Erie Community College provides quality and affordable educational opportunities for all eligible applicants who are seeking post-secondary education on either a part-time or full-time basis. Retention, graduation rates and transfer information are all indicators of student success and are available in the college’s Institutional Research and Assessment Accreditation and Planning department, North Campus Room G-104.
General Information on Admissions Policies
Erie Community College admits applicants based upon two categories of Admissions: matriculated or non-matriculated.
Students interested in earning an associate degree or certificate must be matriculated in an academic degree program. A matriculated student is one who has been formally admitted into a degree or certificate program at Erie Community College. Applicants will be admitted into a degree program once they have completed and submitted an application and official high school and/or college transcripts.
A student who seeks to matriculate is required to take the college’s placement test, or must be granted a placement testing waiver. Matriculation, once granted, remains in effect as long as the student has continuous sequential enrollment at the college and is in good academic standing.
Applicants wishing to seek matriculation will need to:
- complete the matriculated application online by visiting;
- submit your official high school and college transcripts OR your High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE) to the Admissions Office of the campus you wish to matriculate; and
- take the mandatory Placement Test unless you have been granted a waiver. (See Placement Testing.)
All admission decisions are conditional based upon official proof of graduation from an accredited high school or proof of HSE (High School Equivalency), including the certificate and scores. Final placement in a degree or certificate program is dependent upon the results of the required English and Math Placement Test.
Admission of Non-Matriculated Students
A student may enroll as non-matriculated, taking courses for personal fulfillment not leading to completion of a degree or certificate program. Non-matriculated students are not required to take the college’s mandatory Placement Test nor submit official high school or college transcripts.
Placement Testing
SUNY Erie requires an ACCUPLACER® placement test for all matriculated students entering an associate degree or certificate program, unless you have been waived from the placement test. The ACCUPLACER exam is a computer based placement test that adapts according to each student’s skill level in order to provide an accurate assessment of and useful information about your academic skills in math, reading, and writing. SUNY ERIE uses the following placement tests:
- ACCUPLACER (For Native Speakers): Computer based testing in Elementary Algebra, Arithmetic, Reading Comprehension, and WritePlacer (Essay)
- ACCUPLACER (For English Language Learners): Computer based testing in Elementary Algebra, Arithmetic, EAL Listening Skills, EAL Sentence Meaning, EAL Reading Skills, and EAL Writeplacer
- Companion to ACCUPLACER : A paper-and-pencil version of the ACCUPLACER test. This test is available upon request only. Please contact the placement testing office on the campus you wish to take the test to schedule an appointment.
- Accommodated ACCUPLACER : An accommodated test for students with disabilities that require testing accommodations. An interview with the Student Access Center counselor must take place prior to scheduling of the accommodated test. Please contact the Student Access Center at the campus you plan to attend. City: (716) 851-1189; North: (716) 851-1495; South: (716) 851-1933.
- Remote Location Testing : An option that allows you to test at another academic institution or testing center if you reside more than a two-hour drive from an SUNY Erie campus. Any proctoring fee incurred with remote testing is the responsibility of the student.
- Virtual Remote Proctoring is available to our online learners.
The results of the placement test are used in conjunction with your academic background, goals and interests are used by an academic advisor to determine your course selection. You cannot “pass” or “fail” the placement test, but it is very important that you do your very best on these tests so that you will have an accurate measure of your academic skills. Completion of the placement test must occur after applying to the college and before the first semester of registration.
Administrative Office: (716) 270-5124 
Placement Waivers
Students may be waived from the placement test based on previous college course work, test scores, or high school average. Waivers are determined by an admissions counselor, who evaluates the students’ transcripts during the admission process. If you are waived from the placement test, you will receive a letter from SUNY Erie that details your waiver status; students may be waived from all, or a part of, the placement test.
Waivers are granted based on the following achievements:
For English:
- SAT Critical Reading exam score of 530 or higher (Prior March 1, 2016);
- SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing score of 530 or higher (After March 1, 2016);
- ACT English score of 18 and Reading score of 21;
- NYS Regents ELA exam score of 85 or greater;
- Advanced Placement (AP) English exam score of three (3) or higher (exempt from EN 110 and EN 111); or
- completed a college level English course at an accredited college or university and passed with a grade of C or better and
- overall High School G.P.A of 80% or higher.
*English waiver is valid for ten years from the exam date.
For math:
- SAT Math exam score of 500 or higher;
- ACT Math score of 22 or higher;
- NYS Regents Exam Algebra 2/Trigonometry grade of 85 or higher;
- Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus exam of three (3) or higher; or
- completed a college level math course at an accredited college or university and received a grade of C or better.
*Math waiver is valid for three years from the exam date.
*Note: The waivers noted above are general admissions waivers. Some competitive program may require additional testing.
English and Math Requirements for Placement in Credit Courses
All incoming students are required to take an English Placement Test Battery that consists of two sections: reading and writing. EN 022 - Improving College Reading & Writing is required of all students who place below a minimal level on the reading section or writing section. English courses for degree credit (except EN 114, EN 205, EN 206, EN 275 and EN 285) cannot be taken until students demonstrate competence in reading and writing skills.
Students receiving a score of three or better on the Advanced Placement Exam are exempt from EN 110 and EN 111 and should request to be waived from the English Placement Test Battery. Students who have taken and passed (C- or better) a college-level English course or the New York State Regents ELA course with an 85 or better on the final exam within the last three ten years, should also request the placement test be waived. Students who score at least 500 on the math or critical reading sections of the SAT exams prior to 3/2016 and at least a 530 on the math or Evidence Based Reading & Writing sections of the SAT after 3/2016 on the will be waived from the math or English section of the placement test, respectively.
English EN 031 and EN 041, (noncredit courses) may be used to meet the credit requirements of any scholarship, financial aid, or immigration program. They may also be used as credit hours toward the requirements for participation on athletic teams. However, they may not be used as electives toward graduation and may not be substituted for any English requirement of any curriculum. The credit-bearing English as a Second Language courses EN 132 and EN 142 may be used as electives toward graduation but may not be substituted for any English requirement of any curriculum.
Online Admissions Applications
Erie Community College accepts on-line admissions applications and on-line international applications. Complete your application from our Applications page. If you are unable to complete the online application, please contact the admissions office at one of the phone numbers listed below.
Readmission to SUNY Erie
Students who do not maintain continuous enrollment from one sequential semester to another must complete an Admissions Reactivation Application by visiting Once the form is processed the student will receive a new admissions acceptance letter and packet through the mail. Students may change their program or campus during this process also.
