Mar 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

BI 152 - Anatomy and Physiology II

Credit Hours: 3

This course is a continuation of BI 150. A study is made of the structure and function of the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Fluid and electrolyte balance is also studied.

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:


  • define an endocrine gland and list the endocrine glands of the body;
  • classify hormones as amino acid based or steroids;
  • define the term hormone and explain the mechanism of hormonal action;
  • locate the major endocrine glands in the body, state their hormones and give the action of each hormone; and
  • identify the disorders associated with hypersecretions and hyposecretions of hormones.



  • state the functions, characteristics and components of blood;
  • describe the process of hematopoiesis;
  • state the steps and major factors involved with the clotting process; and
  • describe blood typing and blood disorders.

Heart and Blood Vessels

  • locate major structures of the heart and trace pathway of blood through the heart;
  • describe the characteristics of cardiac muscle tissue;
  • explain the phases of the cardiac cycle in terms of pressure changes in the chambers;
  • describe the electrical conduction system of the heart;
  • describe the regulation of heart rate;
  • identify major disorders by description; and
  • state the major structural and functional characteristics of arteries, veins and capillaries.

Cardiovascular Physiology and Circulatory Routes

  • state the formula for cardiac output and calculate cardiac outputs from data supplied;
  • state the formula for blood pressure and identify the factors affecting and controlling blood pressure;
  • list the methods by which venous blood is returned to the heart;
  • differentiate between pulmonary and systemic circulation;
  • locate and identify major blood vessels of the cardiovascular system; and
  • describe fetal circulation and the changes required after birth.


  • identify the major vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system;
  • trace the lymph flow from the capillary bed to its entry into the cardiovascular system; and
  • identify the other major organs of the lymphatic system, their structure, location and function.


  • identify the major structures of the respiratory system;
  • describe the mechanism of breathing and gas exchange;
  • identify lung volumes and their capacities;
  • describe the transport of gases in the blood; and
  • identify major disorders by description.


  • describe the histology of the alimentary tube;
  • describe the structures of the digestive tract and trace the route taken, by food down this tract;
  • describe the location and function of the accessory organs of digestion; and
  • state the major sites of digestion, and enzyme activity in the hydrolysis of foods.


  • locate and identify the major structures of the urinary system;
  • identify the internal and external structures of the kidney;
  • identify the microscopic anatomy of the nephron;
  • trace a drop of blood from the renal artery to the renal vein;
  • describe the process of filtration, reabsorption and secretion;
  • state the factors controlling urine output and identify normal components of urine; and
  • identify major disorders by description.


  • describe the fluid compartments of the body;
  • identify adjustments to fluid balance;
  • identify the factors affecting acid-base balance; and
  • describe the effect of buffers, respiratory and renal influences in correcting acid-base balance.


  • identify the major male and female reproductive structures;
  • define and describe gametogenesis., fertilization, and implantation;
  • describe the action of male and female hormones; and
  • identify major disorders by description.

Prerequisites: BI 150
Concurrent Registration: BI 153
F/S (C, N, S)