OT 219 - Disabilities of Development & Aging Credit Hours: 3
Study of disabilities associated with the development and aging processes including congenital and acquired conditions. Students will be exposed to etiology, assessment, OT treatment theories and modalities and prognoses. Service delivery environments will also be presented including personnel, documentation, roles and responsibilities and regulations.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- explain the term developmental disability, including:
- the legal criteria for developmental disability designation; and
- social and cultural implications of developmental disability labels.
- describe common developmental disabilities such as intellectual disabilities, neuromuscular disorders, learning disabilities, pervasive developmental disorders, and developmental vision and hearing impairments including:
- definition and terminology;
- common characteristics and associated conditions;
- etiology;
- impact on motor, process, communication/interaction skills development throughout the lifespan;
- impact on performance areas of occupation throughout the lifespan;
- impact on performance patterns and contexts throughout the lifespan;
- assessment; and
- general treatment and support interventions.
- explain common theories and approaches utilized in occupational therapy intervention in pediatrics, school-based, and developmental disability areas of practice such as neurodevelopmental and motor learning approaches, sensory-based approaches, and behavior-based including:
- principles and concepts;
- examples of interventions;
- impact on function; and
- diagnoses and conditions where such approaches are applied.
- demonstrate task analysis in areas of occupation, performance skills, performance patterns, activity demands, contexts and environments, and client factors to implement the intervention;
- gather and share data for the purpose of evaluating the client’s occupational performance in occupations to include an occupational profile, client factors (including values, beliefs, spirituality, and body functions), performance patterns, and contexts and environments;
- provide development, remediation, and compensation for physical, mental, cognitive, perceptual, neuromuscular, behavioral skills, and sensory;
- devise creative evidence-based intervention plans (goals and objectives) and strategies appropriate to age, culture, disability, and stated needs/goals, which will quality of life, well-being, and function in work, self-care, or play/leisure performance areas, based on developmental disability treatment theories and principles presented in class (i.e. neuro-developmental and motor learning approaches, sensory-based approaches, behavior-based approaches);
- implement intervention strategies to remediate and/or compensate for cognitive deficits that affect occupational performance;
- describe the varied roles, responsibilities, and common activities of occupational therapy assistant practitioners in school-based, residential, clinical, transitional, and vocational settings, including emerging and non-traditional areas of practice, and roles of educator, practitioner, and research assistant;
- explain the relationships (including collaborative and consultative aspects) between occupational therapy personnel and other personnel within rehabilitation, medical, education, wellness, and other service;
- understand and promote the use of appropriate home and community programming to support performance in the client’s natural environment and participation in all relevant to the client;
- demonstrate the ability to educate the client, caregiver family, and service providers to facilitate skills in areas of occupation as well as prevention, health maintenance, and safety;
- promote occupational therapy by educating other professionals, service providers, consumers, and the public;
- teach compensatory strategies, such as the use of technology, and adaptions to the environment that support performance, participation, and well-being;
- summarize the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and other laws and regulations and their influence on the contexts of education, healthcare, and service systems including:
- write to an appropriate education for all individuals with disabilities;
- role of the individual and family in planning services;
- related services;
- early intervention services;
- transition services; and
- response to intervention.
- outline the components of the Individualized Education (IEP) and explain its impact on occupational therapy assessment, treatment, re-assessment, documentation, as well as collaborative, consultative, and direct service roles of the occupational therapy practitioner;
- summarize New York State regulations on identifying and reporting cases of child abuse and neglect including:
- definition of child abuse and neglect;
- signs of abuse or neglect;
- social and cultural values related to child rearing;
- process of reporting suspected abuse or neglect; and
- role and responsibility of the mandated reporter.
- use professional literature to make evidenced-based practice decisions in collaboration with the occupational therapist;
- describe local community facilities available that available to house, train, educate, employ, enhance well-being, and restore function of elderly individuals with disabilities;
- describe restraint-free environment and mechanisms for preventing falls and injuries within treatment and care facilities;
- describe treatment, wellness and health interventions for aging populations including:
- contracture screenings and assessments;
- therapeutic positioning; and
- sensory.
- describe components utilized in the documentation of geriatric occupational therapy services related to:
- describe common disorders related to aging that impact sensory, motor, cognitive/process, communication/interaction skills development.
Prerequisites: OT 120, OT 150, OT 160, PS 100, PS 202 Corequisites: OT 218 F (N)