Fresh Start Program
Students who have not registered for courses at the college in the past five years may apply for a Fresh Start status. Approved students may receive credit for only previous courses with a “C” grade or better which meet degree requirements for a new program of study. A maximum of 50 percent of the required credits toward a certificate or degree may be transferred from the student’s previous work at Erie Community College in the Fresh Start Program.
Students interested in seeking information or completing a Fresh Start application packet may contact the Admissions Office prior to the start of the semester or before completion of their first semester of reactivation. Applicants interested in consideration for a Fresh Start must meet the following conditions:
- complete a Fresh Start Application packet;
- attach a personal letter to the Fresh Start packet stating the reasons for previous academic difficulties and how you plan to resolve future academic problems;
- request an unofficial copy of your academic transcript and attached to the completed Fresh Start packet;
- submit the completed Fresh Start packet to the Student Support Services Center office you wish to matriculate; and
- contact the Student Support Services Center to schedule an appointment with a counselor to review the completed Fresh Start packet.
Fresh Start Process and Criteria
- All grades earned at SUNY Erie will remain on the transcript.
- Any academic status (good standing, probation, dismiss and/or graduation) will all reflect the cumulative average beginning with the course work completed after the minimum five-year absence.
- The student must accept all current academic program or college requirements at the time of acceptance into the Fresh Start Program.
- Students must apply to a new academic department.
- Approved students will receive credit toward the total degree requirement for only those courses taken prior to the student’s five-year absence from SUNY Erie in which the student earned a grade of “C” or better; at least 50 percent of the degree or certificate requirements must be completed in the Fresh Start status.
- The Fresh Start Program is extended only once during the student’s enrollment at SUNY Erie.
- Fresh Start is intended for students who experienced academic difficulties during their previous enrollment. Applications will not be considered for students not experiencing academic difficulties who wish to improve their GPA for admission into a competitive program.
- Changes made to the student’s record under this policy are permanent and may not be changed in the future for any reason.
Readmission of Students Having Been Academically Dismissed
After notification of dismissal, students may register for up to 11.5 credit hours at the college as a non-matriculated student. Academically dismissed students will need to reapply for admission as a non-matriculated student by completing an application online at
Non-matriculated students are ineligible for financial aid. Tuition and fees will be the responsibility of the student since they are no longer eligible for financial aid. Students may appeal the dismissal decision for matriculation by completing an Academic Dismissal packet. Packets may be obtained by visiting the Student Support Services Centers on their campus. Completed packets may also be returned to the Student Support Services Centers. The Academic Standards Committee will review all completed packets on a monthly basis. All appeal decisions will be mailed to the student after each monthly meeting.
For more information, or to obtain an Academic Dismissal packet please contact the Student Support Services Centers.
Admissions Review Process for Applicants Dismissed from Previous Colleges or Universities
Persons reporting disciplinary dismissals and/or expulsions from previous colleges or universities will need to submit:
- a letter from the previous institution of higher education stating the violation and disciplinary dismissal; and
- a letter of explanation from the applicant stating specifically the student code of conduct violation or infraction.
Applications will remain incomplete and admission decisions will not be considered until the requested documents have been received. Although it is required to report such information, please know these reasons are not automatic grounds for denial of admission. Once all of the information is received, the Admissions Review Panel will meet and make a decision on admittance.
The Admissions Review Committee meets once a month. Only those applicants whose documentation was received in the Admissions Office two weeks prior to the next meeting will be forwarded to the committee. No application for admission to SUNY Erie shall be denied by reason of the applicant having been expelled and/or dismissed from college for disciplinary reasons unless:
- there is direct relationship between the SUNY Erie campus community and one or more of the previous criminal offenses and/or dismissals or expulsions; or
- the granting of admission to SUNY Erie would involve an unreasonable risk to property or to the safety or welfare of specific individuals or the general public.
Applicants dismissed or expelled from college for disciplinary reasons must meet the same admissions requirements expected of all entering students. Among those factors that will be included in the admission decision are:
- the seriousness of the offense(s) and/or dismissal or expulsion;
- any information produced by the applicant, or produced on the applicant’s behalf, in regard to his/her rehabilitation and good conduct;
- the legitimate interest of the college in protecting property, and the safety and welfare of specific individuals or the general public;
- a certificate of good conduct issued to the applicant, which shall create a presumption of rehabilitation in regard to the offense or offenses specified therein;
- appropriateness of the applicant’s background for the academic program requested; and
- the relationship between dismissal or expulsion and the availability of rehabilitative and other services at the college.
A campus Admissions Review Committee consisting of three Admissions Counselors, the Director of Admissions or designee and two Deans of Students will be responsible for reviewing all applications of applicants who fall into the categories stated.
If the committee finds that the person’s admission would involve an unreasonable risk to property or the safety or welfare of specific individuals or the general public as outlined in the Education Law, the applicant will be informed that his or her admission has been denied with no reason given. Under Section 754, should the applicant request it, a written statement of reasons for the denial shall be provided within 30 days of the request.
If the committee does not find that an unreasonable risk exists, the applicant will be notified by the Office of Admissions that he or she has passed the special screening required by college policy.
Students with Disabilities
In compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 2008, Erie Community College does not discriminate against people with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities are required to meet the same admission requirements for their academic programs as individuals with non-disabilities. Admission of any student to an individual program of study is contingent upon successful completion of the college’s Placement Test. Individuals who require assistance with alternative testing techniques for the Placement Test due to a disability may arrange for such assistance by contacting the Student Access Center on the campus where they plan to take the test. Alternatives include large print copy, scribes, readers, extended time, interpreters, etc. Individuals who have vision problems, learning disabilities, hearing impairments, etc., who did not have any accommodations made for them at the time of the Placement Test, and therefore, performed poorly on it or who were notified that they do not appear to be eligible for admission can submit documentation of their disability to the campus Student Access Center so that their application can be given a second and more in-depth review. Submission of such information is voluntary and will be kept confidential. Knowledge of an individual’s disability will not adversely affect admission to the college. Individuals who check the voluntary self-identification of disability box on the SUNY application form must still contact the Student Access Center to arrange for services. Additional information on Student Access Center may be found in the Student Services Section of this catalog.
