datum concepts, true position, form, orientation, location and position tolerances.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • understand United States (ANSI Y14.5-1994) and International (ISO and 1101) standards;
    • apply geometric dimensioning and tolerancing on drawings;
    • perform inspection and measurements related to geometric tolerancing using CMM and optical comparator;
    • analyze and do the calculations related to geometric dimensioning and tolerancing; and
    • write related technical reports.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 263 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 263 - Lab for ME 262

    Credit Hours: 1

    Activities such as sketching of geometric tolerancing symbols, application of CAD to draw symbols by computer, application of optical coimparators, and coordinate-measuring machines (CMM’s) to measure dimensions of a part is the focus of lab.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • understand United States (ANSI Y14.5-1994) and International (ISO & 1101) standards;
    • apply geometric dimensioning and tolerancing on drawings;
    • perform inspection and measurements related to geometric tolerancing using CMM & optical comparator;
    • analyze and do the calculations related to geometric dimensioning & tolerancing; and
    • write related technical reports.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 262 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 270 - Fluid Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 2

    An approach to the basic principles of fluid mechanics including hydrostatic pressure, Bernoulli equation, continuity equation, friction in pipes and ducts, pressure loss in fluids, conservation of momentum and flow devises.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course & lab, the student will be able to:

    • understand basic laws governing fluids, including conservation of mass, conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, and pressure drop concepts;
    • select the proper formulas to solve fundamental problems in fluid (liquid and gas) mechanics;
    • identify the empirical value of basic fluid properties from graphs, charts, tables, and find friction factor from the Moody’s diagram to calculate pressure drop;
    • solve problems using the General Energy Equation problems for flow, elevation, pressure, velocity, power added (pumps) or extracted (turbines), and head losses both major and minor;
    • running experiments and taking practical data from fluid apparatus; and
    • writing technical report.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125
    Concurrent Registration: ME 271 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 271 - Lab for ME 270

    Credit Hours: 1

    Laboratory work involves fluid mechanic experiments, the related calculations, utilization of computer analysis and writing reports. The lab activities complement the course topics and enhance the learning process.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course & lab, the student will be able to:

    • understand basic laws governing fluids, including conservation of mass, conservation of momentum, conservation of energy, and pressure drop concepts;
    • select the proper formulas to solve fundamental problems in fluid (liquid and gas) mechanics;
    • identify the empirical value of basic fluid properties from graphs, charts, tables, and find friction factor from the Moody’s diagram to calculate pressure drop;
    • solve problems using the General Energy Equation problems for flow, elevation, pressure, velocity, power added (pumps) or extracted (turbines), and head losses both major and minor;
    • set up and operate laboratory equipment pertaining to fluid mechanics theory, running experiments and taking practical data from fluid apparatus; and
    • writing technical reports.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125 or permission of the instructor.
    Concurrent Registration: ME 270 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 272 - Applied Thermodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3

    Basic principles of thermodynamics as applied to the analysis of prime mover power cycles, refrigeration, air conditioning and heat exchanger equipment. Topics include the definition of heat, work, energy, power, first and second laws of thermodynamics, properties of sub-cooled liquids, saturated and superheated vapors, use of steam tables and ideal gases.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • understand and use the fundamentals of thermodynamics; and
    • be prepared for heat power and refrigeration, which are required in the application of thermodynamics.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125 or permission of the instructor.
    F (N)

  • ME 280 - Fluid Power

    Credit Hours: 2

    A broad, general, and practical coverage of fluid power technology intended to acquaint students with basic design, functions and applications of fluid power components and systems in the area of hydraulics and pneumatics.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course and lab, the student will be able to:

    • relate the principles of fluid mechanics and energy transfer to fluid power applications;
    • identify the A.N.S.I.; national fluid power symbols and analyze fundamental circuits;
    • formulate with theory, the solutions to problems of practical fluid power in industry;
    • be able to use computer solutions for these applications;
    • be able to setup the fluid power lab apparatus and take measurements; and
    • write technical reports.

    Prerequisites: MT121 or MT125
    Concurrent Registration: ME 281 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 281 - Lab for ME 280

    Credit Hours: 1

    Laboratory experiences include demonstrations of fluid principles, study of industrial components, design and testing of basic circuitry.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course and lab, the student will be able to:

    • relate the principles of fluid mechanics and energy transfer to fluid power applications;
    • identify the A.N.S.I., national fluid power symbols and analyze fundamental circuits;
    • formulate with theory, the solutions to problems of practical fluid power in industry;
    • be able to use computer solutions for these applications;
    • be able to setup and operate laboratory equipment pertaining to fluid power theory and take measurements; and
    • write technical reports.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 280 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 282 - Heat, Power and Refrigeration

    Credit Hours: 2

    An introduction to heat power cycles and equipment, which includes understanding of heat transfer and heat exchangers. The course starts with heating and cooling load calculation of buildings. Power cycles such as Rankine (steam power plants), Otto, Diesel and Bryton (gas turbine) are discussed and analyzed. Also included are the topics of reversed cycles, psychrometry, refrigerants and refrigeration systems.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course and lab, the student will be able to:

    • understand the applications of thermodynamics and thermal science;
    • develop profound understanding of thermodynamics;
    • use software for problem solving and writing a report;
    • setup and operate laboratory equipment pertaining to heat power and refrigeration and take measurements; and
    • write technical reports.


    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125
    Concurrent Registration: ME 283 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 283 - Lab for ME 282

    Credit Hours: 1

    Lab activities supplement the course subjects. Several lab activities are used to clarify the course contents.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course and lab, the student will be able to:

    • understand the applications of thermodynamics and thermal science;
    • develop profound understanding of thermodynamics;
    • use software for problem solving and writing a report;
    • setup and operate laboratory equipment pertaining to heat power and refrigeration and take measurements; and
    • write technical reports.

    Concurrent Registration: ME 282 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)

  • ME 288 - Basic Electricity for Mechanical Equipment

    Credit Hours: 3

    The course reviews basic electricity using phasor diagram to solve circuits with resistance, inductance and capacitance. Computer software is applied to solve basic electronic circuits. Theory of transformers, delta and Y connections are discussed. Theory of motors and generators are reviewed. The application of AC motors and DC motors are discussed.

    Course Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • understand basic AC and DC circuit theory;
    • understand basic control and power distribution as supplied in the field of mechanical equipment;
    • become acquainted with the purpose use, and operation of contactors, starters, types of motor controls, and circuitry pertaining to mechanical equipment;
    • setup and operate laboratory equipment pertaining to electricity;
    • write technical reports; and
    • use computer software to solve and analyze electronic power and control circuits.

    Prerequisites: MT 121 or MT 125 or permission of the instructor.
    S (N)


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