Mar 14, 2025
RA 120 - Radiotherapy Technology II Credit Hours: 3
Designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the following: medical terminology; radiographic imaging theory and methods; nutrition; emphasis on radiation therapy treatment planning; and dose calculations. Topics include quality assurance, treatment charts, alignment devices, and patient contours.
Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- describe the discovery and history of X-rays;
- identify the components of an x-ray machine, cassette, and intensifying screen;
- list and describe the treatment and imaging modalities used in cancer management;
- identify the components of tumor classification and staging system;
- define such terms as tissue tolerance, lethal dose, therapeutic ratio, fractionation, radiosensitivity, palliation, and isocenter;
- state the content and purpose of the radiotherapy prescription;
- distinguish between the three sources of radiation used for external beam radiation;
- identify the components of a linear accelerator and their function; and
- perform basic radiation therapy calculations.
Prerequisites: RA 100 Corequisites: RA 102 S (C)
Three (3) 50-minute classes per week for 15 weeks.