SUNY Admissions Procedure
First, secure a SUNY undergraduate application from a high school counselor, SUNY Erie Admissions Office or Student Support Services Center. Complete this common admissions application, then send the application and fee to:
State University of New York
Application Processing Center
State University Plaza
Albany, NY 12246
Applicants may also apply directly to SUNY Erie by visiting the Admissions page and complete the application at no cost.
Once the application is mailed or submitted, you may await word from the SUNY Erie Admissions Office regarding the status of the application. Applicants will be notified as early as possible. On average a student will receive notification within 3-4 weeks once his/her file is complete with all the necessary documentation required for admission. All incoming students are required to take their determined placement test. Students who score at an inappropriate level on the placement test will be contacted by an SUNY Erie staff person to discuss available options. Location information for all SUNY Erie Admissions offices are as follows:
SUNY Erie City Campus
Admissions Office
45 Oak Street
Buffalo, NY 14203-2698
(716) 851-1155 
SUNY Erie North Campus
Admissions Office
6205 Main Street
Williamsville, NY 14221-7095
(716) 851-1455 
SUNY Erie South Campus
Admissions Office
4041 Southwestern Boulevard
Orchard Park, NY 14127-2199
(716) 851-1655 
(International Application)
SUNY Erie North Campus
International Student Office, G-128
6205 Main St.
Williamsville, NY 14221-7095
(716) 851-1359 
Certificate Programs
Students who plan to enroll full-time or part-time in a college certificate program must complete the same application process and requirements as students applying to a degree program.
With the option of choosing from numerous degree or certificate programs available during the day, evening, weekend or online, Erie Community College is the first choice among veterans in Western New York for job readiness training or beginning their education with the intention of transferring to a four-year institution.
To address the specific needs of reservists, veterans and their family members, faculty and staff are provided with ongoing training to ease the readjustment from service to scholar. In addition to the numerous support services available, each of the three campuses has a dedicated office staffed with a school certifying official to certify educational benefits under the GI Bill. Military transfer credits are also accepted and reviewed for possible credit towards degree completion. Scholarship opportunities are offered for veterans and additional grants may be obtained through the Financial Aid Office. A Veterans Leadership Council has been established to engage students, staff and faculty, and the community with camaraderie, information, and mentoring about benefits and services provided at the college and in the community.
Service Members Opportunity College
Erie Community College has been designated as an institutional member of the Service Members Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium, a group of more than 1,900 colleges and universities. As a SOC member, SUNY Erie recognizes the unique nature of the military lifestyle and has committed itself to easing the transfer of relevant course credits, providing flexible academic residency requirements and crediting learning from appropriate military training and experiences. SOC has been developed jointly by educational representatives of each of the Armed Services, the Office of the Secretary of Defense and from 13 to 15 leading national higher education associations. It is sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) and the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges (AACJC).
SUNY Erie has also been designated as a participating institution in the Concurrent Admissions Program (ConAP). Individuals entering the military service can receive a preliminary acceptance to the college and be guaranteed a space upon their discharge from active service. Information on both of these programs can be obtained by contacting the Veterans Affairs representative at any of the campuses.
International Students
To provide a smooth transition for the international student, Erie Community College provides international student advisers located in the International Student Services office at the North Campus in Williamsville, New York. Prior to class registration, the adviser will guide the student through the SUNY Erie application requirements and U.S. F-1 visa process, including the issuance of the I-20 A-B Certificate of Eligibility.
English Proficiency: Prior to an international student’s acceptance at the college, the applicant must demonstrate English proficiency by taking the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), and scoring a minimum of 48 internet-based (460 paper-based). An IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score of 5.5 is also acceptable.
- Attending South Campus: For acceptance into an academic program at SUNY Erie’s South Campus in Orchard Park, New York, TOEFL score must be 79 IBT (or equivalent) or higher; IELTS 6.5 or higher as there are no EAL courses available at South Campus.
- Canadians: Canadian citizens attending an English language high school do not require TOEFL or IELTS but will be required to take SUNY Erie’s English placement test.
Required English Classes: All students with a TOEFL score less than 79 internet-based (550 paper-based) or IELTS score less than 6.5 are mandated to take EN132 Reading/Writing III and EN142 Oral/Aural III during the first semester at SUNY Erie.
Mandatory Health Insurance: All F-1 international students will be billed separately for health/repatriation insurance offered through the college
Adequate Finances: International students must demonstrate that they can adequately finance their stay in the United States. Financial sponsor documentation is required with the SUNY Erie application and for the U.S. Embassy when applying for an F-1 student visa. Financial aid is not available for international students.
Employment - International students should budget their stay in the United States without employment, as employment opportunities are limited for F-1 international students, and are not guaranteed.
Student Housing: Erie Community College does not have on-campus student housing. International Student Services can assist you with locating housing options or you may obtain options through an internet search.
Matriculation: All F-1 international students must be admitted into an academic degree or certificate program.
Full-time Enrollment: All F-1 international students must maintain enrollment of at least 12 credit hours continuously throughout each entire semester. At least 9 credit hours must be in regular seated courses (not internet, hybrid, or distance learning courses). It is the student’s responsibility to abide by these regulations which must be treated seriously. Students not matriculated and maintaining full-time enrollment will be reported to the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) as out of status.
Application Process
Apply online at Submit the following documents to International Student Services:
- original high school diploma or graduation certificate - certified true copies also accepted with each page stamped and signed by the official. Regular copies or scans are not acceptable;
- original high school transcript showing classes taken and grades received - certified true copies also accepted with each page stamped and signed by the official. Regular copies or scans are not acceptable;
- proof of financial responsibility - signed letter on bank letterhead;
- proof of English language proficiency - TOEFL (48 or higher), IELTS (5.5 or higher);
- a copy of passport; and
- any other documents to support the application.
Transfer Students -must also include:
- copy of F-1 visa;
- copy of current I-20;
- official transcript from U.S. college or university; and
- transfer Eligibility Form.
Canadian Students - Canadians living within 75 mi (120 km) of the border may commute and attend part time. Canadian citizens attending an English language high school do not require TOEFL or IELTS but will be required to take SUNY Erie’s English placement test. Official SAT scores may waive the English or math portion of the Placement Test.
Document Mailing Address
All documents must be in English or accompanied by a notarized translation. Please send high school diploma and transcript and any translations by postal mail, courier service, or in person. Copies, faxes, and computer downloads are not acceptable and will delay application processing.
