Jan 24, 2025
EN 111 - Composition and Interpretation of Literature Credit Hours: 3
A course designed to assist the student in understanding and appreciating fiction, drama, and poetry. Stress will be placed on oral and written criticism.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- recognize and utilize the major elements of a short story: style, character, setting, point of view, plot, structure, and theme;
- demonstrate, in oral discussion and writing, an awareness of various poetic structures including stanzaic structures, types of rhyme, types of meter, and grammatical structures employed in poetry;
- utilize poetic forms effectively;
- demonstrate, orally and in writing, critical skills and appreciation for superior creative writing; and
- demonstrate, through journal writing, readings, and discussion, the development of a beginning understanding of aesthetics.
Prerequisites: EN 110 or EN 120 or permission of the instructor. F/S (C, N, S)