Feb 12, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Policies

SUNY Erie Community College employs a wide range of academic policies. Some of these policies are described more fully elsewhere in the catalog. This page is intended to provide immediate access to all policies that impact students.

Policy Title Responsible
College Administrator
Effective or Revised Date
Academic Forgiveness Policy Provost and Executive Vice President 9/26/2019
Adjudication Hearing Board Policy Provost and Executive Vice President 10/29/2020
Admissions Policy VP of Enrollment Management 1/30/2020
Admissions-International Students Provost and Executive Vice President 12/14/2017
Anti-Hazing Policy Provost and Executive Vice President 2/7/2019
Athletic Participation Policy VP of Enrollment Management 4/25/2019
Student Schedule Cancellation for Non-Payment EVP for Administration & Finance 6/28/2018
Code of Student Conduct Policy Provost and Executive Vice President 9/27/2018
Consensual/Romantic Relationship Policy VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion 3/28/2019
Course Prerequisites and Waivers Provost and Executive Vice President 8/31/2017
Disciplinary Dismissal Review Policy VP of Enrollment Management 1/30/2020
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion 2/7/2019
Faculty, Staff and Student Particpation in Institutional Governance Provost and Executive Vice President 9/03
under review
Freedom of Expression and Assembly Policy AVP of Facilities & Security 6/29/2017
Grades and Academic Standing Grading System Provost and Executive Vice President 2/89, 9/00
under review
Individualized Instruction Provost and Executive Vice President 1/30/2020
Information Technology Systems Acceptable Use Policy   3/31/2017
Interim Suspension Policy Provost and Executive Vice President 8/30/2018
Mandatory Reporting and Prevention of Child Sexual or Physical Abuse VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion 9/26/2019
Micro-Credentials Policy Provost and Executive Vice President revised 3/25/2021
No Contact Orders Provost and Executive Vice President 9/27/2018
Non-Discrimination VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion under review
Online Bill of Rights Provost and Executive Vice President 6/29/2017
Placement Testing Policy (renamed from Admissions, Placement Testing & Advisement) VP Enrollment Management 4/87, 6/88, 9/00
under review
Preferred Name Policy VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion
Provost and Executive Vice President
Privacy Policy   9/27/2018
Reasonable Request Policy Provost and Executive Vice President 8/30/2018
Recognition of Transfer and Prior Learning Credits Provost and Executive Vice President 8/30/2018
Religion and National Origin VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion 1/04
under review
Repeat of a Course Provost and Executive Vice President 12/14/2017
Sexual Harassment Policy VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion 11/16/2018
under review
Sexual Misconduct Policy VP Human Resources, Equity & Inclusion 3/08/2019
under review
Standards for Probation and Dismissal Provost and Executive Vice President 4/26/2018
Standards of Eligibility - Student Leadership Positions and Athletes Provost and Executive Vice President 8/29/2019
Student Complaint Policy Non-Academic Provost and Executive Vice President 10/29/2020
Student Credit Hour Enrollment Cap Per Term Provost and Executive Vice President 5/31/2018
Student Grievance of Academic Decisions Provost and Executive Vice President 9/27/2018
Student Immunization Policy Provost and Executive Vice President 9/27/2018
Student Transfer Credit Policy Provost and Executive Vice President revised 3/25/2021
Tuition Liability & Refund VP of Enrollment Management 10/26/2017