Erie Community College, North Campus
International Student Office
6205 Main Street, Room G-155
Williamsville, New York 14221-7095
Application Deadline: To allow sufficient time for verification, processing, and issuing the I-20 Certificate of Eligibility, the following are the preferred deadlines:
- Fall (September) Semester - June 30*
- Spring (January) Semester - November 30*
*Some academic programs such as Health Sciences (Dental Hygiene, Nursing, etc.) require advance submission of completed application. These programs are competitive, have limited enrollments, and may require pre-requisites. Acceptance is based on criteria such as grades and courses already taken. International Student Services does not guarantee acceptance into these programs. It is important to understand the conditions, dates, deadlines, and additional requirements for competitive, limited enrollment programs. For more information, visit Majors and Programs.
The student will be notified of acceptance after review and approval of application and all documents. Erie Community College will issue a letter of acceptance and an I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Non-immigrant (F-1) Student. There is a $200 fee to activate the I-20.
The student will need to apply for an F-1 visa at the U.S. Embassy in the home country. Prior to arriving in the United States, all international students (except Canadians) must obtain an F-1 visa. Canadian students do not need to apply for an F-1 visa. The I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Non-immigrant (F-1) Student is the document needed when crossing the Canada/United States border.
Transfer Students
A transfer student (anyone who has completed at least one course at another college) must follow the admissions procedure as outlined for new students enrolling in a degree or certificate program and must forward an official transcript of all his/her earlier college work to the Admissions Office.
Honors Program
The mission of Erie Community College’s Honors Program is to challenge academically talented students, providing them with an enriched Liberal Arts education in order to nurture learning, build character and promote leadership, ensuring that their undergraduate opportunity is an educationally rewarding experience.
To graduate with recognition from the Honors Program, students must complete at least three Honors courses and a capstone experience. Students will select three Honors-designated courses, with the option to take one Honors course in the student’s major area of study. The capstone experience may be an Honors Capstone Seminar course which focuses on the development of critical thinking skills, or an Honors capstone component added to an already existing class.
Some benefits of the program include: small Honors classes, working with peers who share an enthusiasm for learning, an opportunity to apply for a variety of scholarships and awards, publication and presentation opportunities, and undergraduate research opportunities.
Students may apply to the Erie Community College Honors Program at the time of their admission to the college, or in subsequent semesters. Although a student’s academic record is strongly considered in admitting students to the program, it is not the only consideration. Those students with the ability and a keen interest in education are also encouraged to apply. Admission to the program is through the Honors Coordinator, and a personal interview is recommended. Once accepted into the program, all Honors students must maintain at least a 3.25 GPA.
The Honors Program is open to both full- and part-time students in any degree program. Additional information can be obtained from the Honors Coordinator, the offices of the campus Assistant Academic Deans or from the Admissions Office.
Admissions - Special Programs
Articulation Agreements - earning college credit while still in high school
Articulation agreements allow students to earn college credit by successfully completing a course in high school. Articulation agreements are high school courses that equal entry level college courses. Articulation agreements are made between high school and college faculty to ensure a seamless academic transition from high school to college.
Advantage to Students
- Eliminates the duplication of learning.
- Reduces the required number of credit hours necessary to graduate from SUNY Erie.
- Enroll into a program at SUNY Erie with credits already completed in high school.
- Articulated credit is free and is awarded after the student is accepted at SUNY Erie.
How to Apply for Articulated Credit
- Maintain an 85 percent average in the high school course, complete the course and graduate from your high school.
- Complete the Articulation Credit/Reference form. Forms are available from high school teachers, guidance counselors, or by visiting SUNY Erie’s website at For more information call the Office of Transition Programs at (716) 270-2826
- Complete the SUNY Erie application online. Indicate on the application that you have been enrolled in a course in high school that may be eligible for credit. In addition, send the credit form, and a copy of your high school transcript to the SUNY Erie Admissions Office at the campus you plan to attend. Send the credit form and a copy of your high school transcript to the SUNY Erie Admissions Office at the campus you plan to attend.
- You will receive a letter from Admissions confirming your request for Articulation credit.
- Inform your adviser at registration about the course(s) you are eligible to receive credit for.
Office of Transition Programs
Our programs ease the transition from high school to college and support students throughout their course of study at Erie Community College:
- Assistance with high school articulation credit
- Summer programs to earn early college credit
- Information sessions and tours for students and their families
- Exploratory camps for students to explore technology programs
For more information, contact the Office of Transition Programs at (716) 270-2826 .
Current Articulation Agreements
Visit SUNY Erie’s website for a listing of agreements for each school.
High School
SUNY Erie Program
Buffalo Public Schools |
Architectural Technology |
Automotive Technology |
Building Management & Trades |
Business Administration |
Computer Aided Drafting/Design Technology |
Computer Repair Technology |
Construction Technology |
Early Childhood |
Electrical Engineering Technology |
Hotel Restaurant Management |
Informational Technology |
Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Office Management and Administration |
Telecommunications Technology |
Visual Communication Technology- Graphic Arts/Printing |
Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES |
Automotive Technology |
Automotive Trades/Autobody Repair |
Building Management & Trades |
Computer-Aided Drafting/Design Technology |
Criminal Justice |
Culinary Arts |
Early Childhood |
Electrical Engineering Technology |
Hotel Restaurant Management |
Medical Office Assistant |
Telecommunications |
Visual Communication Technology- Graphic Arts/Printing |
Cheektowaga |
Architectural Technology |
Biology Department |
Medical Office Assistant |
Eden |
Architectural Technology |
Erie 1 BOCES |
Automotive Technology |
Automotive Trades/Autobody Repair |
Building Management & Trades |
Computer Repair Technology |
Crime Scene Technology Certificate |
Criminal Justice |
Culinary Arts |
Dental Laboratory Technology |
Health, Physical Education & Recreation |
Hotel Restaurant Management |
Information Technology |
Medical Office Assistant |
Telecommunications Technology |
Visual Communications Technology- Graphic Arts/Printing |
Architectural Technology |
Automotive Technology |
Computer Aided Drafting/Design Technology |
Criminal Justice |
Culinary Arts |
Hotel Restaurant Management |
Industrial Technology |
Information Technology |
Telecommunications Technology |
Visual Communications Technology- Graphic Arts/Printing |
Genesee Valley BOCES |
Automotive Technology |
Culinary Arts |
Hotel Restaurant Management |
Visual Communications Technology- Graphic Arts/Printing |
Lackawanna |
Information Technology |
Office Management & Administration |
Lake Shore |
Computer Aided Drafting/Design Technology |
Office Management & Administration |
Telecommunications Technology |
Lancaster |
Office Management & Administration |
Lockport |
Computer Aided Drafting |
Computer Repair Technology |
Mechanical Engineering Technology |
Monroe 1 BOCES |
Automotive Trades/Autobody Repair |
Monroe 2 BOCES |
Automotive Trades/Autobody Repair |
Mount Vernon |
Automotive Technology |
Orleans/Niagara BOCES |
Automotive Technology |
Building Management/Building Trades |
Criminal Justice |
Culinary Arts |
Electrical Engineering Technology |
Industrial Technology |
Visual Communications Technology- Graphic Arts/Printing |
Orchard Park |
Architectural Technology |
Project Lead the Way Articulations
Project Lead the Way is a sequence of courses offered at the high school and BOCES centers for pre-engineering students. Erie Community College has articulation agreements with various high schools for Project Lead the Way. Visit SUNY Erie’s website for a listing of the courses offered. and click on Project Lead the Way.
