Mar 14, 2025
RA 100 - Radiotherapy Technology I Credit Hours: 3
During this course, the student gains orientation to the principles underlying radiation therapy treatments, radiation oncology, professional ethics, and duties of a radiation therapist. Appropriate handling of the radiation patient from clinical, ethical, and technical points of view.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- prepare the radiation treatment room;
- identify both machine and personnel radiation safety procedures;
- differentiate between benign and metastatic neoplasms and identify their characteristics;
- identify short-term and long-term radiation effects and tissue tolerances;
- differentiate between various regulatory bodies; and
- explain patient rights and ethical conduct as a radiation therapist.
Corequisites: RA 101 F (C)
Three (3) 50-minute classes per week for 15 weeks.