SUNY Erie Academic Department |
Secondary School Courses |
Intro To Engineering/ Design (IED) |
Engineering Design (EDD) |
Digital Electronics (DE) |
Computer Manufacturing (CIM) |
Principles Engineering (POE) |
Civil Engineering Architecture (CEA) |
Computer Repair
- |
- |
CE 240/CE 241(4) |
- |
- |
- |
Architectural Tech |
AR 342 (3) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
AR 342(3) |
Computer Aided Design |
DF 106/DF 107 (8) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
-DF 490 (2) |
Electrical Eng Tech |
EL 113(3) |
- |
EL 156/EL 157 (4.5)** |
- |
- |
- |
Mechanical Eng Tech |
ME 250 (2) |
- |
- |
ME 208 (2) |
- |
- |
Computer Science |
- |
- |
CE 240/CE 241 (4) |
- |
- |
- |
Engineering Science |
ES 148/ES 149 (2) |
- |
- |
- |
ES 138 (1) |
- |
Civil Engineering Tech |
CI 326 (2) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Industrial Tech |
IT 115 (2) |
- |
Pick One Above |
- |
** EL 156/EL 157 students may have to take a proficiency exam in order to receive credit.
Dual/Joint Admissions Agreements
Erie Community College has entered into a number of Dual/Joint Admissions Agreements with area colleges.
Students planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree in selected areas may begin their program at SUNY Erie. Transfer of credit and entry to a parallel major at the four-year school is guaranteed following completion of an associates degree at SUNY Erie and the specific requirements, grade point average and/or required courses listed in the agreement.
Interested students must indicate their interest in Joint Admissions by the end of their first semester of attendance. (Transfer students are not eligible for this option.) The specific four-year unit and intended major must be included in the SUNY Erie application. Final acceptance will be verified upon receipt of an acceptance letter from the Admission Office of the four-year unit. There is a transfer counselor at each SUNY Erie campus who can further explain the program. Additional Joint admissions agreements are being negotiated. For more information, contact the SUNY Erie Campus Counseling Center. Students not accepted or eligible for the Joint Admissions Program can still transfer under the departmental articulation agreements listed in the charts below.
Listed below is a brief explanation of three main ways in which a student at SUNY Erie may transfer to another college. Should you have any questions with respect to transferring to another college that may not be addressed here, please visit a Student Support Services Center located at any one of our three campus locations.
- Major to major articulation agreement: This is an agreement between a specific major at SUNY Erie and a specific major at a four year college. This type of agreement informs students that a major taken at SUNY Erie is an appropriate match for the major a student intends on transferring into at the four year college. (example: an associate’s degree in math at SUNY Erie will count as the first two years of a statistics degree at college “X”).
- Course to course articulation agreement: This is an agreement between a particular department at SUNY Erie and a particular department at a four college. Both departments have agreed that a certain course taken at SUNY Erie will transfer as an equivalent match for a course at the four year college. (example: biology 107 taken at SUNY Erie will count as biology 110 at college “X”).
- Dual Admission articulation agreement (sometimes called joint admission): This is a special type of major to major articulation agreement for a ‘first time’ college student with no more than 30 credits already completed at SUNY Erie. Some benefits of dual admission include guaranteed* acceptance to the four-year college; access to four-year college advisers while attending SUNY Erie; and advance registration for the four year college while attending SUNY Erie.
* Acceptance to all four year college programs is always dependent upon meeting minimum grade point average requirements. Any questions relating to this information can be directed to a transfer counselor at one of our three campus locations.
Registration and Records
Student Records
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for all student records. These records are kept confidential and will be released upon approval of the campus registrar to appropriate faculty, administrators or federal, state or county officials.
Campus Registrars are located at the following:
City: |
45 Oak Street, Room 146C |
South: |
Room 5222 |
North: |
Room S-144 |
Student Mailings
Students are responsible to notify and ensure that their mailing address is kept current on the college data files maintained by the campus Registrar’s Office. Mail returned to the college as undeliverable will not be re-mailed. Returned mail will be forwarded to the office issuing the mail and will be held for 30 days, after which time it will be destroyed.
Dropping or Adding a Course
Officially known as Schedule Adjustment, the Drop/Add period allows the student to change his/her semester class schedule. The period begins on the first day of classes and runs through the fifth day.
All Classes Day and Evening Procedure
- Students should consult their academic adviser to determine which classes to change.
- Class changes can be made utilizing:
- WebAdvisor - log into WebAdvisor and click on the registration area and follow the prompts to make the change.
- Go to your department or the respective department of the course and have them process a change.
- Proceed to the Registrar’s Office and have them process the change.
- All course availability will show based on class capacity. Classes that are at capacity will not be overloaded.
- Copies of schedule/bills are only available in the Registrar’s Office and it is strongly advised that students obtain a copy of their schedule/bill from the Registrar’s Office once they have processed their change.
Remember: No registration transaction is complete until it is processed through the college’s computer system. Simply attending a class is not a method of official registration. Final grades will not be issued to anyone whose name does not appear on an official roster. It is ultimately the students’ responsibility to make sure that he or she is properly registered for a class.
Withdrawal from a Course
To withdraw from a course, request a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office or download from WebAdvisor. This form must be signed by the student and submitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
Remember: No registration transaction is complete until the Registrar’s Office receives the proper forms.
Official Enrollment/Attendance in a Course
Attending a class is not a method of official registration, and final grades will not be issued to anyone whose name does not appear on an official roster. Students who have never attended class within the first three weeks of instruction may be noted as “never attended” on the third-week roster and will be deleted from the course section by the registrar. These students will be financially liable according to New York State law.
Transfer of Credit
The term “transfer” refers to those courses and programs for which students expect to receive credit at any other college or university. All credits to be transferred are subject to review by the receiving institution.
Students who are currently enrolled or attended SUNY Erie may obtain transcripts either by sending a request to the Registrar’s Office or by visiting the office and filling out the available form. There is a $5 fee for an official transcript copy.
Confidentiality of Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:
- the right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the college receives a request for access.
Students should submit to the registrar, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The college official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the college official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed;
- the right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
Students may ask the college to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the college official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
If the college decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the college will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedure will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing;
- the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the college has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks; SUNY system Administration who have a legitimate educational interest.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Upon request, the college discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll; and
- the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
Student information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) established by the Department of Education on November 19, 1974. The regulation provides explicit directions governing the disclosure of student information. College Registrars are designated to be the holders of the cumulative academic record. As such, they are charged with the responsibility, other federal/state regulations and professional standards as set by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Offices (AACRAO).
Information regarding a student’s personal file should be disseminated to third parties only by the office responsible for the collection and maintenance of that information. With the advent of an integrated file system, student information is more readily accessible to faculty and staff. Each individual associated with Erie Community College has a responsibility to be conscious of the rights of students and a need to protect the appropriate office which collects and maintains the information before conveying verbally or in writing information about a student to a third party.
Students may elect to have withheld what is termed Directory Information. The registrars have on file the names of students who have requested that certain information not be released. Individuals may, should they convey information regarding a student to a third party, be in violation of Federal Regulation and a student’s right to privacy.
Public Notice Designating Directory Information
Erie Community College hereby designates the following categories of student information as public or directory information. Such information may be disclosed by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion:
- name, address, telephone number, dates of attendance,”from and to” and class;
- previous institution(s) attended, major field of study, awards, honors (includes dean’s list) and degree(s) conferred including dates; and
- past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors (height, weight of athletes).
Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of any category of information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received in the campus Registrar’s Office by October 1/February 1. Non-disclosure of information will commence immediately thereafter and be effective until September 30 of the following year. Written notification to withhold disclosure must be made each academic year. SUNY Erie assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of categories of directory information by the deadline date indicates individual approval for disclosure.
Application for Graduation
Students are responsible for securing and submitting graduation application forms to the Registrar’s Office at least three months prior to graduation.
NOTE: Students must ensure that all degree requirements for graduation have been met, and students who fail to apply for graduation will not be certified as a graduate.
Cross Registration Information
Restrictions: Up to Six (6) credit hours including lab and is on a space available basis. Any other class or classes that are registered for are the responsibility of the student. STUDENTS MUST PROVE PERMANENT RESIDENCY in New York State for 12 months & Erie County for the 6 months prior to the start of the semester, and provide an Out-of-County Certificate if the student’s residency is out of Erie County, but in New York State. All Out-of- County residents “must” supply a certificate of residence to the Student Account Services’ office by October 1st or February 15th depending on the semester for which they are registered in order to have the Out-of-County charge waived. October for Fall and February for Spring.
Classes that the College offers “off-site” are not eligible for Cross Registration. Cross registered Students that register previous to the published dates will not be honored as cross registered students and the tuition will not be deferred. All course-related fees in excess of tuition are the responsibility of the student (e.g., lab fees etc.)
Procedurally a student must first go to the Admissions office or become a student using the web at Once a student is in the system, they must register with the Registrar’s office and submit the Cross Registration form supplied to them by their home college. If a student does not submit the cross registration form at the time of registration the student will be billed for the course. Students that drop below full time status at their home institution become responsible for tuition.
Tuition and Fees
*Tuition and fees are subject to change upon approval of the SUNY Erie Board of Trustees and the SUNY Board of Trustees
College Costs
Students should carefully examine the following chart on tuition and fees. While analyzing the costs involved, students should:
- keep in mind that many funding sources are available to help finance his/her education (see the section that follows); and
- remember that excessive part-time employment may jeopardize his/her ability to do well in coursework.
New York State residents who are residents of the sponsorship area, or non-residents of the sponsorship area who present a Certificate(s) of Residence:
Full-Time (per academic year) |
$ 4,900.00 |
Part-Time (per credit hours)
$ 205.00 |
New York State residents who are not residents of the sponsorship area and do not present a Certificate(s) of Residence: |
Full-Time (per academic year)
$ 9,800.00 |
Part-Time (per credit year)
$ 410.00 |
Non-New York State Residents: |
Full-Time (per academic year)
$ 9,800.00 |
Part-Time (per credit hour)
$ 410.00 |
Off Semester, Off Hour, Off Campus |
Part-Time (per credit hour)
$ 69.00 |
Tuition Deposits: |
$ 0.00 |
$ 0.00 |
Student Service Fees: Specify each fee and the rate per academic year for full-time students and the rate per semester or quarter, credit hour for part-time students.
Collection Fee (% of amount owed) |
30% |
Clinical Rotation Fee (Per Clinical Class) |
$ 25.00 |
EVOC Defensive Driving Fee |
$ 400.00 |
Industrial Refrigeration Fee |
$ 130.00 |
International Student Admin. Fee (per semester) |
$ 150.00 |
I.D. Card Replacement Fee (per card) |
$ 10.00 |
International Students Health Insurance* (per year) |
$ 600.00 |
Lab Fee (per lab) |
$ 80.00 |
Late Payment Fee (not to exceed/semester) |
$ 50/$100 |
Life Experience Assessment Program up to 6 hours |
$ 70.00 |
Life Experience Assessment Program over 6 hours |
per credit $ 25.00 |
Malpractice Insurance* (not to exceed/year) |
$ 75.00 |
Tuition Installment Plan Fee (per semester) |
$ 75.00 |
Transportation Fee (per semester) |
$ 75.00 |
Transportation Fee (for any summer session) |
$ 35.00 |
Transportation CRAM Pass Replacement Fee |
$ 20.00 |
Returned Check Fee |
$ 20.00 |
Student Accident Insurance* |
$ 12.00 |
Telecourse Fee - Distance Learning Fee (per credit hour) |
$ 25.00 |
Transcript Fee |
$ 5.00 |
Technology Fee (per credit hour) |
$ 14.00 |
Pole-Climbing Safety Gear Fee |
$ 300.00 |
Printing Overage Black/White Fee per page |
$ 0.05 |
Printing Overage Color Fee per page |
$ 0.25 |
Re-registration Fee (if cancelled due to late payment) |
$ 50.00 |
Registration Fee (per semester) |
$ 30.00 |
Refrigeration Handling Certification Fee |
$ 25.00 |
Dental Hygiene Professional Membership |
$75.00 |
*Nursing Test/Evaluation Fee (per semester) |
$ 175.00
Application Processing Fee |
$ 25.00 |
Copying Fee per page |
$ 0.15 |
START New Student Orientation Fee |
$ 50.00 |
Independent Study Fee |
$ 30.00 |
*Dependent upon premium charged to SUNY Erie
- Residents of New York State outside of Erie County must submit a Certificate of Residence to the SUNY Erie Student Account Services’ office each year prior to registration. The Certificate of Residence is obtained from the treasurer of the student’s home county. When received, tuition will be lowered to the resident rate, if received prior to the start of the semester.
- Lab fees and distance learning fees are assessed on a course-by-course basis.
- Due to the fluctuating nature of insurance premiums, specific programs may require additional payment.
- A $50 re-registration fee is added if your bill is not paid by the due date and you re-register after cancellation. Students who do not have tuition and fees paid or deferred by the due date may have their registration cancelled.
- A $30 registration fee is added to anyone who registers after advance registration.
- All international students must have International Student Health Insurance or equivalent. Cost may fluctuate depending on age and current insurance rates.
Canceling Students for Non-Payment of Tuition and Fees
During the registration process, the College sets a payment due date for students who have pre-registered for classes which is before the start of the semester. The following procedures will be followed in canceling students for non-payment of tuition and fees and applying payments.
- All students will be notified prior to the due date that their registration will be cancelled unless the full amount is covered by one or more of the following:
A. Approved financial aid
B. Enrollment in the Tuition Installment Plan (TIP)
C. Financial Aid deferment
D. Full Payment
- Any student who registers after the cancellation date and whose liability is not covered by approved financial aid, a financial aid deferment, third party sponsorship, or paid in full, will automatically be placed in the Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) and automatically be charged the TIP fee unless they officially drop their courses by the published liability date (Fall and Spring Terms).
- Any student enrolled in the Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) who fails to make timely payments will have their courses canceled and will be financially liable for tuition and fees in the amount stated in the College’s refund policy.
- Students who register after the payment due date will be assessed a late registration fee.
- All financial aid, including loan payments, will be applied first to the outstanding amount due for tuition and fees before any funds are disbursed directly to the student. A waiver from this “First Monies In Policy” will be made available to students to meet certain guidelines and procedures as proposed by the College administration.
Student Payments
For your convenience, student payments can be made 24 hours a day at SUNY Erie’s Web page, Click on the drop down menu titled Quick Links. Find the option WebAdvisor to pay your bill. Type in your credit card information and the payment is instantly made. SUNY Erie currently accepts MasterCard, Visa or Discover card. All students can log in to WebAdvisor to find their information regarding billing, payments and financial aid. If you feel that there are any problems with billing or fees, fill out a billing dispute form, located at Upon receipt of your letter, Student Account Services will review your account.
Monthly Payment Options
SUNY Erie offers an Automatic Payment Plan which allows students to pay for college tuition and fees in a convenient monthly payment. The cost of this plan is $75 per semester.
Automatic Payment Plan
Disclaimer: The amount of money that a student owes (student balance) is based on the number of credit hours that a student has registered for as well as any fees that apply. The actual billing amount is based on the results of the student’s current registration less any certified financial aid that might apply. The aforementioned amount may be different from your web information as it offers the most accurate account information that coincides with the actual registered credit hours. Payment arrangements will adjust with any changes that a student makes to their schedules. As changes (registrations less certified financial aid) are made to an account, the service provider, Nelnet will contact the plan participant as to how this affects their payment amount.
Please note if your pending financial aid exceeds your tuition and fees the financing amount will be “0” and you are not required to join a plan at this time.
- Easy online enrollment
- Monthly payment plan
- No interest
- Up to four months of payments
Payment Methods
- Automatic bank payment (ACH)
- Credit/debit card
Procedures for Enrollment
- To enroll in the payment plan, go to Automatic Payment Plan ( Enter in your student ID number for your username. If this is the first time you are visiting the site, enter your six digit date of birth with the slashes (mm/dd/yy) for your password. If you have forgotten your student ID number, please contact the Help Desk at or call (716) 851-1835
 . Then select a term from the pull-down menu and click on the Calculate Tuition button.
- Click the e-Cashier link to begin the enrollment process. Read the instructions and click on the Proceed button.
- Complete the Personal Information form and click on the Proceed button.
- Complete the Account Information page and click on the Proceed button.
- Carefully review the Final Review and the Terms and Conditions. If you agree to the Agreement Statement, select the Submit and Activate button. Print a copy of your agreement for your personal records.
e-Cashier Availability
Availability of e-Cashier is determined by Erie Community College. Please be aware the college may elect not to have e-Cashier available during specific times and dates during registration.
My FACTS Account
My FACTS Account is a service provided which enables you to view the current status of your payment plan. Once you complete your payment plan through e-Cashier, you will receive instructions to set up your My FACTS Account.
Balance Adjustments
Please do not assume your balance will automatically be adjusted if financial aid is received or a class is dropped or added. You should review your agreement balance online through My FACTS Account or contact Student Account Services at (716) 851-1888 to confirm the change.
Cost to Participate
- $75 enrollment fee per semester (ACH and credit/debit card).
- $25 fee if a payment is returned.
Summary of Important Factors Related to Tuition and Fees:
Certainly, one of the first things that individuals considering the benefits of Erie Community College notice is the reasonable price for a high quality education. Pertinent financial information follows:
- Registration Cancellation: Students who do not have their tuition and fees completely paid or deferred by the due date MAY have their registration cancelled. Students who register and are cancelled during the first week of classes will be assessed tuition liability.
- Financial Responsibility: Applicants should be financially prepared to pay tuition and meet other expenses incurred during any year of study.
- Collection Costs: Students whose accounts are turned over to a collection agency will be liable for these additional costs. The cost will vary depending on the amount of the debt. The current mark-up will be approximately 30 percent. These accounts may be referred to credit bureaus.
- Due Date: Students who complete registration must pay all tuition and fees by the due date on the bill. Failure to pay tuition on time may result in cancellation. Students who register and are cancelled during the first week of classes will be assessed tuition liability.
- First Monies: Erie Community College will deduct unpaid tuition from first monies received.
Liability: Registration for a course(s) constitutes full financial liability. FAILURE TO ATTEND CLASS(ES) FOR WHICH A STUDENT HAS REGISTERED DOES NOT ABSOLVE HIM OR HER FROM FINANCIAL LIABILITY. The formal withdrawal or drop process must be followed.
- Financial Obligations: Students who have not met prior financial obligations to the college will not able to register or receive any academic records. This includes transcripts official, unofficial, or student copy, as well as grade reports.
- Consortium Agreements: Tuition for students with Consortium Agreements is due in full by the due date indicated on the registration bill.
- Accident Insurance: Full-time students are automatically charged for a mandatory Accident Insurance Plan that covers unpaid medical/surgical expenses, up to a maximum of $2,500 in the event of most types of accidental injuries that occur either on or off-campus.
- Medical Malpractice Insurance: Medical Malpractice insurance is mandatory of all students with client contact (full or part time) in the following Health Sciences curricula: Alcohol Counseling, Child Care, Dental Hygiene, Dental Lab, Dietetic Technology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Ophthalmic Dispensing, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Emergency Medical Technology, Medical Office Assistant, Medial Lab Technology, Biomedical Equipment Technology and Substance Abuse Counseling. This fee will be billed and is non-refundable.
- Immunization: Please note that according to NYS Public Health Law, no institution shall permit any student to attend the institution in excess of 30 calendar days if not in compliance with the public health laws.
- Tuition, fees, and book costs incurred by the student will not be refunded as a result of imposition of New York State Public Health Law 2165 and/or 2167 sanctions.
- Tuition fees and book costs incurred by the students will not be refunded as a result of the imposition of the Public Health Law sanctions.
- Tuition Refunds: To receive a tuition refund, a student must complete the formal withdrawal process either in the campus Registrar’s Office or the campus Counseling Center. A Chart follows which illustrates the time frame for withdrawals and the percentages of tuition refund.
Withdrawal Date
Before the 1st day of instruction |
100% |
(Fall or Spring semester) |
During the 1st week of instruction |
100% |
(Fall or Spring semester) |
During the 2nd week of instruction |
50% |
(Fall or Spring semester) |
During the 3rd week of instruction |
25% |
(Fall or Spring semester) |
After the 3rd week of instruction |
0% |
(Fall or Spring semester) |
NOTE: Summer and Winter semester courses must be dropped prior to the first day of instruction to avoid 100 percent financial liability.
Students should also note the bulleted points below.
- The first day of classes is the day the semester begins.
- All student fees are non-refundable.
- Summer school refunds will be granted only if a drop is processed prior to the first day of instruction.
- Refunds will reach students approximately eight weeks after the start of classes.
- Legal permanent residents; applicants who are U.S. Visa status of Legal Permanent Residents in the United States must meet state and local residency requirements in order to have their tuition reduced to the in-county rate. All students with a legal non-immigrant U.S. Visa status pay double tuition. Exceptions are for refugee or asylum U.S. Visa holders in legal status. These individuals are considered residents of Erie County as long as they have not resided for a time in a state other than New York and will be charged the in-county tuition rate. Status questions should be directed to the campus Registrar. An individual college registrant will be considered an Erie County resident and be charged in-county tuition rates when that individual is determined to be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident and to have had a New York State domicile (i.e., a permanent and principal home in New York) for a 12-month (six months of which must be in Erie County) durational period prior to registration. Persons who do not meet this twelve-month and six-month durational requirement will be presumed to be out-of-county residents and will be charged out-of-county tuition rates unless satisfactory proof is presented to show that domicile in Erie County has, in fact, been established. Proof of domicile is based upon official Erie County and New York records provided by the individual and other New York State records. Factors relevant to a determination of domicile include New York State Income Tax Forms; New York State vehicle registration or driver’s license; Federal Income Tax Form; deed to real New York State property; marriage license issued in the State of New York; and proof of receiving Social Services Benefits from Erie County.
- Legal Permanent Resident students: In-county tuition (single tuition) is only afforded to a U.S. citizen or a Permanent Resident card holder that meet state and county guidelines (an established permanent and principal residence in New York State for on-year, the last six months in Erie County). The one year qualification must be one full year previous to the beginning of the semester for which single tuition is being considered.
Documentation for proof of residency is limited to “official” items such as license and taxes and must be dated in order to establish the beginning of the student’s claim for permanence in the state and county. For a U.S. Visa status Legal Permanent Resident card holder, residency date begins “Resident since mm/dd/yy” on the date indicated on the Legal Permanent Resident card.
All students with a legal non-immigrant U.S. Visa status pay double tuition. Exceptions are for refugee or asylum U.S. Visa holder in legal status.
Out-of-County Residents
All Students residing outside of Erie County must provideStudent Account Services with an out-of-county certificate. Failure to do so will result in double tuition being charged. Certificates can be obtained from the student’s County Treasurer. Certificates must be renewed yearly and filed before the start of the semester of enrollment.
Out-of-County Form and Instructions
For out-of-county instructions and the application form for an out-of-county certificate, visit Student Account Services’ Web page at
International Students
International students are not eligible for the Tuition Installment Plan (TIP). Mandatory health and repatriation insurance is required of all international students on an SUNY Erie I-20 Certificate of Eligibility. The fee for coverage will be billed to the student in the beginning of each semester.
Repayment Policy
A student who withdraws, drops out, or is expelled may be required to repay financial aid that was given directly to the student as a cash disbursement to cover living expenses. Living expenses are a student’s educational costs above and beyond the amount the school charges to the student for tuition and fees. A student’s living expenses include items such as room and board allowances, books/supplies, transportation, child card and miscellaneous expenses. If the student’s living expenses incurred up to the time of total withdrawal/drop exceed the amount of cash disbursed, the student has not been underpaid. However, if the cash disbursement was greater than the student’s living expenses up to the withdrawal/drop from some classes but continue to be enrolled in other classes. Only students who have completely withdrawn or dropped and have received cash back for living expenses may owe a repayment. See the Financial Aid Office for details.
Pro Rata Refund and Title IV
Portion of unearned aid credited to student account must be refunded if a student who receives the title IV aid withdraws prior to the end of the ninth week of classes. Unearned aid (paid as a refund) to cover cost must be repaid by the student and then returned to the sources of financial aid.